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Climate maps

US 50 states Köppen.svg
US 50 states Köppen
Average Annual High Temperature of the United States
Average precipitation in the lower 48 states of the USA
Record 1 day precipitation by USA county 1979 - 2011
Tornado Alley
Improved Average Annual Tornado Reports

Natural resources maps

US map - rivers and lakes3
Dams in the United States 2006
Major US Aquifers by Rock Type
Wind power potential map
Us coal regions 1996
Surface Coal Mines in the US
Underground Coal Mines in the US
US coal production by coal-producing region, 2010
U.S. annual coal production by basin, 2014-2018 (31930259427)
Total oil mean 08 0001
Shale natural gas map of United States
Map of US uranium reserves
US copper mine locations 2003

Energy maps

Power plants map
Capacity and utilization rate of U.S. natural gas processing plants in the Lower 48 states in 2017 (47256154792)
Natural gas pipelines map
Proposed US LNG Export Terminals 24-4-2012
NRC regions and plant locations 2008
U.S. nuclear power plants that have retired or announced retirement (30803778078)
US Nuclear Power Plant Status 9-2013
U.S. Installed Wind Power Capacity-2015
Distribution of wind power plants in U.S
Hydroelectric dams map
U.S. utility-scale fixed-tilt solar photovoltaic electricity generating capacity in 2017 (44840888834)

Transportation maps

Tonnage on highways, railroads, and inland waterways
Map of current Interstates
Map of current US Routes
North America Passenger Trains
High Speed Railroad Map of the United States 2013
Inland waterway
Ports ranked by tonnage
US container ports
Container ship routes to America
US Overflight Fee Map


  • Item

Administrative Maps

The United Kingdom is composed of four parts: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Map of the administrative geography of the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom's cities, other large centres, and selected smaller places
Map of the UK, overseas territories and crown dependencies at the same geographic scale
United Kingdom maritime claims.png
United Kingdom maritime claims
Map of population density in the UK as at the 2011 census.

Physical Maps

Satellite image of the United Kingdom
NASA VIIRS, indicating population centres of the British Isles
UK's topography
An image showing the geological shelf of the British Isles.
The British Isles in relation to the north-west European continental shelf.

Climate Maps

Köppen climate types of the UK

Environmental Maps

National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Scenic Areas in the UK as of 2010 (before the creation of the South Downs National Park which replaced the East Hampshire and Sussex Downs AONBs, amongst other changes)[dubious – discuss]

Natural Resources Maps

Solar potential in the UK and on the European continent (different colour scale)
Coalfields of the United Kingdom in the 19th century
North Sea Oil and Gas Fields
Distribution of Principal Industrial Mineral Workings

Agriculture Maps

Hardiness zones in the British Isles. Based on the USDA system and used to indicate growing conditions for plants.

Energy Maps


Transportation Maps

Current railway lines in Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man are shown in black, heritage (tourist) lines in green, metro lines in red and former routes in light blue.
Overview map of the North-South main lines in the UK
UK motorways in 2016   M-designated motorway   under construction   Upgraded A-road designation   under reconstruction
The National Cycle Network on OpenStreetMap
Map showing canals of the British Isles. Canals in orange, rivers in blue, streams in grey.

Cultural Maps


Crystal structure

Element Type Symbol Atomic number Atomic weight (amu) Density (g/cm^3) Crystal structure at 20° C Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm) Melting point (°C)
Hydrogen Non metal H 1 1.008 0.154 -259
Helium Noble gas He 2 4.003 -272 (at 26 atm)
Lithium Alkali metal Li 3 6.94 0.534 BCC 0.152 0.068 181
Beryllium Alkaline earth metal Be 4 9.012 1.85 HCP 0.114 0.035 1278
Boron Metalloid B 5 10.81 Rhomb. 0.023 2300
Carbon Non metal C 6 12.011 2.25 Hex. 0.071 -0.016 (sublimes at 3367)
Nitrogen Non metal N 7 14.007 0.01--0.02 -209.9
Oxygen Non metal O 8 16 0.14 -218.4
Fluorine Non metal F 9 19 0.133 -220
Neon Noble gas Ne 10 20.18 -248.7
Sodium Alkali metal Na 11 22.99 0.971 BCC 0.186 0.102 98
Magnesium Alkaline earth metal Mg 12 24.31 1.74 HCP 0.16 0.072 649
Aluminum Post transition metal Al 13 26.98 2.71 FCC 0.143 0.053 660.4
Silicon Metalloid Si 14 28.09 2.33 Dia.cubic 0.118 0.04 1410
Phosphorus Non metal p 15 30.97 1.82 Ortho. 0.109 0.035 44.1
Sulfur Non metal S 16 32.06 2.07 Ortho. 0.106 0.184 113
Chlorine Non metal Cl 17 35.45 0.181 -101
Argon Noble gas Ar 18 39.95 -189.2
Potassium Alkali metal K 19 39.1 0.862 BCC 0.231 0.138 63
Calcium Alkaline earth metal Ca 20 40.08 1.55 FCC 0.197 0.1 839
Titanium Transition metal Ti 22 47.87 4.51 HCP 0.145 0.068 1668
Vanadium Transition metal V 23 50.94 6.1 BCC 0.132 0.059 1890
Chromium Transition metal Cr 24 52 7.19 BCC 0.125 0.063 1875
Manganese Transition metal Mn 25 54.94 7.44 Cubic 0.112 0.067 1244
Iron Transition metal Fe 26 55.85 7.87 BCC 0.124 0.077 1538
Cobalt Transition metal Co 27 58.93 8.9 HCP 0.125 0.072 1495
Nickel Transition metal Ni 28 58.69 8.9 FCC 0.125 0.069 1455
Copper Transition metal Cu 29 63.55 8.94 FCC 0.128 0.096 1085
Zinc Transition metal Zn 30 65.41 7.13 HCP 0.133 0.074 420
Gallium Post transition metal Ga 31 69.72 5.9 Ortho. 0.122 0.062 29.8
Germanium Metalloid Ge 32 72.64 5.32 Dia. cubic 0.122 0.053 937
Bromine Non metal Br 35 79.9 0.196 -7.2
Zirconium Transition metal Zr 40 91.22 6.51 HCP 0.159 0.079 1852
Niobium Transition metal Nb 41 92.91 8.57 BCC 0.143 0.069 2468
Molybdenum Transition metal Mo 42 95.94 10.22 BCC 0.136 0.07 2617
Silver Transition metal Ag 47 107.87 10.49 FCC 0.144 0.126 962
Cadmium Transition metal Cd 48 112.41 8.65 HCP 0.149 0.095 321
Tin Post transition metal Sn 50 118.71 7.27 Tetra. 0.151 0.071 232
Iodine Non metal I 53 126.91 4.93 Ortho. 0.136 0.22 114
Cesium Alkali metal Cs 55 132.91 1.87 BCC 0.265 0.17 28.4
Barium Alkaline earth metal Ba 56 137.33 3.5 BCC 0.217 0.136 725
Tungsten Transition metal W 74 183.84 19.3 BCC 0.137 0.07 3410
Platinum Transition metal Pt 78 195.08 21.45 FCC 0.139 0.08 1772
Gold Transition metal Au 79 196.97 19.32 FCC 0.144 0.137 1064
Mercury Transition metal Hg 80 200.59 0.11 -38.8
Lead Post transition metal Pb 82 207.2 11.35 FCC 0.175 0.12 327


  • scarcity, supply and demand
  • mind, Environment
  • game, decision, action
  • regulation, law, government, tragedy of commons
  • Human centered, mental and physical Well being
  • cycle of nutrients and matter. Energy.
  • Production, distribution, consumption, saving/storage, investment of goods and services
  • Investment, decision, risk
  • cycle of money goods and growth
  • finance: money, value of goods (supply and demand), exchange, value, storage, trust, promise, motivation, purchasing power,
  • GDP, unemployment, Inflation, debt, interest rate
  • Market: supply and demand, priced Determination, understanding trend, advertisement.
  • human behavior, psychology, decision, incentives
  • Banks: risk sharing, security, aids in transport of money, ideas meet idle, makes promise, gives trust,bank is money market


# Python code using matplotlib library to generate 72 images to create a gif file that shows
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Printing first 10 Fibonacci numbers, functional expression style

ef[Pmat_, {d1_, d2_}, n_] := (\[Theta]i = ArcSin[Subscript[R, en] Sin[\[Theta]]/n];)

Or, alternatively, in a more functional programming approach:

If[# <= 2, 1, #0[# - 1] + #0[# - 2]] & /@ Range[10]

Notice the use of #0 to indicate the function itself.


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Physiographic regions of India


Based on R.L. Singh

Macro Regions Meso Regions First Order Regions Second Order Regions
A. Great Plains I. Rajasthan Plain 1. Marusthali a. Jaisalmer Marusthali
b. Barmer Marusthali
c. Bikaner-Churu Marusthali
2. Rajasthan Bagar d. Ghaggar Plain
e. Shekhawati Region
f. Nagaur Region
g. Luni Basin
II. Punjab Plain 3.Punjab Plain North a. Hoshiarpur—Chandigarh Plain (Sub-Mountain belt)
b. Upper Bari Doab
c. Jullundur Plain
d. Punjab Malwa
4.Punjab Plain South e. Ambala Plain (Sub-Mountain belt)
f. Eastern Haryana (Kurukshetra Plain)
g. Western Haryana
h. Southern Haryana
III. Upper Ganga Plain 5.Upper Ganga Plain North a. Rohilkhand Plain
b. Awadh Plain
6.Upper Ganga Plain South c. Upper Ganga-Yamuna Doab
d. Trans-Yamuna Plain
e. Lower GangaYamuna Doab
IV. Middle Ganga Plain 7.Middle Ganga Plain North a. Ganga-Ghaghara Divide
b. Saryupar Plain
c. Mithila Plain
d. Kosi Plain
8.Middle Ganga Plain South e. Son-Ganga Divide
f. Magadh-Anga Plain
V. Lower Ganga Plain 9. North Bengal Plain a. Duars (Barind Tract)
b. Tista Flood plain
10. Delta Proper c. Moribund Delta
d. Mature Delta
e. Active Delta
11. Rarh Plain f. Mayurakshi Plain
g. Bankura Upland
h. Midnapur Upland
VI. Assam Valley 12. Upper Assam Valley a. Upper Assam Valley North
b. Upper Assam Valley South
13. Lower Assam Valley c. Lower Assam Valley North
d. Lower Assam Valley South
B. Himalayan Mountain Region VII. Kashmir Region 14. Kashmir Region South a. Kashmir Valley
b. Jammu-Mirpur Region
15. Kashmir Region North c. Zaskar-Ladakh Region
d. Deosai-Skardu Region
e. Gilgit-Baltistan Region
f. Aksaichin Region
VIII. Himachal Region 16. Himalayan Himachal a. Chandra Bhaga Basin
b. Ravi Basin
c. Beas Basin
d. Himalayan Sutlej Basin
e. Upper Yamuna Tributary Basin
17. Trans Himalayan Himachal f. Spiti-Kalpa-Sutlej Basin
g. Malung Basin
IX. U.P. Himalaya 18. Himadri a. Himadri Ranges
b. Himadri Valleys
19. Himanchal c. Trans-Yamuna Basin
d. Bhagirathi-Alaknanda Basin
e. Ramganga-Kosi Basin
f. Saryu-Kali Basin
20. Siwaliks g. Yamuna-Ganga Tract
h. Ganga-Ramganga Tract
i. Ramganga-Kali Tract
X. Eastern Himalaya 21. Darjeeling-Sikkim-Bhutan-Himalaya a. Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
b. Bhutan Himalaya
22. Assam Himalaya c. Dafla Region
d. Miri Region
e. Abor Region
f. Mishmi Region
XI. Purvanchal Region 23. Purvanchal North a. Lohit-Tirap Region
b. Nagaland
24. Purvanchal South c. Manipur Region
d. Mizo Region
e. Tripura-Cachhar Region
C. Peninsular Uplands XII. Udaipur-Gwalior Region 25. Aravalli Uplands a. North Aravalli Region
b. Central Aravalli Region
c. Southern Aravalli Region
26. Chambal-Sindh Plains d. Middle Chambal Basin
e. Lower Chambal Basin
f. Sindh Basin
XIII. Malwa Region 27. Malwa Region North a. Eastern Mahi Basin
b. Upper Chambal Basin
c. Upper Betwa Basin
28. Malwa Region South d. Western Vindhyan
e. Middle Narmada Trough
f. Western Satpura
XIV. Bundelkhand Region 29. Bundelkhand Plain a. Ravine Belt
b. Jalaun Plains
c. Hamirpur Plains
d. Banda Plains
30. Bundelkhand Uplands e. Bundelkhand Gneissic Region
f. Bundelkhand Vindhyan Plateau
XV. Vindhyanchal-Baghelkhand Region 31. Vindhyanchal-Baghelkhand Region North a. Rewa-Panna Plateau
b. Mirzapur-Rohtasgarh plateau
32. Vindhyanchal-Baghelkhand Region South c. Baghelkhand
d. Chhindwara-Maikal Plateau
e. Narmada-Son Trough
XVI. Chotanagpur Region 33. Chotanagpur Region North a. Palamau Uplands
b. Hazaribagh Plateau
c. Damodar Valley
d. Santhal Pargana Uplands
34. Chotanagpur Region South e. Pat Lands
f. Ranchi Plateau
g. South-Eastern Chotanagpur or Singhbhum Region
XVII. Meghalaya-Mikir Region 35. Meghalaya-Mikir Region West a. Garo Region North
b. Garo Region South
36. Meghalaya-Mikir Region Central c. Khasi Region North
d. Khasi Region South
37. Meghalaya-Mikir Region East e. Jaintia Region
f. Mikir Region West
g. Mikir Region East
XVIII. Maharashtra Region 38. Maharashtra Sahyadri a. Maharashtra Sahyadri North
b. Maharashtra Sahyadri South
39. Tapti-Purna Valley c. Tapti-Purna Valley West
d. Tapti-Purna Valley East
40. Maharashtra Plateau e. Ajanta Hills
f. Godavari Valley
g. Balaghat Upland
h. Upper Bhima Valley
i. Mahadeo Upland
41. Vidarbha Plains j. Wardha-Penganga Plain
k. Wainganga Plain
XIX. Chattisgarh Region 42. Rim Land a. Northern Rim Land
b. Western Rim Land
c. Southern Rim Land
43. Chattisgarh Plains d. Raipur—Durg Plain
e. Bilaspur Plain
f. Raigarh Plain
XX. Orissa Highland Region 44. North-Eastern Hill Region a. North-Western Upland or Gangapur-Jharsuguda Basin
b. Garhjat Hills
c. North-Eastern Plateau
45. Middle Mahanadi Valley d. Hirakud-Sonepur Valley Region
e. Baudh Valley Region
46. South-Western Hill Region f. Hirakud-Bolangir Basin
g. Orissa Ghats Region
XXI. Dandakaranya 47. Dandakaranya Ghats a. Dandakaranya Ghats East
b. Dandakaranya Ghats Central
c. Dandakaranya Ghats West
48. Dandakaranya Uplands d. Tel-Jonk Valley Region
e. Bastar Upland
f. Indravati-Sabari Plain
XXII. Karnataka Plateau 49. Malnad (Central Sahyadri) a. North Malnad
b. Central Malnad
c. South Malnad
50. Maidan North d. Bidar Plateau
e. Gulbarga Plain
f. Raichur Plain
g. Bellary Plain
h. Dharwar Plateau
i. Bijapur Region
51. Maidan South j. Chitradurga Region
k. Tumkur Region
l. Bangalore Region
m. Mysore Region
XXIII. Andhra Plateau 52. Telangana a. Hyderabad Plateau
b. Telangana Peneplain
c. Godavari Valley
d. Krishna Valley
53. Rayalaseema e. Rayalaseema Peneplain
f. Rayalaseema Plateau
54. Andhra Ghats g. Northern Andhra Ghats
h. Southern Andhra Ghats
XXIV. Tamilnadu Uplands & South Sahyadri 55. South Sahyadri a. Anaimalai-Palni Hills
b. Cardamom Hills
c. Agastyamalai Hills
56. Tamilnadu Ghats d. Nilgiris
e. Mettur-Vellore Region
f. Tamilnadu Hills
57. Coimbatore-Madurai Uplands g. Coimbatore Uplands
h. Madurai Uplands
D. The Indian Coasts and Islands XXV. Gujarat Region 58. Gujarat Region West a. Bhuj Region
b. Kathiwar Region
59. Gujarat Region East c. Ahmedabad Region
d. Khambhat Region (Cambay Region)
e. Eastern Hilly Region
XXVI. West Coast Region 60. Konkan Coast a. Konkan Coast North
b. Konkan Coast South
61. Karnataka Coast c. North Kanara
d. South Kanara
62. Malabar Coast e. Malabar Coast North
f. Malabar Coast South
XXVII. East Coastal Plains 63. Tamilnadu Coastal Plain a. Southern Plain or Vaigai-Tambraparni Region
b. Delta Region
c. Palar-Ponnaiyar Plain Region
64. Andhra Coastal Plain d. Pennar (Nellore) Region
e. Krishna-Godavari Delta
f. Vishakhapatnam Region
65. Utkal Coastal Plain g. Chilka Region
h. Mahanadi Delta
i. Balasore Plain
XXVIII. The Indian Islands 66. Arabian sea Islands a. Amindivi Islands
b. Laccadive Islands
c. Minicoy Island
67. Bay Islands d. Andaman Islands
e. Nicobar Islands

S.P. Chatterjee

Divisions Sub-divisions Provinces Sections and Sub-sections
I. The Northern Mountains 1. Western Himalaya a. North Kashmir Himalaya a. North Kashmir Himalaya
b. South Kashmir Himalaya b. South Kashmir Himalaya
c. Punjab Himalaya c. Punjab Himalaya
d. Kumaun Himalaya d. Kumaun Himalaya
2. Central Himalaya a. West Central Himalaya
b. East Central Himalaya
3. Eastern Himalaya a. Eastern Himalaya (West)
b. Eastern Himalaya (East)
4. Northeastern Ranges a. Purvachal
b. Meghalaya
c. Assam Valley
II. The Great Plains 5. Western Plains a. Marusthali
b. Rajasthan Bagar
6. Northern Plains a. Punjab Plains
b. Ganga-Yamuna Doab
c. Rohilkhand Plains
d. Avadh Plains
7. Eastern Plains a. North Bihar Plains
b. South Bihar Plains
c. North Bengal Plains
d. Bengal Basin







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