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Get to know me or Get lost


My name is Ryan "Smoove" Smith, born December 11th, 1992 in Atlanta, Ga to the parents of Roderick "HotRod" and Sandra Smith. I am the youngest of seven children, 5 boys and 2 girls. I am a proud member of The Smith 7. One year ago I attended Pebblebrook High School, where I played varsity basketball and football. I received all-county safety awards and had several scholarship offers, long story short deciding not to sign to a school and rather focus on academics, which leads to ...(one year later). Currently 18 years old, freshman at party school of the south, Georgia Southern University. My major is Comm Arts, hoping to one day be on the prestigious network of ESPN.

The "I" in Team


My contributions to Wikipedia include;

  • Student African American Brotherhood
  • Well ... That's all for now, sorry to disappoint.

Non-Functioning Relationship


I am a firm believer in the advancement of technology. I love the things that technology can do today. The internet is one of the most powerful resources in the world. It would be nice if I actually knew how to use is properly. Yes, I am one of those types, the type to not know anything about computers. I know, I know, your sitting there asking yourself right now, "How could this 18 year old not be computer(technology) savvy?", well the truth is I am 100% old fashion. Pen and Paper, growing up I learned that the "Pen is mightier than the Sword". If you would like to contact me you may reach me at 1945 Old Fashion Blvd WildWest, Ga.

F*** what you think, This is About ME


Wikipedia is a wonderful resource to find out quick facts. I refer to it as "Wonderful Wikipedia". I use Wikipedia in the midst of arguments, when I want to know something quick, or even something detailed about a person, place, or thing. Wikipedia information is easily accessible and so far as been nothing short of reliable. I love how fast you can access information on something by just the click of a button. If you don't like Wikipedia, you can go ... well you know how that goes!

Yo Hablo Inglés


What do you want me to say? Dude, I was born in American, I speak English. THAT'S ABOUT IT!

To the Haters and Naysayers


Haters and Naysayers are people who talk negatively to you and tell you that your writing dreams won't ever happen. Well, I have something to tell you Haters and Naysayers:


oh yeah, wait...

This user is addicted to video games.
This user drinks water regularly.
When given a choice, this user drinks cream soda.
CCVThis user loves to drink Vanilla Coke.
This user likes to sleep.
This user can deliver a TKO.
This user plays basketball.
This user is a right-arm bowler.
This user plays American football.
This user knows that American football is the only true football.
This user enjoys playing golf.
5This user has run a 5 minute mile. (better than the person who made this userbox)
This user does weight training.
MaddenThis user believes in the Madden Curse.
♂This user is male.
This user is a fan of
The Notorious B.I.G.

This user is a fan of Frank Sinatra.
300 This user believes that THIS IS SPARTA~!

This user recognizes that Jason Bourne is a much better spy than 007.

ND This user voted for Pedro.
id1This user doesn't care...id2
This user likes stupid signs



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