Snow and Ice

Keeping Tabs on North Cascades Glaciers

Keeping Tabs on North Cascades Glaciers

Scientists use satellites in orbit and boots on the ice to monitor glacial changes on the flanks of Mount Baker and elsewhere in Washington state.

Published Sep 19, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

A Winter Wanderer in the Weddell Sea

A Winter Wanderer in the Weddell Sea

Under the cloak of darkness, Iceberg A-83 wiggled away from glue-like sea ice and drifted farther from the Brunt Ice Shelf—but not without sustaining some damage.

Published Sep 16, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

ARCSIX Analyzes Arctic Sea Ice Loss

ARCSIX Analyzes Arctic Sea Ice Loss

In summer 2024, NASA scientists went to northern Greenland to study how clouds and atmospheric particles may be contributing to the ongoing loss of multiyear sea ice.  

Published Aug 26, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Svalbard Melts

Svalbard Melts

High summer temperatures caused record melting of the Norwegian archipelago’s glaciers.

Published Aug 15, 2024

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Sea Ice Chokes the Northwest Passage

Sea Ice Chokes the Northwest Passage

Despite overall declines in the thickness and extent of Arctic sea ice, shipping routes along the northern coast of North America have become less navigable in recent years.

Published Aug 8, 2024

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice