Local and global well-posedness of one-dimensional free-congested equations
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 7 (2024), pp. 1175-1243.


Keywords Navier–Stokes equations, free boundary problem, nonlinear stability


This paper is dedicated to the study of a one-dimensional congestion model, consisting of two different phases. In the congested phase, the pressure is free and the dynamics is incompressible, whereas in the non-congested phase, the fluid obeys a pressureless compressible dynamics.

We investigate the Cauchy problem for initial data which are small perturbations in the non-congested zone of traveling wave profiles. We prove two different results. First, we show that for arbitrarily large perturbations, the Cauchy problem is locally well-posed in weighted Sobolev spaces. The solution we obtain takes the form (v s ,u s )(t,x-x ˜(t)), where x<x ˜(t) is the congested zone and x>x ˜(t) is the non-congested zone. The set {x=x ˜(t)} is a free boundary, whose evolution is coupled with the one of the solution. Second, we prove that if the initial perturbation is sufficiently small, then the solution is global. This stability result relies on coercivity properties of the linearized operator around a traveling wave, and on the introduction of a new unknown which satisfies better estimates than the original one. In this case, we also prove that traveling waves are asymptotically stable.


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