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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 6, 2022

Discussion on controllability of non-densely defined Hilfer fractional neutral differential equations with finite delay

  • Krishnan Kavitha and Velusamy Vijayakumar ORCID logo EMAIL logo


This manuscript prospects the controllability of Hilfer fractional neutral differential equations. The new results are obtained by implementing a suitable fixed point approach and the technique of measures of noncompactness and the outcomes and facts belong to fractional theory. Firstly, we focus the controllability and extend the discussion with nonlocal conditions. Finally, an interesting example is proposed to illustrate our main obtained results.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 34A08; 34K35; 34K37; 35R11; 60H10; 93E03

Corresponding author: Velusamy Vijayakumar, Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632 014, TN, India, E-mail:

  1. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  2. Research funding: Statement: There are no funders to report for this submission.

  3. Conflict of interest statement: This work does not have any conflicts of interest.

  4. Data availability statement: Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

Appendix A

Step 3: For every x B q , and t ∈ (0, a), we can prove the equicontinuity of Ω ̃ x . For ȷ 1 = 0 and 0 < ȷ 2a, we get ( Ω ̃ x ) ( ȷ 2 ) ( Ω ̃ x ) ( ȷ 1 ) 0 , as ȷ 2 → 0.

Ω ̃ x ( ȷ 2 ) Ω ̃ x ( ȷ 1 ) = ȷ 2 1 K α , β ( ȷ 2 ) [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] ȷ 1 1 K α , β ( ȷ 1 ) [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] + ȷ 2 1 F ( ȷ 2 , x ȷ 2 ) ȷ 1 1 F ( ȷ 1 , x ȷ 1 ) + ȷ 2 1 lim λ 0 ȷ 2 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s ȷ 1 1 0 ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s + ȷ 2 1 0 ȷ 2 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ B u ( s ) d s ȷ 1 1 lim λ 0 ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) B λ B u ( s ) d s , 1 Γ ( α ( 1 β ) ) 0 ȷ 2 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) α ( 1 β ) 1 s β 1 Q β ( s ) [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] d s 0 ȷ 1 ȷ 1 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) α ( 1 β ) 1 s β 1 Q β ( s ) [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] d s + ȷ 2 1 F ( ȷ 2 , x ȷ 2 ) ȷ 1 1 F ( ȷ 1 , x ȷ 1 ) + ȷ 2 1 lim λ ȷ 1 ȷ 2 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s + lim λ 0 ȷ 1 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 ȷ 1 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s + ȷ 1 1 lim λ 0 ȷ 1 δ ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 [ Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) ] B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s + ȷ 1 1 lim λ ȷ 1 δ ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 [ Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) ] B λ G ( s , x ( s ) ) d s + ȷ 2 1 lim λ ȷ 1 ȷ 2 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ B u ( s ) d s + lim λ 0 ȷ 1 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 ȷ 1 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) B λ B u ( s ) d s + ȷ 1 1 lim λ 0 ȷ 1 δ ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 [ Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) ] B λ B u ( s ) d s + ȷ 1 1 lim λ ȷ 1 δ ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 [ Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) ] B λ B u ( s ) d s i = 1 12 T i ,


T 1 = M Γ ( α ( 1 β ) ) Γ ( β ) ȷ 1 ȷ 2 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) α ( 1 β ) 1 s β 1 [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] d s , T 2 = ȷ 2 1 M Γ ( β ) 0 ȷ 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 s β 1 [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] d s , T 3 = ȷ 2 1 ȷ 1 1 M Γ ( β ) 0 ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 s β 1 [ x ( 0 ) F ( 0 , x 0 ) ] d s , T 4 = ȷ 2 1 ȷ 1 1 K h ( 1 + q ) , T 5 = ȷ 2 1 M M λ Γ ( β ) ( ȷ 2 ȷ 1 ) ( 1 + K ) ( 1 ρ ) ( 1 + K ) ( 1 ρ ) ϵ 1 L 1 p Ω ( q ) , T 6 = M M λ Ω ( q ) Γ ( β ) 0 ȷ 1 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 ȷ 1 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 ϵ 1 ( s ) d s , T 7 = ȷ 1 1 M λ ( ȷ 1 ( 1 + K ) δ ( 1 + K ) ) 1 ρ ( 1 + K ) 1 ρ sup [ 0 , ȷ 1 δ ] Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) ϵ 1 L 1 p Ω ( q ) , T 8 = ȷ 1 1 2 M M λ Γ ( β ) δ ( 1 + K ) ( 1 ρ ) ( 1 + K ) 1 ρ ϵ 1 L 1 p Ω ( q ) , T 9 = ȷ 2 1 M M λ M b Γ ( β ) ȷ 1 ȷ 2 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 u ( s ) d s , T 10 = M M λ M b Γ ( β ) 0 ȷ 1 ȷ 2 1 ( ȷ 2 s ) β 1 ȷ 1 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 u ( s ) d s , T 11 = ȷ 1 1 M λ M b 0 ȷ 1 δ ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 u ( s ) d s sup s [ 0 , ȷ 1 δ ] Q β ( ȷ 2 s ) Q β ( ȷ 1 s ) , T 12 = ȷ 1 1 2 M M λ M b Γ ( β ) ȷ 1 δ ȷ 1 ( ȷ 1 s ) β 1 u ( s ) d s .

Applying Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we find that T 1 to T 12 0 as ȷ 2ȷ 1 → 0 and δ → 0. This proves the equicontinuous of Ω ̃ ( B q ) on I.


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Received: 2021-11-01
Accepted: 2022-09-18
Published Online: 2022-10-06

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