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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 19, 2017

Unbounded solutions for differential equations with p-Laplacian and mixed nonlinearities

  • Miroslav Bartušek , Zuzana Došlá EMAIL logo and Mauro Marini


The existence of unbounded solutions with different asymptotic behavior for a second order nonlinear differential equation with p-Laplacian is considered. The oscillation of all solutions is investigated. Some discrepancies and similarities between equations of Emden–Fowler-type and equations with mixed nonlinearities are pointed out.

MSC 2010: 34C10; 34C15

Dedicated to Professor Ivan Kiguradze on the occasion of his 80th birthday

Funding statement: The research of the third author is supported by GNAMPA, National Institute for Advanced Mathematics, Italy.


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Received: 2016-9-30
Accepted: 2016-11-4
Published Online: 2017-1-19
Published in Print: 2017-3-1

© 2017 by De Gruyter

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