2024 Volume 14 Issue 1
Article Contents

Zhiyu Li, Zhaowen Zheng, Jianfang Qin. THE BASIS PROPERTY OF WEAK EIGENFUNCTIONS FOR STURM-LIOUVILLE PROBLEM WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS DEPENDENT RATIONALLY ON THE EIGENPARAMETER[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2024, 14(1): 424-435. doi: 10.11948/20230262
Citation: Zhiyu Li, Zhaowen Zheng, Jianfang Qin. THE BASIS PROPERTY OF WEAK EIGENFUNCTIONS FOR STURM-LIOUVILLE PROBLEM WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS DEPENDENT RATIONALLY ON THE EIGENPARAMETER[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2024, 14(1): 424-435. doi: 10.11948/20230262


  • Author Bio: Email: 17860733868@163.com(Z. Li); Email: 764601129@qq.com(J. Qin)
  • Corresponding author: Email: zhwzheng@126.com(Z. Zheng) 
  • Fund Project: The authors were supported by National Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Nos. ZR2023MA023, ZR2021MA047), Guandong Provincial Featured Innovation Projects of High School (No. 2023KTSCX067) and Graduate thesis research innovation funding (No. LWCXS202213)
  • Using the theory of operator pencils in Hilbert space and suitable integral transformation, the basis property of weak eigenfunctions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with eigenparameter dependent rationally on the boundary conditions is obtained, and the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues is also involved.

    MSC: 47E05, 34B20, 34L10
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