Configure organization policies

To migrate a project to a new organization resource, you must first apply an organization policy that will define the organization resources to which the project can migrate. You must also set an organization policy in the destination that defines the organization resources from which projects can be imported.

To configure organization policies required for the migration, you must have the roles/orgPolicy.policyAdmin role on the parent and the destination organization.

  • On the parent resource of the project you want to migrate between organization resources, set an organization policy that includes the constraints/resourcemanager.allowedExportDestinations constraint. This will define the target destination as a valid location to which you can migrate the project.

  • On the destination resource, set an organization policy that includes the constraints/resourcemanager.allowedImportSources constraint. This will define the source as a valid location from which you can migrate your project.

For example, say you had a project my-test-project that existed under an organization resource with the ID 12345678901, and you wanted to migrate it to a new organization resource for your secondary business unit, with the ID 45678901234.

You would set an organization policy on organizations/12345678901with the constraints/resourcemanager.allowedExportDestinations constraint enforced and under:organizations/45678901234 set as an allowed_value.

Then, set an organization policy on organizations/45678901234 with the constraints/resourcemanager.allowedImportSources constraint enforced and under:organizations/12345678901 set as an allowed_value.

Once these organization policies are enforced, you will be able to migrate my-test-project from organizations/12345678901 to organizations/45678901234, assuming you have the permissions noted in Assign permissions.

Change the billing account for a project

Cloud Billing accounts can be used across organization resources. Moving a project from one organization resource to another won't impact billing, and charges will continue against the old billing account. However, migration of projects between organization resources often also include a requirement to migrate to a new billing account.

To change the billing account, do the following:

  1. Go to the Billing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Billing page
  2. Click the name of the billing account you want to change.
  3. Under Projects linked to this billing account, find the name of the Project to migrate and then click the menu button to the right.
  4. Click Change billing, and then select the new billing account.
  5. Click Set account.

Charges already incurred that have not yet been reported in the transaction history will be billed to the former billing account. This can include charges from up to two days prior to when the project was migrated.

Migrate a billing account between organization resources

A billing account can be migrated from one organization resource to another, although this isn't often a necessary step. Most existing organization resources will already have a billing account that should be used instead.

If a new billing account has no organization resource associated with it, you must get the roles/billing.admin role on the billing account and the roles/billing.admin and roles/billing.creator roles on the organization resource that you want to associate with your billing account.

If you need to migrate an existing billing account:

  1. You must get the roles/billing.admin role on the source and destination organization resources, and the roles/billing.creator role on the destination organization resource.

  2. Go to the Billing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Billing page

  3. Click on the name of the billing account you want to migrate.

  4. At the top of the Account Management page, click Change organization.

  5. Select the destination organization resource, and then click Ok.

The billing account is now associated with the specified organization resource.

What's next

To learn about how to handle special cases during project migration, see Handling special cases.