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Pius Thicknesse

One hears many things, my Lord. Which among them is the truth is not clear.
~ Pius Thicknesse.
As your new Minister for Magic I promise to restore this temple of tolerance to its former glory. Therefore, beginning today, each employee will submit themselves... for evaluation. But know this: you have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide.
~ Minister Thicknesse, after giving a brief summary to the Ministry employees about the Death Eaters' political program.
Effectively he is the Minister, but why should he sit behind a desk at the Ministry? His puppet, Thicknesse, is taking care of everyday business, leaving Voldemort free to extend his power beyond the Ministry.
~ Voldemort's rule of the British Wizarding World explained by Remus Lupin.

Pius Thicknesse is a supporting antagonist of the Harry Potter series. He is an official of the British Ministry of Magic, and during the Second Wizarding War, he becomes Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement after the murder of Amelia Bones during 1996. At one point after the death of Albus Dumbledore, Thicknesse becomes a Death Eater associate, serving as a servant of Lord Voldemort under the Imperius Curse.

Following the murder of Minister Rufus Scrimgeour on 1 August 1997, Thicknesse is appointed in office as the new British Minister for Magic by the Death Eaters, serving as Voldemort's puppet to rule on his behalf. After the end of the Second Wizarding War and Voldemort's defeat, Thicknesse is ousted from power and succeeded by Kingsley Shacklebolt in his position of Minister for Magic. It is presumed that Thicknesse is eventually released from the Imperius Curse after the war.

In the version of the movie adaptations, it's never revealed whether Thicknesse is under the Imperius Curse's control like in the novel, or if he betrayed the Ministry on his own free will and might even be an actual Death Eater, although it might be possibly and subtly implied to be the latter. Unlike his novel counterpart, he is murdered by Voldemort himself in the final movie, as another victim of Voldemort's rage outbursts.

In the movie adaptations, he was portrayed by Guy Henry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2.


Either born from a Pure-blood or Half-blood family, Pius Thicknesse most likely attended at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in his youth, and eventually pursued a political career, joining the Ministry of Magic at some point after graduating.

By the time of the Second Wizarding War (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), Thicknesse is a high-ranking official of the Ministry, and becomes the new head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement after the death of Amelia Bones, who is murdered by Lord Voldemort during the summer of 1996, presumably appointed by the new Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour. This made Thicknesse the leader of the largest Ministry department, to which the other six departments are all answerable, except possibly of the Department of Mysteries.

In the summer of 1997, Thicknesse becomes a victim to the Death Eaters' political infiltration of the Ministry - which has been going since 1995 - due to Thicknesse's high position of authority close to Minister Scrimgeour himself. He is placed under the Imperius Curse by Corban Yaxley, as part of Voldemort's plan to murder Scrimgeour and take over the Ministry. It took Yaxley a quite some time before succeeding, as he reports to Voldemort that controlling Thicknesse was more difficult than he expected and had to do it with 'great effort', due to Thicknesse's great strength of mind and will, which caused him to resist Yaxley's curse.

Right after the Imperius Curse is finally place upon Thicknesse, Yaxley reports the successful mission to Voldemort himself during a meeting between Death Eaters of the inner circle at Malfoy Manor. Many of the other Death Eaters are impressed with Yaxley's work, Antonin Dolohov clapping him on the back in congratulations, but Voldemort points out that Thicknesse is only one man, while he needs Minister Scrimgeour surrounded by his spies before he can attempt the assassination, as one failed attempt on the Minister's life will only result with Voldemort struggling more to seize political control and the loss of all his net of spies within the Ministry.

Thickness proves to be very useful to Voldemort from the very beginning, due to his position as head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Thicknesse has regular contact not only with the Minister himself, but also with the Heads of all the other Ministry departments, making it easier to subjugate the others and put the whole Ministry under Death Eater control. Now a spy infiltrator, Thicknesse uses his position to put more agents of Voldemort within the senior ranks of the Ministry during summer, all plotting together the inevitable demise of Scrimgeour and their coup of the Ministry. Thus without realizing, Scrimgeour ends up getting surrounded by enemies and spies ready to kill him at any moment.

To sabotage the plans of the Order of the Phoenix, which acts indipendently from the Ministry, due to knowing it has long-since infiltrated by Death Eaters, Pius uses his position in law enforcement to trap Harry Potter in the house of his Muggle relatives at Prive Drive, so that Voldemort can corner and murder Potter. Among other schemes, Pius makes it an imprisonable offence to connect the house to the Floo Network, to place a Portkey there, or to Apparate in or out, all to prevent Harry from leaving the house through any safe means. Presumably, Scrimgeour and the loyal Ministry officials are fooled by Thicknesse claiming that this is all for Harry's protection, although they do not know this is pointless, as Harry is already protected by a charm from his mother's blood while living with his relatives. The Trace is also still in effect on Harry, which is a charm which allows the Ministry to know of any magical activity performed in the vicinity of wizards and witches who are under seventeen years of age. This means that if Harry or anyone around him casts a spell to get him out of there, Thicknesse will know about it and so will the Death Eaters, whose influence has spread throughout the entire the Ministry.

While Scrimgeour has been fooled, the Order of the Phoenix feels suspicious and the members start to believe Thicknesse has gone over to the enemy side, which forces them to completely sever any ties with the Ministry of Magic members who are not in the Order when it comes to their operations, as the Ministry has been compromised is no longer reliable as an ally faction. They abandon the original plan to move Harry to an house of a member of the Order in July 30, after waiting to the very last day of the Trace before it breaks in Harry's birthday in July 31. But now that Thicknesse has severed any magical mean to leave the house, Harry is in danger, so the Order has to move Harry as soon as possible, as the moment Harry will turn seventeen all the protection he received from his mother will be lost. As such, Thicknesse thinks he has Harry cornered good and proper at, to which Harry himself has to agree. Now the Order is reduced to use the only means of magical transport left to them: broomsticks, Thestrals and Sirius Black's old charmed Muggle motorbike.

However, on the night of the chosen date to move Harry from 4 Privet Drive, July 27, the group of members of the Order tasked to escort Harry to safety is intercepted by a large group of Death Eaters chasing them on broomstick, led by Voldemort himself flying with his own magical powers, due to Death Eater Severus Snape disclosing the Order's new plan to his group, while Yaxley initially believed in the Order's plan to wait for the 30, after learning about it at the Ministry, from the Auror John Dawlish. Snape, however, warned Voldemort that such plan is a false track for the Death Eaters, deliberately made known by the Order itself, when in reality the Auror no longer play a role in Harry's protection, due to the Ministry being compromised. Thus Voldemort and Thicknesse's original ambush plan is still carried on, but the Order's leader, Alastor Moody, confuses the Death Eaters with his own plan to escort seven "Harry Potters" by disguising six other members as Harry with Polyjuice Potion. Thus, a flight skirmish between the two groups takes place in Muggle territory, from Little Whinging throughout the journey to seven separate destinations of the Order with their Portkeys to reach the Burrow, resulting with the murder of Alastor Moody by Voldemort, who believed the real Harry was being escorted by the most experienced anti-dark wizard, until the imposter apparated away in panic.

While the plan to kill Harry Potter did not go well, the Death Eaters still rid themselves of another powerful enemy, while the operation to take over the Ministry is also proceeding smoothly thanks to the workd of Thicknesse and all his infiltrating allies, both those controlled by the Imperius curse and the traitors who changed sides with the Death Eaters, as well as actual Death Eaters in the Ministry.

A few days after the skirmish of the Battle of the Seven Potters, Thicknesse and the other subverted high-ranking Ministry officials, launch a coup alongside the Death Eaters. It turns into a violent, yet brief battle with Thicknesse, the Death Eaters and traitors fighting the loyal Ministry Officials and the Aurors in one final attempt to defend the Ministry from the supremacists, in which the Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt and presumably Minister Rufus Scrimgeour fight as well. Scrimgeour is defeated, arrested, and interrogated for information about the whereabouts of Harry Potter, as the Death Eaters believe that he knows his secret location (which he did, as just the day before, Scrimgeour went to the Burrow to deliver Dumbledore's last will and testament). Scrimgeour, however, refuses to give in and is thus brutally tortured and murdered.

On the night of August 1, the British Ministry of Magic falls. Using the power of the Ministry, the Death Eaters manage to take down the magical protections the Order of the Phoenix placed around its new headquarters, The Burrow, and all its safehouses, as well as use illegal spells to full effects without fear of detection and prosecution. Death Eaters are sent to the Burrow, where many civilians and a large portion of the Order's members gathered for a wedding reception, and while some of them apparate away to flee, none of the attendees who stay and are captured are killed, instead only interrogated and roughed up, members of the Order included. Other houses of members of the Order are raided as well on the same night, and people connected to the Order, such as friends and family members, are also tortured for information about Harry, but left alive. As a method of tracking enemies, a Taboo curse is almost immediately placed upon Voldemort's name; and it works because the only people in Great Britain brave enough to call Voldemort by his name are members of the Order, especially Harry, known to have a habit of using Voldemort's name.

Overall the coup at the Ministry is described by the participants as swift, quiet, and virtually silent, with many members of the public being unaware of the take-over and murders. This has been done to ensure the community is suppressed with confusion and distrust, as if Voldemort would choose to declare himself Minister for Magic outright, it might only induce open rebellion. Instead, with the successful coup, the Death Eaters take over the newspaper Daily Prophet as well, allowing Voldemort to control the information given to the public. "Officially" it is declared to the public that the missing Rufus Scrimgeour has resigned as Minister, without any further elaboration and while concealing his death. In Scrimgerour's place, Thicknesse is installed as the new Minister for Magic, as Voldemort's puppet controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Beginning his career as a corrupt leader, Thicknesse starts new aggressive policies which see an intensification of the law, and gives powerful high-ranking positions in the Ministry to various Death Eaters, including Corban Yaxley, Travers, and Selwyn. Yaxley becomes the new head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, succeeding Thicknesse himself. The Daily Prophet becomes a tool to spread propaganda against Harry Potter, Muggle-borns, and allies of the Order of the Phoenix. Although it is disguised as the Ministry's new policy, the sudden change of sides, ideology, and animosity against enemies of Death Eaters, as well as the blatant biases to Voldemort's favor make the public understand they now live under Death Eater rule and that Scrimgeour is definitely dead, and that this method of mixed order and chaos works perfectly to prevent any assembled opposition from the Wizarding community.

The most infamous major changes in political enviroment are the British Ministry's new policies and Draconian laws, which cause a climate of fear, as intended by design. At Voldemort's direction, Minister Thicknesse installs a totalitarian and ruthless regime that goes more in line with the ideology of the Death Eaters, most notably the encouragement of more bigoted and supremacist views, which condemn and dehumanize Muggles as enemies who forced the wizards and witches to live in hiding under the shadows, in a world controlled by Muggles. The law also becomes more lenient towards the dark arts (although still officially illegal) and more cruel and abusive behavior, with a great deal with abuse of power, in a more Darwinistic society, in which the strongest deserve to live and be happy.

Thicknesse has a statue depicting a witch and wizard on top of a throne made from the bodies of crude-looking Muggles, inscribed with the motto 'Magic is Might' set up in the Ministry Atrium, replacing the Fountain of Magical Brethren. The majority of the Wizarding community is unable to realize that Pius Thicknesse is one of the many Death Eaters associates that have been forced to join their cause through the Imperius Curse. Only the Order of the Phoenix seem to be aware that he is under the curse's control. Now Thicknesse is nothing but a puppet to Voldemort's faction, taking care of everyday business while Voldemort, effectively the true unofficial Minister, is free to extend his power beyond the Ministry, in his quest to take over the entire world, Wizarding and Muggle alike.

The regime of Minister Thicknesse sees the alleged "research" conducted by the Department of Mysteries, to truly discover how the "Muggle-born" members of the Wizarding community can possess magical abilities. Roughly one month later, September, it is declared by the Ministry's printed propaganda and the Daily Prophet that the research conducted by the Department of Mysteries saw the discovery of the fact that magic can only be obtained through blood inheritance, meaning that Muggle-born wizards and witches can only have obtained magic by thievery. As such, it is considered now an official fact that magic can only be inherited by "real" wizards and witches, and anyone else with Muggle roots is a thief and enemy. No matter how ridiculous this falsified research may sound, the public is so scared, confused, and paranoid by Voldemort's secrecy and lack of direct presence that in the increasing mass distruct they comply with the arrest and degradation of all Muggle-borns without any opposition.

Thicknesse and his regime set up the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, officially claiming it is in order to investigate the whole deal of magic theft, with the possibility of "crimes" from the Muggles against the Wizarding community. This is only an excuse to enforce the extreme blood supremacists views of the Death Eaters, and the Commission is a deeply prejudicial institution that focuses its resources on degradation and imprisonment of Muggle-borns for being born from Muggle families. Thicknesse appoints his Senior Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge as the head of the Registration Commission, and other members include the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Yaxley, as well as the high-ranking official Albert Runcorn. The former Auror John Dawlish is also part of the Commission, now tasked to assist the Ministry with the capture of Muggle-borns for the crime of "stealing magic", as well as with transporting them to Azkaban, as the options for all those who were Aurors are to either comply or lose their wands and being left on the streets without homes. Due to the beginning of mass trials against the accused ones, Dementors from Azkaban are now present within the Ministry every day to enforce the new law and deport criminals.

The Thicknesse Administration also makes attendance at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry mandatory, and blood status must to be proven for all students to be eligible, as Muggle-born are no longer allowed to attend, finally enabling the Death Eaters to weed out Muggle-born children as the ancestor Salazar Slytherin had wished in the Middle Ages. Severus Snape is appointed the new Headmaster of Hogwarts, and twin Death Eaters Amycus and Alecto are made the new professors of Defence Against the Dark Arts and Muggle studies, respectively. In reality the two positions are now used by the Death Eaters to teach Dark Arts and hateful prejudiced propaganda against Muggles and and Muggle-born wizards and witches.

The Thicknesse Administration has Harry Potter declared "Undesirable No.1", under the pretext of being wanted for questioning about the "mysterious" death of Albus Dumbledore (implying Harry's involvement in his murder), with a reward of a ten-thousand-Galleon on his head. Anyone with known connections to the Order of the Phoenix, especially Harry Potter, and/or with known sympathies for Muggles, is placed under surveillance, such as Arthur Weasley. Muggle-borns and "blood-traitors" are marked as Undesirables as well, making them criminals.

Under the new law of Thicknesse's regime, Muggle-borns are forced to register with the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, which puts them on trial for their "crimes", convicts them of theft, and finally either sentences them to Azkaban if found guilty, or simply strips them of their wands, jobs, families, and homes and leaving them as impoverished beggars known as the Wandless, still allowed to live in the Wizarding community, but stripped of all their basic rights and forced to beg for money on the streets of Wizarding settlements like Diagon Alley, while trying to avoid getting bullied and abused by Death Eaters and their supporters. Most of the Wandless are either Muggle-born or half-bloods who are unable to prove their ancestry, but there also also former Ministry personnel that have been ousted and deemed Undesirable by the Death Eaters, like Aurors. To avoid such fates, especially being sent to Azkaban, many Muggle-borns, so-called blood traitors, and such are forced to go on the run and leave the country to hide, some with all their families. To round up any runaways, the Ministry allows the organization of volunteer bounty hunters mad of opportunistic criminals and thugs known as the Snatchers.

As Minister for Magic, Thicknesse surrounds himself with numerous sycophants and multiple people who try to climb up the ranks of the Death Eater-controlled Ministry, and attempt to solve their problems by gaining Thicknesse's favor or that of any other high-ranking official like Yaxley. In the movie adptation, Thicknesse is seen being followed around by nineteen sycophants, who excessively adulate him.

When Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley infiltrated the Ministry with polyjuice potion in search of one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Harry encounters Thicknesse while in the form of Albert Runcorn, who is close to the Minister and Thicknesse personally greets. On that day Thicknesse is wearing magnificent robes of black and gold. Harry witnesses Thicknesse's altered nature while under the Imperius Curse, which shows him having a strong hatred for Muggle-borns, referring to them as 'Mudbloods', as well as blood traitors, whom he claimed to despise just as much. While Harry break into Umbridge's office to search for the Horcrux, Thicknesse arrives momentarily to jot down a note for his Undersecretary, almost discovering Harry still posing as Runcorn, who manages to hide with his invisibility cloak.

Later on that day, the Ministry is alerted by the the fact that intruders have been detected, causing security to start sealing all exits and stop everyone from leaving. Runcorn was unexpectedly witnessed by many employees and visitors acting differently, hurriedly leading an entire group of Muggle-borns in for questioning on the way out of the Ministry, and even assaulted another employee, before disappearing into one of the fireplaces still left open. Later, presumably after this whole infiltration, confirmed to have been caused by three unidentified imposters posing as Runcorn, Mafalda Hopkirk, and Reginald Cattermole, Minister Thicknesse has the security in the headquarters and entrances increased to avoid a repeat of the incident.

In late 1997, December, editor Xenophilius Lovegood's daughter, Luna, is kidnapped during her holydays away from school by the Death Eaters, in order to stop Lovegood from telling the truth to the public and encouraging support of Harry Potter in his magazine, The Quibbler. Desperate to get her back after receiving death threats to his daughter, Lovegood sends an owl to the Ministry, reporting the authorities that Harry, Hermione and Ron personally came to see him by unannounced some days after Christmas. Thicknesse promptly dispatches Travers and Selwyn to investigate, only for Lovegood's own house being unintentionally blown up during the commotion and attempts to seize Harry, due to to Lovegood accidentally destroying an Erumpent horn, a dangerous explosive potion ingredient. Travers and Selwyn arrest Lovegood under the accusation of attempted murder (believing he tried to get revenge on them by blowing them up), but fail to capture the trio. Lovegood is put on a trial and sentenced to Azkaban, although neither him nor Luna are murdered by the Death Eaters, as Travers and Selwyn managed to spot three people in Lovegood's house before they apparated away.

By March 1998, Minister Thicknesse has increased Harry Potter's bounty to two-hundred-thousand-Galleon, after attempts to find him all over the country continued to fail. Ministry propaganda always portrays Harry to the public as a selfish coward who went into hiding and run to save his own skin, while abandoning his own people. During late March, Thicknesse and all his allies and enforcers learn that a group of Snatchers managed to found Potter, identifying one of his two travelling companions as Hermione Granger, officially a criminal for not having showed up to the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. However, the Snatchers choose to bring them to Malfoy Manor over the Ministry, fearing that officials such Thicknesse and Yaxley would have taken all credit themselves, and thus either paying them too little or even cheating them of their reward. However, Harry and his companions escaped with other kidnapped (and officially missing) prisoners of Death Eaters, including Garrick Ollivander the wand-maker, after a skirmish at Malfoy Manor, in which one Death Eater even died in the process. Thicknesse is presumably informed by Voldemort that all the Malfoys, including Bellatrix Lestrange, are currently all on house arrest in their own manor for their failure to capture Harry, as a sign of shame among Death Eaters, after they all received physical scarring torture as first punishment by Voldemort himself (who had just murdered Gellert Grindelwald at Nurmengard in Austria). Therefore, if either Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa, his son Draco, or his sister-in-law Bella are spotted violating their punishment, the Ministry and the Death Eaters are to report it, also because they might be imposters using polyjuice potion, like it already happened in the Ministry during the end of the last year.

In fact, in May 1, a chaotic and destructive robbery at Gringotts Wizarding Bank is reported to the Ministry and directly to Malfoy Manor to inform the vault's owner. The robbery was successful, as a dragon guarding the bank's security dungeons escaped by flying away with the culprits on its back. Unfortunately, the staff members of Gringotts also met an enraged murderous Voldemort in person, who identified the robbers as Harry and his rebel accomplices. Witnesses on the streets of Diagon Alley and Grigotts' employees confirmed that an imposter in the form of Bellatrix Lestrange walked to the bank and tried to access the security vault of the Lestrange family, and Gringotts' staff was too late to intervene. The Ministry publishes the break-in at Gringotts as Harry Potter's doing, but Minister Thicknesse is taken by Voldemort himself to join the ranks of Death Eaters as an unofficial member to travel in Scotland to Hogwarts School, as Voldemort claims that it is the next place targeted by Harry.

In this occasion, Thicknesse is wearing the standard hooded robe of the Death Eaters, mask included, to hunt down for Harry and fight for Voldemort. One day later, May 2, the Death Eaters hunt for Harry around Hogwarts, including Hogsmeade, to no avail. They invade the Forbidden Forest and occupy its Acromantula Colony, born from Rubeus Hagrid's late friend Aragog. This will later cause the numerous Acromantula spiders to take their anger and revenge on Hogwarts itself by attacking the castle and invading its grounds. Thicknesse is stationed within the ranks of the Death Eaters outside Hogwarts Castle, after the Death Eaters working in the school called for Voldemort with the Dark Mark. However, after Headmaster Snape flies away from the castle, following a brief open rebellion from staff members and the capture of the Carrow twins, Voldemort personally gives the school one ultimatum to all the staff and student body, promising mercy if they just hand Harry over without any further resistance. After the ultimatum goes ignored, the Battle of Hogwarts is commenced, in which Thicknesse fights with the Death Eaters and other Death Eater associates against the castle's defenders, after many wizards and witches from outside were alerted of the school being in danger and came to join the battle to defend it, among them Thicknesse's own former allies and emplyess from the Ministry, such as former Aurors.

During the battle, Harry notices Thicknesse amongst a group of masked and hooded Death Eaters who successfully penetrated Hogwarts. Thicknesse duels against Percy Weasley, and during the fight his hood slips off as he tries to avoid being cursed. Recognizing his former boss, Percy mocks him by giving him his job resignation, before using a jinx that causes Thicknesse's skin to erupt with spike-like growths. Thicknesse is forced to fall back when his ally Augustus Rookwood damages the corridor he and Percy are in, causing an explosion that kills Fred Weasley.

Thicknesse and his comrades continue to fight until later they receive Voldemort's command to withdraw from the battlefield for the timebeing, this time threatening a full indiscriminate massacre of every person in the school, unless Harry finally turns himself in. As they retreat, the Death Eaters drag their captive Professor Rubeus Hagrid with them back to the Forbidden Forest, where they all take refuge within the deserted Acromantula Colony once again. Thicknesse is present when Harry turns himself in to Voldemort in front of the Dark Lord's ranks, allowing Voldemort to kill him. After Death Eater associate Narcissa Malfoy check on Harry's body and confirms his death, the dark wizards march with their leader and Hagrid back to the castle, to make them surrender.

The Battle of Hogwarts is recommenced after the majority still remain defiant despite Voldemort's attempt to submit the rebels, and Harry also reveals himself to be still alive. During the fighting, Thicknesse is defeated and 'floored' by Arthur and Percy Weasley in duel.

It is uncertain if Thicknesse has been killed during the Battle of Hogwarts, or just stunned. The latter seems more likely, as Arthur Weasley, like the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, knew Thicknesse was under the influence of the Imperius Curse. After Voldemort's death, all the people across the country who were been under the Imperius Curse came back to themselves, such as Stanley Shunpike, the numerous officials of the Ministry of Magic, and Thicknesse himself, if he survived the battle.

After the battle, Thicknesse is ousted from office and Kingsley Shacklebolt is named Acting Minister for Magic, which later becomes a permanent appointment. All the policies, decrees, and totalitarian and supremacists changes made during the Thicknesse Administration are abolished, and the previous policies and laws from before Scrimgeour's death are restored, thus abolishing the Muggle-Born Registration Commission as well. Actual traitors and criminal collaborationists such as Dolores Umbridge are tried and arrested for their crimes. If Thicknesse survived, it is unclear if he ended up being incarcerated or rejoined the Ministry. The former possibility is unlikely, as he was acting under the Imperius Curse and had no control over his actions, and the Order of the Phoenix knew it all along, making its members able to speak for Thicknesse's innocence.

Although he officially served as the 34th British Minister for Magic from 1997 to 1998, Thicknesse was omitted from most official records about the Death Eater regime, as his unconsciousness eschewed any responsibility for his actions at the time, and all the crimes and abuse of his regime were all attributed to Voldemort himself as the true ruler.


  • In the movie adaptation, it's implied either Thicknesse is under the Imperius Curse like his novel counterpart, or was coerced into joining the Death Eaters, or has always been one willingly, while his fate and role are changed with himself getting murdered by Voldemort himself with a Killing Curse in a fit of rage for addressing him at the wrong time, during the begin of the Battle of Hogwarts. This happens before the Death Eaters and their allies manage to invade the castle, thus omitting Thicknesse's participance in the fights against the resistance and the Weasleys.


           HarryPotter Villains

Death Eaters
Lord Voldemort | Barty Crouch Jr. (Warner Bros.) | Bellatrix Lestrange | Corban Yaxley | Peter Pettigrew (Warner Bros.) | Alecto Carrow | Amycus Carrow | Antonin Dolohov | Augustus Rookwood | Walden Macnair | Thorfinn Rowle | Evan Rosier | Cedric Diggory (Alternate Timeline) | Rodolphus Lestrange | Avery II

Death Eater defectors
Severus Snape | Regulus Black | The Malfoys (Lucius Malfoy & Draco Malfoy)‡ | Igor Karkaroff | Peter Pettigrew

Death Eater Allies
Quirinus Quirrell | Dolores Umbridge | Fenrir Greyback | Pius Thicknesse | Albert Runcorn | Snatchers (Scabior) | Vincent Crabbe | Gregory Goyle | John Dawlish | Kreacher | Stan Shunpike

Hogwarts Staff
Severus Snape | Barty Crouch Jr. (Warner Bros.) | Alecto Carrow | Amycus Carrow | Quirinus Quirrell | Dolores Umbridge | Gilderoy Lockhart | Argus Filch | Salazar Slytherin

Ministry of Magic
Cornelius Fudge | Pius Thicknesse | Corban Yaxley | Muggle-Born Registration Commission (Dolores Umbridge & Albert Runcorn) | John Dawlish | Damocles Rowle

Gellert Grindelwald's Alliance
Gellert Grindelwald | Credence Barebone | Vinda Rosier | Queenie Goldstein | Gunnar Grimmson | Abernathy | Krall | Carrow | Nagel | Krafft | MacDuff | Helmut | Anton Vogel | Karl

Other Wizards & Witches
Morfin Gaunt | Marvolo Gaunt | Merope Gaunt | Herpo the Foul | Merwyn the Malicious | Ekrizdis | Delphini | Rita Skeeter | Cormac McLaggen | Peregrine | Verucca Buckthorn-Snyde | Patricia Rakepick | Merula Snyde | Ismelda Murk | Emily Tyler | Gormlaith Gaunt | Corvus Lestrange | Raczidian | Erkstag Warden | Mundungus Fletcher | Isidora Morganach

New Salem Philanthropic Society
Mary Lou Barebone | Credence Barebone

Ranrok's Loyalists
Ranrok | Pergit | Belgruff the Bludgeoner | Grodbik | Ogbert the Odd

The Serpent of Slytherin | Acromantula (Aragog & Acromantula Colony) | Dementors | Centaurs‡ | Giants | Inferi | Nagini | Mountain Troll | Gnarlak | Griphook | Kreacher | Manticores (Manticore Queen)

Tales of Beedle the Bard
Charlatan | Death | Warlock

The Dursleys(Marge Dursley) | Tobias Snape