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Go Kei

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Villain Overview

I, Go Kei will never retreat from the likes of invaders! Even if it costs me my life!

Go Kei was a major antagonist in the historical seinen anime and manga series, Kingdom. He was a Great General famous for his supremely impressive usage of methodical tactics that could devastate and annihilate entire enemy armies and for his status as a vassal of Shin Ryou Kun, the state of Wei's member of the Four Lords of the Warring States.

Introduced as the overarching antagonist of the Keiyou Campaign Arc, Go Kei led his personal army and the Wei armies in an aggressive defensive war against the Qin armies where he meets his end after he bravely fought Duke Hyou in a one-on-one duel.

After his death, his son Go Hou Mei would become his successor and the state of Wei's number one Great General. Years after his death, Go Kei was later revealed to be a previous member of the 1st generation of the Wei Fire Dragons and was one who asked the previous Wei king to spare his colleagues from gruesome deaths.

In the anime, he was voiced by Susumu Akagi who currently provides the voice of Goenitz from The King of Fighters '96. In the live action films he was portrayed by Ozawa Yukiyoshi.


Go Kei had a warrior's build and large eyes but no eyebrows, his face was tattooed with red stripes running down each one of his eyes. He tied and braided his hair around his neck and also wore a blue cape above his armor and stood as a large man worthy of his title of a Great General. As a child his hair was black before, but it turned a pale greyish white due to the trauma of seeing the Zhao ravage his kingdom and murder his entire family in his birth state of Jia.


Ku...Ku...Ku...KUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!! This is exactly why...I can't ever quit this business. THE BUSINESS OF WAR!!
~ Go Kei to his soldiers.

Go Kei was a calm man who plans out his movements before carrying them out, this is shown in how he uses his war chariots to decimate Duke Hyou's charge in order to leave him stranded behind enemy lines. This was a cunning tactic as it used the Qin general's recklessness against him with a pincer formation on both sides of the Qin cavalry. His perception of the battlefield as a board game of logic leads him to mentally maneuver his "pieces" to give him the most suitable tools needed for victory.

However beneath his calm demeanor, Go Kei was a passionate man and valorous Great General capable of leading his troops from the vanguard and held the greatest confident in his tactics as he called the reckless Duke Hyou a buffoon for his predictable attack while comparing him to a rampaging bull and showed an excitable side as he laughed at the turn of events shocks his troops as he states it is why he can't quit the business of war. And demonstrated his unmovable pride as his refusal to never retreat from any enemy was so strong that he killed one of his soldiers who suggested he retreat from his duel with Duke Hyou.

Powers and Abilities

A meticulous eye for subtle changes, extremely cautious yet acts boldly when it's time to take action. Go Kei is a man who was known as Shin Ryou Kun's bastion of knowledge, naturally, his military knowledge is the greatest in Wei. Furthermore, as shown at Gan castle, he is also a valorous general fully capable of leading from the vanguard. Great General Go Kei of Wei is undoubtedly a most dangerous threat to all of the neighboring states of Wei.
~ Ou Ki on Go Kei's abilities.

Physical Abilities

Fighting Style

Miscellaneous Abilities



            Kingdom by Yaushisa Hara Villains

Ai Kingdom
Leaders: Bi Ki | Rou Ai
Officials: Ko Reki
Generals: Han O Ki | Han Roki | Wa Tegei
Clan Shiyuu | Clan Shukyou | Muta | Shiyuu Elders | Yuu Ren | Yuu Tribe | En Tei | Jo Kan | Sa Ji

Chu Kingdom
Leaders: Shun Shin Kun
Ri En | Ka Rin | Chu Prince

Great Generals: Kan Mei | Kou En
Generals: Bei Man | Rin Bu Kun | Gou Ma Sho | Haku Rei | Kou Yoku
Commanders: Bam Yuu | Gou Toku | Ka En | Strategists: Jin Ou | Ju Ko Ou
Officials: Chou Kou
Affiliates: Gen'U | Kai Shi Bou | Kyou En | Man'U | Ren Pa | Sen To'Un

Qin Kingdom
Leaders: Ryo Fui | Sei Kyou
Great Generals: Haku Ki | Kan Ki
Generals: Ryuu
Commanders: Koku'Ou | Ma Ron | Rai Do | Ogiko | Zenou | Ran Dou
Soldiers: Gan Jin | Gi Kou | Kan Ki Army | Saki Clan
Officials: Ri Shi | Ketsu Shi

Wei Kingdom
Great Generals: Earl Shi | Gai Mou | Go Hou Mei | Go Kei | Haku Ki Sai | Rei Ou
Generals: Ga Gyuu | Gyo En | Jun Ei | Ran Bi Haku | Ryuu Han
Soldiers: Shuu Kou | Kou Ri Gen
Strategists: Jun Sou | Ha Ri
Affiliates: Four Heavenly Kings of Ren Pa

Yan Kingdom
Great Generals: Gaku Ki | Geki Shin | Ordo
Soldiers: Yuki | Otaji

Zhao Kingdom
Leaders: Tou Jou | Yuu Boku
Prime Minister: Kaku Kai
Great Generals: Three Great Heavens | Rin Shou Jo | Chou Katsu | Hou Ken | Ri Boku | Ko Chou | Shi Ba Shou | Gaku Jou
Generals: Chou Sou | Chou Ga Ryuu | Gaku Haku Kou | Gyou'Un | Ji Aga | Jyou Ka Ryuu | Kan Saro | Kei Sha | Kou Son Ryuu | Ri Haku | Fuu Ki | Fu Tei | Ryuu Haku Kou | Earl Kou | Earl Rai | Ko Haku Kou | Kin Mou | Man Goku | Shun Sui Ju | Shin Sei Jou | Shou Mou | Ba Nan Ji | Mai Kou | Chou Haku | Gaku Ei | Gaku Shou | Gou Ki |
Commanders: Gi Ka | Kaine | Fuu On | Jo Shou | Jo Rin | Un Gen | Un Kei
Soldiers: Ten Spears
Affiliates: Bunen | Goba | Geeli | Rozo | Tork | Quanrong