Android Developers Blog
The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
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Developer Preview: Desktop windowing on Android Tablets
Developer Preview: Desktop windowing on Android Tablets

12 September 2024

Posted by Francesco Romano – Developer Relations Engineer on Android, and Fahd Imtiaz – Product Manager, Android Developer To empower...

Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop
Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop

14 May 2024

Posted by Maru Ahues Bouza – Director, Product Management, and Jeffrey van Gogh – Director, Engineering Traditionally, developers mu... — A blueprint to build world-class apps and games for Chrome OS — A blueprint to build world-class apps and games for Chrome OS

12 August 2020

Posted by Iein Valdez, Head of Chrome OS Developer Relations This article originally appeared on While people are spend...