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Canonical Launches the Ubuntu Appliance Initiative for Raspberry Pi and PC

Ubuntu Appliance Initiative

Canonical has launched the Ubuntu Appliance initiative which aims to transform Raspberry Pi devices or personal computers into secure, self-updating solutions.

The Ubuntu Appliance initiative provides the Linux community with a new class of Ubuntu derivatives, build by Canonical and designed for the Raspberry Pi in collaboration with well-known Open Source projects like Nextcloud, OpenHAB, Mosquitto, AdGuard, and others.

They come in the form of specialized appliance images that you can install on a Raspberry Pi single-board computer to instantly transform it into a smart device that’s secure, updates itself automatically and does exactly what you want. If you don’t have a Raspberry Pi, the appliances also work on PCs.

“The Ubuntu Appliance mission is to enable secure, self-healing, single-purpose devices,” said Canonical. “Ubuntu Appliances connect the dots between high-quality software projects and their users.”

Canonical’s Ubuntu Appliances portfolio currently consists of the OpenHUB Ubuntu Appliance for controlling smart devices in your house, the NextCloud Ubuntu Appliance for hosting your own private cloud, and the AdGuard Home Ubuntu Appliance for keeping your home network protected at all times.

There’s also a Mosquitto Ubuntu Appliance that can act as a communication hub for your IoT (Internet of Things) devices, as well as the Plex Ubuntu Appliance for building a home media server. You can check them out right now from the official website.

Best of all, you can try the Ubuntu appliances on a virtual machine on your Ubuntu, Mac or Windows PC before installing them on your Raspberry Pi, thanks to Canonical’s Multipass technology. More details are available here.

Image: Canonical

Last updated 4 years ago

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