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Forge 1.21.1 mod not loading correctly error

According to IntelliJ forge 1.21.1 has deprecated .get() and .get().getModEventBus(), I am wondering if this is why my code is running into errors. If so, how do I now write it? I have tried asking ...
Code Corruption's user avatar
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How to get client IP from inside a custom realm?

I have a java web app on tomcat which implements user authentication with j_security_check. I am trying to log into the db the failed login attempts. I tried several methods (listeners,valve,filter) ...
Marios's user avatar
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opentelemetry java autoconfigure agent: is it possible to send error log lines only?

According to the java agent config here: There is a property to control log exporting (we use new relic via OTLP) otel.logs.exporter which ...
John Little's user avatar
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Error: The preview feature Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods feature is only available with source level 22 and above in Java

I was practicing HashMap questions in Java, but I encountered an error related to the preview feature 'Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods,' which is only available with source level ...
Ammar Shaikh's user avatar
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Apache Olingo - Trying get Odata but unable to create entityContainer; getDefaultEntityContainer giving null pointer error

I am using apache olingo lib to get the Odata. I am able to get edm and metadata but unable to get entityContainer. I tried with default method also but getting null as result. Here is sample code. ...
Mahesh Kapure's user avatar
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How access in java Access to NetworkRegistrationInfo getNrState()

I have this fuction. But i get error on this line:| int nrState = regInfo.getNrState(); Message: "Cannot resolve method 'getNrState' in 'NetworkRegistrationInfo" Can someone where i make ...
Robert O's user avatar
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How to create 30-second video fragments in real-time while recording screen using MediaRecorder in Android?

I am developing an Android application where I need to record the screen and, during the recording process, generate 30-second video fragments in real-time to be uploaded to a server using an API. ...
user3856313's user avatar
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Android view not showing up when I call it the 2nd time

Recently I have taken a chatting project which uses Android to implement. In the main page, it shows all the groups. Then if a user click a group, he will be brought into the group page. The chat ...
terry's user avatar
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Spring Boot ignores dashes in property names in YML files

I've run into a weird behavior of Spring Boot (3.1.3) when using - in property names. Here's the sample code: @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] ...
Sergey Tsypanov's user avatar
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I am building a java client to connect to impala database server and we have to use jks certificate to connect to their server. I am using JdbcTemplate to make connection and setting the ...
Reshu's user avatar
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Making a bank management system [closed]

I am making a bank management system using java swing in which I am making checkboxes where I want that when I tick multiple checkboxes all the data for all the selected checkboxes should be stored in ...
ANANT SAGAR's user avatar
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Always gettiing redirected to the login and not able to disble csrf in spring boot authentication, authorization public urls also needauthentication

` Always gettiing redirected to the login and not able to disble csrf in spring boot authentication, authorization public urls also needauthentication @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public ...
priyanshu o's user avatar
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Gradle could not start your build due to Input/output error

Gradle version 8.3 OS Windows (WSL) JDK 17 Gradle could not start your build. Could not create service of type ChecksumService using BuildSessionScopeServices.createChecksumService().
ERK's user avatar
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Issues with Urovo RFID device integration in Flutter – "" not found

public class MyPiccManager { private PiccManager mScanManager; Context context; public MyPiccManager(Context context) { this.context = context; mScanManager = new ...
Teddy Bear's user avatar
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VSCode can't detect the import of lombok in gradle project: `The import lombok cannot be resolved: Java(268435846)`

I'm trying to use VSCode to develop a gradle project. I've installed the following VSCode extension: Gradle for Java Gradle Language Support Language Support for Java Project Manager for Java But ...
syheliel syheliel's user avatar

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