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Error upgrading Dataproc Serverless version from 2.1 to 2.2

I have changed the version of a Dataproc Serverless from 2.1 to 2.2 and now when I run it I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org....
Chaos's user avatar
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How to reduce GCS A and B operations in a Spark Structured Streaming pipeline in Dataproc?

I'm running a data pipeline where a NiFi on-premise flow writes JSON files in streaming to a GCS bucket. I have 5 tables, each with their own path, generating around 140k objects per day. The bucket ...
Puredepatata's user avatar
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Accessing BigQuery Dataset from a Different GCP Project Using PySpark on Dataproc

I am working with BigQuery, Dataproc, Workflows, and Cloud Storage in Google Cloud using Python. I have two GCP projects: gcp-project1: contains the BigQuery dataset gcp-project1.my_dataset.my_table ...
Henry Xiloj Herrera's user avatar
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How do i configure right the staging and temp buckets at DataprocCreateClusterOperator?

I'm trying to find how to set the temp and staging buckets at the DataprocOperator. I've searched for all the internet and didnt find a good awnser. import pendulum from datetime import timedelta ...
GuilhermeMP's user avatar
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Spark first read from Cloud Storage is very slow on Dataproc Serverless

I'm running a simple Spark job on Dataproc Serverless, and the first step involves reading some CSV files from Cloud Storage in a standard way: dfOne = spark .read() .format("csv") .load(&...
uzarkov's user avatar
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Spark on Dataproc: Slow Data Insertion into BigQuery for Large Datasets (~30M Records)

I have a Scala Spark job running on Google Cloud Dataproc that sources and writes data to Google BigQuery (BQ) tables. The code works fine for smaller datasets, but when processing larger volumes (e.g....
Sekar Ramu's user avatar
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Pyspark performance problems when writing to table in Bigquery

I am new to the world of PySpark, I am experiencing serious performance problems when writing data from a dataframe to a table in Bigquery. I have tried everything I have read, recommendations, using ...
aleretgub's user avatar
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What is this error-Initial job has not accepted any resources; check cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources

I have created a Dataproc cluster on Google Cloud. Below are my cluster config: Master node : Standard (1 master, N workers) Machine type: n2-standard-2 Number of GPU: 0 Primary disk ...
amarjeet kushwaha's user avatar
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Delta compatibility problem with PySpark in Dataproc GKE env

I've created a dataproc cluster using GKE and a custom image with pyspark 3.5.0. but can't get it to work with delta The custom image docker file is this: FROM
Pedro's user avatar
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How can I install html5lib on a dataproc cluster

I have a dataproc pipeline with which I do webscraping and store data in gcp. Task setting is something like this: create_dataproc_cluster = DataprocCreateClusterOperator( task_id='...
Sara 's user avatar
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spark_catalog requires a single-part namespace in dbt python incremental model

Description: Using the dbt functionality that allows one to create a python model, I created a model that reads from some BigQuery table, performs some calculations and writes back to BigQuery. It ...
Carlos Veríssimo's user avatar
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How to resolve: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'scala.collection.Seq org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType.toAttributes()'

Running a simple ETL PySpark job on Dataproc 2.2 with job property spark.jars.packages set to . Other settings are set to default. I have the following config: conf = ( ...
dbkoop's user avatar
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Create external Hive table for multiline Json

I am trying to create Hive Table for for given multiline JSON. But actual result is not similar to expected result. Sample JSON file: { "name": "Adil Abro", "...
yac's user avatar
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not able to set the spark log properties programmatically via Python

I was trying to suppress the spark logging and specifying my own file. gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \ --cluster test-dataproc-cluster \ --region europe-north1 \ --files gs://...
vikrant rana's user avatar
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Bigtable Read and Write using DataProc with compute engine results in Key not found

I am experimenting with reading and writing data in cloud BigTable using the DataProc compute engine and PySpark Job using spark-bigtable-connector. I got an example from spark-bigtable repo and ...
Suga Raj's user avatar
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