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Is there a way to conditionally hide field in the pivot table in Quicksight dependent on the user viewing the dashboard?

So what I'm trying to achieve is basically giving access to individual data only to their direct managers, and all other folks can see aggregated data. And in this specific case I want to have manager,...
Shyngys Apsemetov's user avatar
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Why can I get only 155 data from Rakuten Market by using Rakuten API? [closed]

I want get data from keywords using Rakuten Ichiba Item Search API. With my code, I ended up getting 155 data. when I type "pc monitor " as keywords in, it shows 98,486 items. ...
account hobbies's user avatar
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How can I run a repeated measures anova in R with trial-by-trial data? [migrated]

I need help setting up a dataset and running repeated measures anova in R. My current data set is the trial by trial data for 41 subjects. There is a column for subject ID (1-41), a column for the ...
Sydney Trowbridge's user avatar
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How to extract specific numbers with the given conditions in pandas

I have a sample data like this: 0 46X ⌀ 376_ 000 THRU 1 SLOT ⌀250 X .750 LG ��.03 2 -2X .250-20-UNC-2B ↧.75 ...
Rajendra M's user avatar
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Create dax query in query editor to split table into multiple tables

Given this type of table structure: Counterparty Product Deal Date Value foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo bar ...
iBeMeltin's user avatar
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dbt 1.8 unit_tests throwing node not found error

I've been trying my first unit_tests in dbt1.8 but, its throwing me compilation error saying "test depends on a node named xyz which was not found in macro ref (macros/path/ref.sql)". Please ...
testenthu's user avatar
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Order some data with python

I have some data in a csv file and i want to make in a specific order based on two columns. each row represent an answer of a user. and i want to order it using python based of (question_type + ...
MexcelsiorB's user avatar
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I need to compare the categories and items in the one file with the master list and output the missing items for each category

I have two Excel files. The first one contains a list of 34 items that serve as a master list. The second file is generated monthly and contains two columns: one column with categories and the other ...
Fouad Maksoud's user avatar
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I am new to data analytics, in what scenarios do you find it convenient to use R programming while working on a task or project? [closed]

I am just touching base with R programming although I knew about it since the beginning of my program. In the video I just watched, they stated it isn't a language program directly related to data ...
Kayla Francois's user avatar
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Accuracy for Permutation Test is very high [closed]

I am a bit confused as to what is happening with my classifier. I have a dataset of ~220 features and about 4000 trials. Classes are perfect balanced, and I'm doing a simple binary classification task ...
Chris's user avatar
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Separating Systematic Errors and Randomness from a Measured Position Dataset

I am trying to figure out a way to separate systematic errors from a set of datasets, representing position and position errors of a mechanical stage. The data is in pandas dataframe. Background: A ...
user2307540's user avatar
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Error in M language while Calculating Fiscal Quarter

Errors: Expected to find a right parenthesis <')'>, but a keyword <'then'> was found instead Power Query Editor I'm trying to find a solution for inserting a new column in Power Query ...
Ben Joshua's user avatar
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Problem with Implementing time varying Difference-in-Difference in R [closed]

I got a STATA code that works just fine : global con "c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13" did_multiplegt outcome id year Treat_post, controls( $con ) breps(10) cluster(code) seed(...
Euler's user avatar
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catalyst package plot MST

I'm just wondering how to plot a MST, just like when using flowsom, but do it using the catalyst package instead. I have followed the catalyst tutorial on bioconductor and just finished the clustering ...
Jamie Tian's user avatar
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Reference Columns in a Virtual Table in other function

I need to first group by my data by date and then calculate second quartile. I used the function SUMMARIZE() But I cannot refer the virtual table column as an argument in the PERCENTILE.INC() and ...
beehroid's user avatar

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