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The Emerson String Quartet, also known as the Emerson Quartet, is an American string quartet that was initially formed as a student group at the Juilliard School in the 1970s. It was named for American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and began touring professionally in 1976. The ensemble taught in residence at The Hartt School in the 1980s and is currently (2022) the quartet in residence at Stony Brook University. Both of the founding violinists studied with Oscar Shumsky at Juilliard, and the two alternated as first and second violinists for the group. The Emerson Quartet was one of the first such ensembles with the two violinists alternating chairs.

Property Value
  • El Quartet Emerson és un quartet de corda estatunidenc fundat l'any 1976 a Nova York. L'any 1985, és nomenat quartet-resident al Lincoln Center. Eugene Drucker toca un violí Stradivarius de 1686.Durant la dècada de 1980 el conjunt musical va estar a la residència de la Hartt School situada a West Hartford, Connecticut. Escollint el nom del poeta i filòsof nord-americà Ralph Waldo Emerson, el quartet es va formar a la Juilliard School com a conjunt estudiantil. Es van convertir en professionals el 1976, amb els dos violinistes que havien estudiat sota la tutela d'Oscar Shumsky, alternant com a primer i segon violinistes. Quan es va formar, el quartet Emerson va ser un dels primers amb els dos violinistes alternant la plaça de primer i segon violí. El quartet Emerson va ser introduït al Saló de la fama de la música clàssica el 2010. El maig de 2014, havien publicat més de trenta discs i havien guanyar nou premis Grammy, a més del prestigiós premi Avery Fisher. (ca)
  • Das Emerson String Quartet, benannt nach dem Philosophen Ralph Waldo Emerson, gehört zu den weltweit bedeutendsten Streichquartettensembles. Es wurde 1976 an der Juilliard School in Manhattan gegründet. Neben dem klassischen Repertoire interpretiert es zeitgenössische Werke wie das 4. Streichquartett von Mario Davidovsky bei der Uraufführung 1980. Eugene Drucker und Philip Setzer wechseln sich am Pult des Primarius ab. Das Ensemble wurde 2004 mit dem ausgezeichnet. 2015 erhielt das Emerson String Quartet den Richard J. Bogomolny National Service Award für Kammermusik. (de)
  • The Emerson String Quartet, also known as the Emerson Quartet, is an American string quartet that was initially formed as a student group at the Juilliard School in the 1970s. It was named for American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and began touring professionally in 1976. The ensemble taught in residence at The Hartt School in the 1980s and is currently (2022) the quartet in residence at Stony Brook University. Both of the founding violinists studied with Oscar Shumsky at Juilliard, and the two alternated as first and second violinists for the group. The Emerson Quartet was one of the first such ensembles with the two violinists alternating chairs. The Emerson Quartet was inducted into the Classical Music Hall of Fame in 2010. As of May 2014, they have released more than thirty albums and won nine Grammy Awards, as well as the prestigious Avery Fisher Prize. In August 2021 the quartet announced its plan to disband at the end of the 2022–2023 season in order to focus on teaching and solo work. (en)
  • Emerson String Quartet es un cuarteto de cuerdas estadounidense con sede en Nueva York, que fue fundada en 1976. Su sala de conciertos habitual es la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York en Stony Brook.​ (es)
  • Le Quatuor Emerson est un quatuor à cordes américain fondé en 1976 à New York. Il tient son nom symboliquement du grand philosophe Ralph Waldo Emerson, père du transcendantalisme (1803-1882). Les deux violonistes alternent la place de premier et second violon. En 1985, il est nommé quatuor-résident au Lincoln Center. Eugene Drucker joue sur un violon de Stradivarius de 1686. (fr)
  • エマーソン弦楽四重奏団(Emerson String Quartet)は、1976年に結成されたアメリカ合衆国の弦楽四重奏団。創設以来ニューヨーク州を拠点として活動を続ける。ドイツ・グラモフォン・レーベルと専属契約を結び、これまで20枚以上のアルバムのうち6枚がグラミー賞(最優秀室内楽録音賞)を受賞している。 陰影に富んだ表現と軽やかなリズム感を特徴とし、ドビュッシーやラヴェル、アイヴズ、バルトーク、グリーグ、ショスタコーヴィチ、バーバーなどの近現代作品を得意とする。第1と第2のヴァイオリンが曲によって交代するのが大きな特徴。カルテットの名前は、アメリカの詩人・哲学者ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソンに因んでいる。 (ja)
  • Il Quartetto Emerson è un quartetto d'archi costituitosi a New York nel 1976, in occasione del bicentenario della nascita degli Stati Uniti d'America, che prende il nome dal filosofo e poeta statunitense Ralph Waldo Emerson. Il debutto avvenne al Lincoln Center di New York.Da allora il quartetto ha tenuto concerti in ogni parte del mondo fino ad essere considerato uno dei migliori a livello internazionale. Svolge attività didattica allo Smithsonian Institute di Washington DC da oltre 30 anni ed è quartetto residente alla Stony Brook University. Il repertorio del Quartetto Emerson è particolarmente vasto fino ad arrivare al Novecento e alla musica contemporanea, di cui spesso è ispiratore e dedicatario. Molte delle innumerevoli registrazioni discografiche hanno ottenuto prestigiosi riconoscimenti tra i quali spiccano ben otto Grammy Award e tre Gramophone Award. Fra le più importanti uscite discografiche spicca senza dubbio l'integrale dei Quartetti di Shostakovich mentre l'ultimo progetto è attorno a Dvorak con gli ultimi Quartetti e il Quintetto per viola. Nella stagione 2010-11 sono stati protagonisti ed interpreti della prima mondiale assoluta di "The Four Quarters" del compositore britannico contemporaneo Thomas Adès (classe 1971).Drucker, Setzer, Dutton e Finckel possono vantare una medaglia per meriti speciali della e una laurea ad honorem del (Vermont). Alla fine della stagione concertistica 2012-13 il violoncellista abbandonerà la formazione per meglio seguire la sua attività solista e sarà sostituito da Paul Watkins. (it)
  • 에머슨 사중주단이라고도 알려진 에머슨 현악 사중주단(Emerson String Quartet)은 1970년대 줄리어드 학교에서 학생 그룹으로 처음 결성된 미국 현악 사중주단이다. 미국의 시인이자 철학자인 에머슨의 이름을 따서 명명되었으며 1976년에 전문적인 투어를 시작했다. 앙상블은 1980년대 The Hartt School의 레지던스에서 가르쳤으며 현재(2022) Stony Brook University의 4중주이다. 에머슨 사중주단은 2010년 클래식 음악 명예의 전당 에 헌액되었다. 2014년 5월 기준 , 그들 은 30 개가 넘는 앨범 을 발표했고 9 개의 그래미 상 과 권위 있는 에이버리 피셔 상을 수상 했다 . 2021년 8월, 사중주단은 가르치는 것과 솔로 작업에 집중하기 위해 2022-2023 시즌이 끝나면 해산할 계획을 발표했다. (ko)
  • Het Emerson String Quartet is een bekend strijkkwartet dat haar basis heeft in New York; het resideert in de State University of New York in Stony Brook. Voorheen werkte het kwartet vanuit de Hartt School. Het werd geformeerd in 1976 en heeft meer dan twintig albums opgenomen, en acht Grammy Awards gewonnen. De beide violisten waren studenten van . Het kwartet nam de naam aan van de Amerikaanse dichter en filosoof Ralph Waldo Emerson. De violisten Drucker en Setzer wisselen elkaar regelmatig af als eerste en tweede violist. Lawrence Dutton en David Finckel hebben de posities ingenomen van respectievelijk Guillermo Figueroa, altviool (1976-1977) en Eric Wilson, cello (1976-1979) (nl)
  • 1976-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • The Emerson Quartet (en)
  • classical_ensemble
  • 250423 (xsd:integer)
  • 12835 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1112545010 (xsd:integer)
  • The Emerson Quartet (en)
  • classical_ensemble (en)
  • The Emerson String Quartet in 2014 (en)
  • Paul Watkins (en)
  • Eugene Drucker (en)
  • Lawrence Dutton (en)
  • Philip Setzer (en)
  • 250 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • Emerson String Quartet (en)
  • Eric Wilson (en)
  • David Finckel (en)
  • Guillermo Figueroa (en)
  • 1976 (xsd:integer)
  • Das Emerson String Quartet, benannt nach dem Philosophen Ralph Waldo Emerson, gehört zu den weltweit bedeutendsten Streichquartettensembles. Es wurde 1976 an der Juilliard School in Manhattan gegründet. Neben dem klassischen Repertoire interpretiert es zeitgenössische Werke wie das 4. Streichquartett von Mario Davidovsky bei der Uraufführung 1980. Eugene Drucker und Philip Setzer wechseln sich am Pult des Primarius ab. Das Ensemble wurde 2004 mit dem ausgezeichnet. 2015 erhielt das Emerson String Quartet den Richard J. Bogomolny National Service Award für Kammermusik. (de)
  • Emerson String Quartet es un cuarteto de cuerdas estadounidense con sede en Nueva York, que fue fundada en 1976. Su sala de conciertos habitual es la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York en Stony Brook.​ (es)
  • Le Quatuor Emerson est un quatuor à cordes américain fondé en 1976 à New York. Il tient son nom symboliquement du grand philosophe Ralph Waldo Emerson, père du transcendantalisme (1803-1882). Les deux violonistes alternent la place de premier et second violon. En 1985, il est nommé quatuor-résident au Lincoln Center. Eugene Drucker joue sur un violon de Stradivarius de 1686. (fr)
  • エマーソン弦楽四重奏団(Emerson String Quartet)は、1976年に結成されたアメリカ合衆国の弦楽四重奏団。創設以来ニューヨーク州を拠点として活動を続ける。ドイツ・グラモフォン・レーベルと専属契約を結び、これまで20枚以上のアルバムのうち6枚がグラミー賞(最優秀室内楽録音賞)を受賞している。 陰影に富んだ表現と軽やかなリズム感を特徴とし、ドビュッシーやラヴェル、アイヴズ、バルトーク、グリーグ、ショスタコーヴィチ、バーバーなどの近現代作品を得意とする。第1と第2のヴァイオリンが曲によって交代するのが大きな特徴。カルテットの名前は、アメリカの詩人・哲学者ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソンに因んでいる。 (ja)
  • 에머슨 사중주단이라고도 알려진 에머슨 현악 사중주단(Emerson String Quartet)은 1970년대 줄리어드 학교에서 학생 그룹으로 처음 결성된 미국 현악 사중주단이다. 미국의 시인이자 철학자인 에머슨의 이름을 따서 명명되었으며 1976년에 전문적인 투어를 시작했다. 앙상블은 1980년대 The Hartt School의 레지던스에서 가르쳤으며 현재(2022) Stony Brook University의 4중주이다. 에머슨 사중주단은 2010년 클래식 음악 명예의 전당 에 헌액되었다. 2014년 5월 기준 , 그들 은 30 개가 넘는 앨범 을 발표했고 9 개의 그래미 상 과 권위 있는 에이버리 피셔 상을 수상 했다 . 2021년 8월, 사중주단은 가르치는 것과 솔로 작업에 집중하기 위해 2022-2023 시즌이 끝나면 해산할 계획을 발표했다. (ko)
  • Het Emerson String Quartet is een bekend strijkkwartet dat haar basis heeft in New York; het resideert in de State University of New York in Stony Brook. Voorheen werkte het kwartet vanuit de Hartt School. Het werd geformeerd in 1976 en heeft meer dan twintig albums opgenomen, en acht Grammy Awards gewonnen. De beide violisten waren studenten van . Het kwartet nam de naam aan van de Amerikaanse dichter en filosoof Ralph Waldo Emerson. De violisten Drucker en Setzer wisselen elkaar regelmatig af als eerste en tweede violist. Lawrence Dutton en David Finckel hebben de posities ingenomen van respectievelijk Guillermo Figueroa, altviool (1976-1977) en Eric Wilson, cello (1976-1979) (nl)
  • El Quartet Emerson és un quartet de corda estatunidenc fundat l'any 1976 a Nova York. L'any 1985, és nomenat quartet-resident al Lincoln Center. Eugene Drucker toca un violí Stradivarius de 1686.Durant la dècada de 1980 el conjunt musical va estar a la residència de la Hartt School situada a West Hartford, Connecticut. Escollint el nom del poeta i filòsof nord-americà Ralph Waldo Emerson, el quartet es va formar a la Juilliard School com a conjunt estudiantil. Es van convertir en professionals el 1976, amb els dos violinistes que havien estudiat sota la tutela d'Oscar Shumsky, alternant com a primer i segon violinistes. Quan es va formar, el quartet Emerson va ser un dels primers amb els dos violinistes alternant la plaça de primer i segon violí. (ca)
  • The Emerson String Quartet, also known as the Emerson Quartet, is an American string quartet that was initially formed as a student group at the Juilliard School in the 1970s. It was named for American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and began touring professionally in 1976. The ensemble taught in residence at The Hartt School in the 1980s and is currently (2022) the quartet in residence at Stony Brook University. Both of the founding violinists studied with Oscar Shumsky at Juilliard, and the two alternated as first and second violinists for the group. The Emerson Quartet was one of the first such ensembles with the two violinists alternating chairs. (en)
  • Il Quartetto Emerson è un quartetto d'archi costituitosi a New York nel 1976, in occasione del bicentenario della nascita degli Stati Uniti d'America, che prende il nome dal filosofo e poeta statunitense Ralph Waldo Emerson. Il debutto avvenne al Lincoln Center di New York.Da allora il quartetto ha tenuto concerti in ogni parte del mondo fino ad essere considerato uno dei migliori a livello internazionale. Svolge attività didattica allo Smithsonian Institute di Washington DC da oltre 30 anni ed è quartetto residente alla Stony Brook University. (it)
  • Quartet Emerson (ca)
  • Emerson String Quartet (en)
  • Emerson String Quartet (de)
  • Emerson String Quartet (es)
  • Quatuor Emerson (fr)
  • Quartetto Emerson (it)
  • エマーソン弦楽四重奏団 (ja)
  • 에머슨 현악 사중주단 (ko)
  • Emerson String Quartet (nl)
  • Emerson String Quartet (en)
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