An Entity of Type: military conflict, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Operation Osoaviakhim (Russian: Операция «Осоавиахим», romanized: Operatsiya "Osoaviakhim")was a secret Soviet operation under which more than 2,500 former Nazi German specialists(Специалисты; i.e. scientists, engineers and technicians who worked in specialist areas)from companies and institutions relevant to military and economic policy in theSoviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) and the Soviet sector of Berlin, as well as around 4,000 more family members, totalling more than 6,000 people, were transported from former Nazi Germany as war reparations in the Soviet Union. It took place in the early morning hours of October 22, 1946when MVD (previously NKVD) and Soviet Army unitsunder the direction of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD),headed by Ivan Serov.

Property Value
  • عملية أُسُوأفياخيم أو حملة أُسُوأفياخيم (بالروسية: Операция Осоавиахим) وتُنطق بالروسية أبيراتسيا أسوأڤياخيم، هي عملية سرية سوفيتية بإشراف الإدارة العسكرية السوفيتية في ألمانيا (سماد SMAD)، وقيادة إيفان سيروف، والتي نُفذَّت بشكل أساسي في ساعات الصباح الباكر من يوم 22 أكتوبر 1946، حيث تم تجميع أكثر من 2.500 خبير ألماني تم اختيارهم من العلماء والمهندسين والفنيين الذين كانوا يعملون في مجالات متخصصة في الشركات والمؤسسات ذات الصلة بالبحوث العسكرية والاقتصادية ضمن منطقة الاحتلال السوفياتي في ألمانيا (SBZ) والقطاع السوفيتي في برلين الشرقية مع حوالي 4.000 من أفراد عوائلهم وترحيلهم قسراً إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي. بهذا الإجراء انتهك الاتحاد السوفيتي إعلان مجلس المراقبة رقم 2 (والذي تضمن مطالب إضافية على ألمانيا) في 20 سبتمبر 1945، والذي نص على أن عملية اختيار العمال الألمان الذين يتم إرسالهم للعمل في الخارج مقابل التعويضات، يجب أن تتم من قبل السلطات الألمانية وفقًا لتعليمات ممثلي الحلفاء، وقد احتج ممثل بريطانيا في مجلس مراقبة الحلفاء ضد هذا الانتهاك لقواعد الحلفاء. هدِف الاتحاد السوفيتي من وراء تنفيذه لحملة أسوأفياخيم، تأمين نقل المعارف والقدرات العلمية إلى روسيا ووُصفت العملية في روسيا بـ"خبراء أجانب في الاتحاد السوفيتي". أمضى أولئك الخبراء سنوات طويلة بدون عقود عمل رسمية أو وثائق شخصية شرعية. وعلى ما يبدو، فقد استُخدِم وصف العملية "بعملية أسوأفياخيم" لأول مرة من قبل محطة بث وكالة الأنباء الألمانية التابعة لسلطة الاحتلال الأمريكي في 23 أكتوبر 1946، وذلك استنادًا إلى المنظمة الكبرى السوفيتية والمسماة اختصاراً آنذاك، أسُوْأڤياخيم OSSOAWIACHIM، واسمها الكامل بالروس��ة (Общество содействия обороне, авиационному и химическому строительству, Obschtschestwo sodeistwija oboronje, awiazionnomu i chimitscheskomu stroitelstwu)، وهي منظمة لتعزيز الدفاع والطيران والكيمياء، والتي جندت الكثير من المدنيين في الجيش الأحمر السوفيتي خلال فترة الحرب العالمية الثانية. أما وكالة الاستخبارات الأمريكية السابقة لوكالة المخابرات المركزية CIA فلم تستخدم وصف العملية بعملية أسوأفياخيم (بالإنجليزية: Operation Ossavakim) لأول مرة إلا في 13 يناير 1947. (ar)
  • Als Aktion Ossawakim (eigentlich „Operation Ossoawiachim“, russisch Операция Осоавиахим Operazija Ossoawiachim) wird eine sowjetische Geheimoperation unter Leitung der Sowjetischen Militäradministration in Deutschland (SMAD) durch Iwan Serow bezeichnet, bei welcher im Wesentlichen in den frühen Morgenstunden des 22. Oktober 1946 mehr als 2500 ausgewählte deutsche Fachkräfte (russisch Специалисты; also Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Techniker, die auf Spezialgebieten tätig waren) aus militär- und wirtschaftspolitisch relevanten Betrieben und Institutionen der sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands (SBZ) und dem sowjetischen Sektor von Berlin sowie weitere ca. 4000 Familienangehörige überwiegend zwangsweise in die Sowjetunion verschleppt wurden. Mit ihrem Vorgehen verstieß die Sowjetunion gegen die Kontrollratsproklamation Nr. 2 (Zusätzliche an Deutschland gestellte Forderungen) vom 20. September 1945, die festgelegt hatte, dass die Auswahl der zu Reparationsleistungen ins Ausland verschickten deutschen Arbeitskräfte von deutschen Behörden entsprechend den Anordnungen der Alliierten Vertreter zu treffen sei. Diese Verletzung alliierter Bestimmungen hatte einen britischen Protest im Alliierten Kontrollrat zur Folge. Die Aktion Ossawakim diente der Absicherung des Know-how-Transfers und wird in Russland als „Ausländische Experten in der UdSSR“ (Иностранные специалисты в СССР) umschrieben. Teilweise wurden die Familien der Betroffenen sowie deren Mobiliar mit verlagert. Die Jahre in der Sowjetunion verliefen ohne Arbeitsverträge und Legitimation durch Personaldokumente. Die Bezeichnung „Aktion Ossawakim“ wurde vermutlich durch den Sender Deutsche Allgemeine Nachrichtenagentur der US-amerikanischen Besatzungsmacht erstmals am 23. Oktober 1946 verwendet in Anlehnung an die damalige sowjetische Großorganisation OSSOAWIACHIM (russ. Общество содействия обороне, авиационному и химическому строительству, Obschtschestwo sodeistwija oboronje, awiazionnomu i chimitscheskomu stroitelstwu, dt. Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Verteidigung, des Flugwesens und der Chemie), die im Zweiten Weltkrieg die Rekrutierung von Zivilisten für die Rote Armee betrieb. Die Vorläuferorganisation der CIA verwendete den Begriff Operation Ossavakim erstmals am 13. Januar 1947. (de)
  • La operación Osoaviajim (en ruso, Операция Осоавиахим) fue una operación soviética que tuvo lugar el 22 de octubre de 1946, en la que el NKVD y unidades del ejército soviético reclutaron a más de 2500 técnicos militares y especialistas técnicos nazis en la zona de ocupación soviética después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, para trabajar en la Unión Soviética.​​ Muchas de estas tecnologías y materiales también fueron trasladados con el objetivo de trasladar los centros de investigación y producción, como el centro de producción de Mittelwerk de cohetes V-2 en Nordhausen, de Alemania a la Unión Soviética. El nombre "Osoaviajim" es el acrónimo de una organización paramilitar soviética, más tarde rebautizada DOSAAF. (es)
  • L’opération Osoaviakhim était une opération soviétique qui eut lieu le 22 octobre 1946. Le NKVD et des unités de l'armée soviétique recrutèrent des milliers de spécialistes techniques de technologies militaires dans la Zone d'occupation soviétique en Allemagne, afin de travailler en Union soviétique. Beaucoup de matériel relatif à ces technologies fut déplacé également, le but étant de relocaliser des centres de recherche et de production, tels que le centre Mittelwerk de production des fusées V-2 à Nordhausen, de l'Allemagne en Union soviétique. Le nom de code de l’opération "Osoaviakhim" est l'acronyme d'une organisation paramilitaire soviétique, rebaptisée plus tard DOSAAF. L'opération était commandée par le colonel général adjoint Serov du NKVD, en dehors du contrôle de l'administration locale militaire soviétique (qui, dans quelques cas, comme pour Carl Zeiss AG, tenta d'empêcher le déplacement de spécialistes et d'équipements d'importance économique vitale pour la zone d'occupation, sans succès, comme il s'avéra, que seule 582 des 10 000 machines resteront en place chez Zeiss). Prévu un certain temps à l'avance, elle eut lieu après les 1946, pour éviter d'amputer les chances du Parti socialiste unifié (qui de toute façon perdit l'élection), l'opération mobilisa 92 trains pour transporter les spécialistes et leurs familles (peut-être de 10 000 à 15 000 personnes au total) ainsi que leur mobilier et leurs effets personnels. Tandis que ceux qui furent déplacés se virent offrir de généreux contrats (on dit aux spécialistes qu'ils seraient payés comme leurs homologues soviétiques, ce qui, dans l'Allemagne d'après-guerre était considérée comme un gain), il y avait peu de doute sur le fait que ne pas les signer n'était pas une option réaliste. La principale raison de l'opération était la crainte soviétique d'être condamné pour non-respect des conventions alliées du Conseil de contrôle allié sur la liquidation des installations militaires allemandes. De nouveaux accords étaient attendus sur les inspections de potentiel de guerre allemand restant par les quatre puissances, que les Soviétiques avaient pris en charge, préoccupés par l'évolution dans les zones occidentales. L'opération présente des parallèles avec les opérations alliées telles que les opérations Overcast-Paperclip et Alsos par lesquelles les Alliés ont emmené les spécialistes militaires d'Allemagne, principalement aux États-Unis, y compris Wernher von Braun. (fr)
  • Operation Osoaviakhim (Russian: Операция «Осоавиахим», romanized: Operatsiya "Osoaviakhim")was a secret Soviet operation under which more than 2,500 former Nazi German specialists(Специалисты; i.e. scientists, engineers and technicians who worked in specialist areas)from companies and institutions relevant to military and economic policy in theSoviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) and the Soviet sector of Berlin, as well as around 4,000 more family members, totalling more than 6,000 people, were transported from former Nazi Germany as war reparations in the Soviet Union. It took place in the early morning hours of October 22, 1946when MVD (previously NKVD) and Soviet Army unitsunder the direction of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD),headed by Ivan Serov. Much related equipment was also moved, the aim being to literally transplant research and production research centerssuch as the relocated V-2 rocket center of Mittelwerk, from Germany to the Soviet Union,and collect as much material as possible from test centers such as the Luftwaffe's central military aviation testcenter at Erprobungstelle Rechlin, taken by the Red Army on 2 May 1945. The codename Osoaviakhim is the acronym of the then large Soviet organization OSOAVIAKhIM, which recruited civilians for the Red Army during World War II (and later renamed to DOSAAF)which was mistakenly used for the first time on October 23, 1946, by the broadcaster (DENA) of the USoccupying power and adapted by the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), a predecessor of the CIA, as Operation Ossavakim.Another predecessor organization of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) used the term OperationOssavakim for the first time on January 13, 1947. The Osoaviakhim campaign served to secure the transfer of know-how and is described in Russia as "Foreign Experts in the USSR" (Иностранные специалисты в СССР). In some cases, the families of those affected and their furniture were also relocated. The years in the Soviet Union passed without employment contracts and legitimization through personal documents. The operation has parallels with other Allied operations such as Alsos Mission, Operation Paperclip and Russian Alsos, in which the Allies brought military specialists and scientists from Germany. (en)
  • L'Azione Osoaviachim (in tedesco Aktion Ossawiakim) o Operazione Osoaviachim (in tedesco Operation Ossoawiachim; in russo: Операция Осоавиахим?, traslitterato: Operazcija Osoaviachim) è stata un'operazione segreta sotto la direzione dell'Amministrazione militare sovietica in Germania (SMAD) di Ivan Serov. Secondo tale piano, nelle prime ore del mattino del 22 ottobre 1946 più di 2 500 lavoratori qualificati tedeschi selezionati (in russo: Специалист?, traslitterato: Specialist) da parte delle imprese e delle istituzioni attive nella Zona di occupazione sovietica (ZOS) e del settore sovietico di Berlino, furono deportati con la forza in Unione Sovietica assieme a più di circa 4 000 familiari. L'Unione Sovietica violò il protocollo n. 2 della Commissione alleata di controllo ("Richieste supplementari alla Germania") del 20 settembre 1945, secondo cui la selezione dei lavoratori tedeschi inviati all'estero come risarcimento doveva essere effettuata dalle autorità tedesche secondo le istruzioni delle rappresentanze alleate. Questa violazione da parte dell'URSS provocò una protesta britannica nella Commissione di controllo. L'azione Osoavachim fu descritta dal governo sovietico come un'operazione per gli "esperti stranieri in URSS" (Иностранные специалисты в СССР). In molti casi, le famiglie delle persone colpite e i loro mobili furono trasferiti. Gli anni trascorsi nel territorio sovietico prevedevano l'assenza di contratti di lavoro e di legittimità attraverso documenti personali. Il nome dell'operazione fu probabilmente trasmesso per la prima volta dall'agenzia di stampa generale delle forze di occupazione americane il 23 ottobre 1946, in riferimento all'allora grande organizzazione sovietica Osoaviachim impegnata nel reclutamento di civili nell'Armata Rossa durante la seconda guerra mondiale. (it)
  • Операция «Осоавиахим» состоялась в ночь на 22 октября 1946 года. Ранним утром подразделения МВД СССР и Советской Армии под руководством оккупационной администрации задержали более 2200 немецких специалистов, а затем интернировали их из советской оккупационной зоны послевоенной Германии и Восточного Берлина на работы в СССР. В общей сложности перемещены более 6000 человек, включая членов семей захваченных специалистов. (ru)
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  • Kurt Magnus, a gyro specialist that had been transported to Gorodomlya Island (en)
  • Fritz Karl Preikschat, a German engineer recruited to the Soviet Union via Operation Osoaviakhim and held in the Soviet Union for six years (en)
  • October 2022 (en)
  • dewiki spells it Schelesnodoroschnaja, whatever the heck it is; there are several places and zillions of streets with this name (en)
  • As the Foreign Office reports, a certain number of German technicians from the English occupation zone in Germany have been called to Great Britain by the official government. It is worth noting that these skilled workers went to Britain voluntarily. Is it explained in informed circles that the matter of the kidnapping of German experts by the Russians did not go beyond the scope of the Allied command and did not give rise to any diplomatic changes between the occupying powers. (en)
  • The Reporter of the London radio station, Beer, who is currently on stay in Berlin, reports on the transfer: 'It is clear that the transfer of German workers to Russia is not a measure in retaliation of the Soviet occupation zone of Germany's election defeat, but that these measures are also used in the others Russian occupation areas where the Soviet occupation zone of Germany emerged as the strongest party from the election campaign. It is probably a measure which has been prepared for some time, then postponed until after the elections so as not to adversely affect the election results.' (en)
  • While the forced deportation of German speciality workers from Berlin to the Soviet Union which has so far affected approximately 500 technicians and electrical workers is still in full swing, a similar measure has begun in Halle and Dessau, where so far about approximately 1000 employees and workers have been requested to allegedly emigrate voluntarily to Russia. Allegedly among those evacuees from the Russian sector of Berlin was Prof. E. Habann, a well-known authority on radio frequency. (en)
  • Days, even years later, more precise details of this large-scale, perfectly planned and at the same time carefully kept secret deportation operation leaked out. Sudden attacks were made not only in Bleicherode, but all over the entire Soviet occupation zone: In Halle, Leipzig and Dresden; in Dessau, Jena and Rostock; in Brandenburg, Potsdam and East Berlin. According to credible estimates, around 20,000 Germans – fitters, foremen, technicians, engineers, designers and scientists, women and children – were picked up, loaded and transported in that one night. [...] 92 trains loaded with human loot passed through Frankfurt (Oder) at this time. (en)
  • Between midnight and 3am, when everybody was asleep. They knew exactly where I lived, first of all: a few days before I was captured, a fellow came. They had a key – they had everything to the apartment, to the door. There was one interpreter who told me [in German]: "Get up! You are being mobilized to work in Russia", and there were about half a dozen soldiers with machine guns, who surrounded me. When I wanted to get to the toilet, they checked it out first to make sure there was no escape hatch. It was a very tight operation. They did that with every family. Many families came, while I was alone. (en)
  • Regarding the reports of an alleged deportation of workers from the Russian zone, the Russian military authorities stated: No Germans have been forcibly deported to the Soviet Union, a number of special workers traveled to Russia with their families in order to work in the Russian industry for two to three years of after voluntarily signing a contract. (en)
  • A detailed statement by the Russian occupation authorities on the question of the transfer of German technicians and skilled workers was published in Berlin newspapers under Russian control. The statement comes to the fore on two points: 1. Only a few groups of German specialists, engineers, technicians and workers have left so far. They were provided with employment contracts. 2. The Russian approach follows the example of the Western Allies, especially England and America. (en)
  • La operación Osoaviajim (en ruso, Операция Осоавиахим) fue una operación soviética que tuvo lugar el 22 de octubre de 1946, en la que el NKVD y unidades del ejército soviético reclutaron a más de 2500 técnicos militares y especialistas técnicos nazis en la zona de ocupación soviética después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, para trabajar en la Unión Soviética.​​ Muchas de estas tecnologías y materiales también fueron trasladados con el objetivo de trasladar los centros de investigación y producción, como el centro de producción de Mittelwerk de cohetes V-2 en Nordhausen, de Alemania a la Unión Soviética. El nombre "Osoaviajim" es el acrónimo de una organización paramilitar soviética, más tarde rebautizada DOSAAF. (es)
  • Операция «Осоавиахим» состоялась в ночь на 22 октября 1946 года. Ранним утром подразделения МВД СССР и Советской Армии под руководством оккупационной администрации задержали более 2200 немецких специалистов, а затем интернировали их из советской оккупационной зоны послевоенной Германии и Восточного Берлина на работы в СССР. В общей сложности перемещены более 6000 человек, включая членов семей захваченных специалистов. (ru)
  • عملية أُسُوأفياخيم أو حملة أُسُوأفياخيم (بالروسية: Операция Осоавиахим) وتُنطق بالروسية أبيراتسيا أسوأڤياخيم، هي عملية سرية سوفيتية بإشراف الإدارة العسكرية السوفيتية في ألمانيا (سماد SMAD)، وقيادة إيفان سيروف، والتي نُفذَّت بشكل أساسي في ساعات الصباح الباكر من يوم 22 أكتوبر 1946، حيث تم تجميع أكثر من 2.500 خبير ألماني تم اختيارهم من العلماء والمهندسين والفنيين الذين كانوا يعملون في مجالات متخصصة في الشركات والمؤسسات ذات الصلة بالبحوث العسكرية والاقتصادية ضمن منطقة الاحتلال السوفياتي في ألمانيا (SBZ) والقطاع السوفيتي في برلين الشرقية مع حوالي 4.000 من أفراد عوائلهم وترحيلهم قسراً إلى الاتحاد السوفيتي. (ar)
  • Als Aktion Ossawakim (eigentlich „Operation Ossoawiachim“, russisch Операция Осоавиахим Operazija Ossoawiachim) wird eine sowjetische Geheimoperation unter Leitung der Sowjetischen Militäradministration in Deutschland (SMAD) durch Iwan Serow bezeichnet, bei welcher im Wesentlichen in den frühen Morgenstunden des 22. Oktober 1946 mehr als 2500 ausgewählte deutsche Fachkräfte (russisch Специалисты; also Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Techniker, die auf Spezialgebieten tätig waren) aus militär- und wirtschaftspolitisch relevanten Betrieben und Institutionen der sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands (SBZ) und dem sowjetischen Sektor von Berlin sowie weitere ca. 4000 Familienangehörige überwiegend zwangsweise in die Sowjetunion verschleppt wurden. (de)
  • L’opération Osoaviakhim était une opération soviétique qui eut lieu le 22 octobre 1946. Le NKVD et des unités de l'armée soviétique recrutèrent des milliers de spécialistes techniques de technologies militaires dans la Zone d'occupation soviétique en Allemagne, afin de travailler en Union soviétique. Beaucoup de matériel relatif à ces technologies fut déplacé également, le but étant de relocaliser des centres de recherche et de production, tels que le centre Mittelwerk de production des fusées V-2 à Nordhausen, de l'Allemagne en Union soviétique. Le nom de code de l’opération "Osoaviakhim" est l'acronyme d'une organisation paramilitaire soviétique, rebaptisée plus tard DOSAAF. (fr)
  • Operation Osoaviakhim (Russian: Операция «Осоавиахим», romanized: Operatsiya "Osoaviakhim")was a secret Soviet operation under which more than 2,500 former Nazi German specialists(Специалисты; i.e. scientists, engineers and technicians who worked in specialist areas)from companies and institutions relevant to military and economic policy in theSoviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) and the Soviet sector of Berlin, as well as around 4,000 more family members, totalling more than 6,000 people, were transported from former Nazi Germany as war reparations in the Soviet Union. It took place in the early morning hours of October 22, 1946when MVD (previously NKVD) and Soviet Army unitsunder the direction of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD),headed by Ivan Serov. (en)
  • L'Azione Osoaviachim (in tedesco Aktion Ossawiakim) o Operazione Osoaviachim (in tedesco Operation Ossoawiachim; in russo: Операция Осоавиахим?, traslitterato: Operazcija Osoaviachim) è stata un'operazione segreta sotto la direzione dell'Amministrazione militare sovietica in Germania (SMAD) di Ivan Serov. Secondo tale piano, nelle prime ore del mattino del 22 ottobre 1946 più di 2 500 lavoratori qualificati tedeschi selezionati (in russo: Специалист?, traslitterato: Specialist) da parte delle imprese e delle istituzioni attive nella Zona di occupazione sovietica (ZOS) e del settore sovietico di Berlino, furono deportati con la forza in Unione Sovietica assieme a più di circa 4 000 familiari. (it)
  • عملية أسوأفياخيم (ar)
  • Aktion Ossawakim (de)
  • Operación Osoaviajim (es)
  • Opération Osoaviakhim (fr)
  • Azione Osoaviachim (it)
  • Operation Osoaviakhim (en)
  • Осоавиахим (операция) (ru)
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