aeroethics, kinematics and structure.
23 years of meat and blind screams.

i'm asking for your help, also 1$ is fine.
you can find why here, love you lots.



i’m proud of being an exo fan cause i know how i am and how i behave, so other people’s complaints don’t touch me. please do the same, always feel proud of our boys and don’t start fights cause people who treat all people like they’re all the same, are just ignorant. don’t get mad, try to enjoy this fandom as much as you can and love other groups :3


don’t call them exo-l, call them with their name: sasaeng.


so, there this site where you put your name in a box and you can analyze your penis and tits and everything, i’ve known it for a while but only today i’ve found out you can put two names and have a sexual intercurse aka male anal sex and you can even listen to them. guess what are the first two names i’ve put? jongin and kyungsoo ofc. here is the link, enjoy, a lot of good vibes for good smut fics, please be inspired as i did. (turn the volume on)

“ dina drew this for me, it’s my blog soul and i love it so much, i’m crying because of its cuteness. it’s my winter mascotte.


dina drew this for me, it’s my blog soul and i love it so much, i’m crying because of its cuteness. it’s my  winter mascotte.

on semi-hiatus! be here on weekends
and sometimes by night.
latest themes published: papers insp
latest theme change: aug18 "corintio"
kakao & line: @claeros
latest resource: pixel backgrounds
keditors : creator
jongyunet : creator
soonet : co-admin
shineenet : member
taekainet : admin
keudirectory : member
teen wolf, a/b/o.
follow forevers
posts to keep
inspirational art
tympanus codrops
my icons resource
cleo's face
heavy blabbering
about? maybe
bts sideblog
kaisoo smut ficrec:
coming soon

thm © daenso