
On the power of weak measurements in separating quantum states. (English) Zbl 1317.81017

Summary: We investigate the power of weak measurements in the framework of quantum state discrimination. First, we define and analyze the notion of weak consecutive measurements. Our main result is a convergence theorem whereby we demonstrate when and how a set of consecutive weak measurements converges to a strong measurement. Second, we show that for a small set of consecutive weak measurements, long before their convergence, one can separate close states without causing their collapse. We thus demonstrate a tradeoff between the success probability and the bias of the original vector towards collapse. Next, we use post-selection within the two-state vector formalism and present the non-linear expansion of the expectation value of the measurement device’s pointer to distinguish between two predetermined close vectors.


81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81P50 Quantum state estimation, approximate cloning


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[29] \[|\cos (g\hat{X})-i \langle \hat{A}\rangle_w \sin (g\hat{X})|^2= |\cos (g\hat{X})+b \sin (g\hat{X})|^2= \cos^2(g\hat{X})+b^2\sin^2(g\hat{X})+b\sin (2g\hat{X})= (1-b^2)\cos^2(g\hat{X})+ b^2+b\sin (2g\hat{X})=(1-b^2)( \cos (2g\hat{X})+1)/2 +b^2+b\sin (2g\hat{X})=\frac{(1-b^2)}{2}\cos (2g\hat{X})+\frac{(1+b^2)}{2}+b\sin (2g\hat{X})\]|cos(gX^)-i⟨A^⟩wsin(gX^)|2=|cos(gX^)+bsin(gX^)|2=cos2(gX^)+b2sin2(gX^)+bsin(2gX^)=(1-b2)cos2(gX^)+b2+bsin(2gX^)=(1-b2)(cos(2gX^)+1)/2+b2+bsin(2gX^)=(1-b2)2cos(2gX^)+(1+b2)2+bsin(2gX^)
[30] Use integration by parts on \[\int e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} \cos (kx) dx\]∫e-x22σ2cos(kx)dx
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[32] Use integration by parts on \[\int e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}}[\cos (2kx)-2kx\sin (2kx)]dx\]∫e-x22σ2[cos(2kx)-2kxsin(2kx)]dx and the previous formula for \[\langle \hat{X}\sin (2g\hat{X})\rangle_{in} \]⟨X^sin(2gX^)⟩in
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