
A Beilinson-Bernstein theorem for analytic quantum groups. I. (English) Zbl 1497.17017

Summary: In this two-part paper, we introduce a \(p\)-adic analytic analogue of Backelin and Kremnizer’s construction of the quantum flag variety of a semisimple algebraic group, when \(q\) is not a root of unity and \(\vert q-1\vert<1\). We then define a category of \(\lambda \)-twisted \(D\)-modules on this analytic quantum flag variety. We show that when \(\lambda\) is regular and dominant and when the characteristic of the residue field does not divide the order of the Weyl group, the global section functor gives an equivalence of categories between the coherent \(\lambda \)-twisted \(D\)-modules and the category of finitely generated modules over \(\widehat{U_q^\lambda} \), where the latter is a completion of the ad-finite part of the quantum group with central character corresponding to \(\lambda \). Along the way, we also show that Banach comodules over the Banach completion \(\widehat{ \mathcal{O}_q(B) }\) of the quantum coordinate algebra of the Borel can be naturally identified with certain topologically integrable modules.


17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations


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