
Stress-aware large-scale mesh editing using a domain-decomposed multigrid solver. (English) Zbl 1441.65027

Summary: In this paper, we develop a domain-decomposed subspace and multigrid solver to analyze the stress distribution for large-scale finite element meshes with millions of degrees of freedom. Through the domain decomposition technique, the shape editing directly updates the data structure of local finite element matrices. Doing so avoids the expensive factorization step in a direct solver and provides users with a progressive feedback of the stress distribution corresponding to the mesh operations: a fast preview is achieved through the subspace solver, and the multigrid solver refines the preview result if the user needs to examine the stress distribution carefully at certain design stages. Our system constructs the subspace for stress analysis using reduced constrained modes and builds a three-level multigrid solver through the algebraic multigrid method. We remove mid-edge nodes and lump unknowns with the Schur complement method. The updating and solving of the large global stiffness matrix are implemented in parallel after the domain decomposition. Experimental results show that our solver outperforms the parallel Intel MKL solver. Speedups of \(50 \% - 100\%\) can be achieved for large-scale meshes with reasonable pre-computation costs when setting the stopping criterion of the multigrid solver to be \(1\mathrm{e}-3\) relative error.


65D17 Computer-aided design (modeling of curves and surfaces)
65N55 Multigrid methods; domain decomposition for boundary value problems involving PDEs


MKL; BoomerAMG; FE-gMG
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