
The elliptic sieve and Brauer groups. (English) Zbl 1536.14017

Let \(E\) be an elliptic cuve over \(\mathbb{Q}\) given by an integral Weierstrass equation, and \(P\) a rational point on \(E\) of infinite order, which is contained in the connected component of the identity of \(E(\mathbb{R})\). In the paper under review, the authors prove (Theorem 1.1) that there is a constant \(\omega(E,P)>0\) such that the number of integers \(n\) with \(|n|\leq B\) for which the \(y\)-coordinate of \(nP\) is a sum of two squares is of order \(B/(\log B)^\omega\) depending on \(E\) and \(P\), thus showing that most multiples of \(P\) do not have \(y\)-coordinate a sum of two squares. The analogous statement for integers is a famous theorem of Landau and Ramanujan.
Theorem 1.1 is proved using a conic bundle over \(E\) (a conic bundle is a surjective morphism of varieties all of whose fibres are isomorphic to plane conics). In Theorem 1.2, the authors show that for \(E, P\) as above, and \(\pi\colon X\rightarrow E\) a conic bundle such that \(\pi^{-1}(mP)\) is irreducible and isomorphic to two lines over an imaginary quadratic extension for some \(m\in\mathbb{Z}\), there exists a constant \(\omega(X,E,P)\) such that the number of integers \(n\) with \(|n|\leq B\) for which \(nP\) is contained in \(\pi(X(\mathbb{Q}))\) is of order \(B/(\log B)^\omega\) depending on \(X, E, P\). In other words, for almost all multiples of \(P\) the associated conic has no rational point. This is an analogue of a theorem of Serre stating that almost all plane conics over \(\mathbb{Q}\) have no rational point when ordered by the size of their coefficients [J.-P. Serre, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. I 311, No. 7, 397–402 (1990; Zbl 0711.13002)], which was later generalized by Loughran and Smeets to other families of varieties over \(\mathbb{P}^n\) [D. Loughran and A. Smeets, Geom. Funct. Anal. 26, No. 5, 1449–1482 (2016; Zbl 1357.14028)]. Theorem 1.2 is also a strengthening of [J. Berg and M. Nakahara, Math. Z. 300, No. 3, 2429–2449 (2022; Zbl 1493.14041) ], in which Berg and Nakahara prove for an overlapping collection of elliptic curves and conic bundles that the image \(\pi(X(\mathbb{Q}))\) does not contain a translate of a subgroup of finite index.
To prove Theorem 1.2 the authors prove a more general result (Theorem 1.6), which is stated in the framework of Brauer groups. For \(E\) as above and \(P\) a rational point on \(E\) of infinite order, such that there is an \(m\in\mathbb{Z}\) with \(b\in\mbox{Br }\mathbb{Q}(E)\) ramified at \(mP\), Theorem 1.6 gives an explicit upper bound depending on \(E,P,b\) for the number of integers \(n\) with \(|n|\leq B\) for which the evaluation of \(b\) at \(mP\) equals 0 in Br \(\mathbb{Q}\), under certain technical conditions on an elliptic divisibility sequence associated to \(P\). A Dirichlet character is associated to the residue of \(b\) at \(mP\), and the authors show in Section 6 of the paper that the most technical assumption needed in Theorem 1.6 holds in 100% of suitable Dirichlet characters of prime moduli. They also show that Theorem 1.6 has applications to norm form equations (Theorem 1.7). The key ingredients for proving Theorem 1.6 are a version of the Selberg sieve for elliptic curves and elliptic divisibility sequences.


14G05 Rational points
11N36 Applications of sieve methods
14F22 Brauer groups of schemes
11G05 Elliptic curves over global fields




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