
Coarse-grained stochastic model of myosin-driven vesicles into dendritic spines. (English) Zbl 1491.92036

Summary: We study the dynamics of membrane vesicle motor transport into dendritic spines, which are bulbous intracellular compartments in neurons that play a key role in transmitting signals between neurons. We consider the stochastic analogue of the vesicle transport model in [Y. Park and T. G. Fai, Bull. Math. Biol. 82, No. 11, Paper No. 141, 30 p. (2020; Zbl 1451.92076)]. The stochastic version, which may be considered as an agent-based model, relies mostly on the action of individual myosin motors to produce vesicle motion. To aid in our analysis, we coarse-grain this agent-based model using a master equation combined with a partial differential equation describing the probability of local motor positions. We confirm through convergence studies that the coarse-graining captures the essential features of bistability in velocity (observed in experiments) and waiting-time distributions to switch between steady-state velocities. Interestingly, these results allow us to reformulate the translocation problem in terms of the mean first passage time for a run-and-tumble particle moving on a finite domain with absorbing boundaries at the two ends. We conclude by presenting numerical and analytical calculations of vesicle translocation.


92C20 Neural biology
92C17 Cell movement (chemotaxis, etc.)


Zbl 1451.92076


SciPy; Python


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