

swMATH ID: 2066
Software Authors: Evensen, Geir; Sakov, P.
Description: EnKF-The Ensemble Kalman Filter The EnKF is a sophisticated sequental data assimilation method. It applies an ensemble of model states to represent the error statistics of the model estimate, it applies ensemble integrations to predict the error statistics forward in time, and it uses an analysis scheme which operates directly on the ensemble of model states when observations are assimilated. The EnKF has proven to efficiently handle strongly nonlinear dynamics and large state spaces and is now used in realistic applications with primitive equation models for the ocean and atmosphere. A recent article in the Siam News Oct. 2003 by Dana McKenzie suggests that the killer heat wave that hit Central Europe in the summer 2003 could have been more efficiently forecast if the EnKF had been used by Meteorological Centers. See the article ”Ensemble Kalman Filters Bring Weather Models Up to Date” on http://www.siam.org/siamnews/10-03/tococt03.htm This page is established as a reference page for users of the EnKF, and it contains documentation, example codes, and standardized Fortran 90 subroutines which can be used in new implementations of the EnKF. The material on this page will provide new users of the EnKF with a quick start and spinup, and experienced users with optimized code which may increase the performence of their implementations.
Homepage: http://enkf.nersc.no/
Programming Languages: Fortran 90
Dependencies: Matlab
Keywords: automatic history matching; uncertainty quantification; singular value decomposition; randomized maximum likelihood; ensemble Kalman filter
Related Software: Matlab; GSLIB; GitHub; PRMLT; L-BFGS; BayesDA; Adam; redbKIT; EnsembleQN; MRST; TensorFlow; PMTK; SGeMS; ElemStatLearn; astsa; AlexNet; ImageNet; OpenFOAM; mftoolbox; LBFGS-B
Cited in: 567 Documents
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Cited by 1,059 Authors

19 Stuart, Andrew M.
18 Reich, Sebastian
11 Del Moral, Pierre
10 Majda, Andrew J.
10 Oliver, Dean S.
8 Bishop, Adrian N.
8 Evensen, Geir
8 Jafarpour, Behnam
7 Abarbanel, Henry D. I.
7 Chada, Neil K.
7 Hanea, Remus G.
7 Iglesias, Marco A.
7 Marzouk, Youssef M.
7 Nævdal, Geir
7 Nino-Ruiz, Elias David
6 Apte, Amit
6 Belyaev, Konstantin P.
6 Carrassi, Alberto
6 Heemink, Arnold Willem
6 Jansen, Jan-Dirk
6 Jasra, Ajay
6 Jones, Christopher K. R. T.
6 Kuleshov, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich
6 Law, Kody J. H.
6 Mannseth, Trond
6 Stordal, Andreas S.
6 Tong, Xin Thomson
6 Tu, Xuemin
5 Bao, Feng
5 Bocquet, Marc
5 Chen, Nan
5 Chen, Yan
5 Crisan, Dan O.
5 Hoteit, Ibrahim
5 Pathiraja, Sahani D.
5 Reynolds, Albert C. jun.
5 Sandu, Adrian
5 Sarkar, Abhijit
5 Schillings, Claudia
5 Weissmann, Simon
5 Xiao, Heng
5 Zhang, Xinlei
4 Bayen, Alexandre M.
4 de Wiljes, Jana
4 Ding, Zhiyan
4 Grana, Dario
4 Harlim, John
4 Hoang, Hong Son
4 Khalil, Mohammad
4 Li, Jinglai
4 Li, Qin
4 Luo, Xiaodong
4 Luo, Xue
4 Matthies, Hermann Georg
4 Moireau, Philippe
4 Narayan, Akil C.
4 Poirel, Dominique
4 Rosić, Bojana V.
4 Sandhu, Rimple
4 Sanz-Alonso, Daniel
4 Sebacher, Bogdan
4 Tanajura, Clemente A. S.
4 Tartakovsky, Alexandre M.
4 Tempone, Raúl F.
4 Tjelmeland, Håkon
4 Wen, Linjie
4 Wikle, Christopher K.
4 Xiu, Dongbin
4 Zhang, Dongxiao
3 Archibald, Richard
3 Auroux, Didier
3 Baraille, Rémy
3 Barajas-Solano, David A.
3 Bergou, El Houcine
3 Beskos, Alexandros
3 Blömker, Dirk
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3 Brunton, Steven L.
3 Chen, Chaohui
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3 Emerick, Alexandre Anozé
3 Garbuno-Inigo, Alfredo
3 Godinez, Humberto C.
3 Gómez-Hernández, José Jaime
3 Grudzien, Colin J.
3 Lan, Shiwei
3 Lee, Wonjung
3 Loe, Margrethe Kvale
3 Mahadevan, Sankaran
3 Mandel, Jan
3 Margoliash, Daniel
3 Meldi, Marcello
3 Moroz, Irene M.
3 Morzfeld, Matthias
3 Omre, Henning
3 Pettit, Chris L.
3 Qi, Di
3 Qiao, Huijie
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Cited in 151 Serials

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59 Journal of Computational Physics
33 Physica D
26 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
23 Inverse Problems
20 Mathematical Geosciences
14 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
12 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
11 Statistics and Computing
10 Chaos
9 Computers and Fluids
9 Foundations of Data Science
8 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
7 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
7 Applied Mathematics and Computation
6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
6 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
6 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
5 Mathematical Biosciences
5 Automatica
5 Computational Mechanics
5 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
4 International Journal of Control
4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
4 Nonlinearity
4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
4 Journal of Scientific Computing
4 Applied Mathematical Modelling
4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
3 Biological Cybernetics
3 Journal of the Franklin Institute
3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
3 The Annals of Applied Probability
3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
3 Nonlinear Dynamics
3 Acta Numerica
3 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
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2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B
2 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics
2 Neural Computation
2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
2 Journal of Nonlinear Science
2 Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling
2 Statistica Sinica
2 Bernoulli
2 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki
2 Stochastics and Dynamics
2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2 Journal of Computational Dynamics
2 Research in the Mathematical Sciences
2 Journal of Computational Physics: X
1 Applicable Analysis
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Physics Letters. A
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Statistical Science
1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1 Machine Learning
1 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
1 Applications of Mathematics
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 Computational Statistics
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
1 SIAM Review
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
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