

swMATH ID: 17178
Software Authors: Cui, W.; Ning, J.; Naik, U. P.; Duncan, M. K.
Description: OptiRNAi, an RNAi design tool. RNA interference (RNAi), a recently developed reverse genetics tool, has many advantages compared to traditional gene knockout methods. Appropriate selection of double stranded RNAs identical to a specific region(s) of the target gene is critical for the successful implementation of this technology. Recently, Elbashir et al. [Methods 26 (2002) 199] has established empirical criteria for siRNA sequence selection that significantly improved the success rate for RNAi attempts. We have developed OptiRNAi, a computational tool, which uses the Elbashir et al. criteria to predict appropriate target sequences for siRNA production. Specificity of these siRNAs for the target of interest can then be assessed by the investigator using the embedded Blast search engine optimized for RNAi design. Thus, OptiRNAi is an efficient and user friendly tool for RNAi design based on criteria that are more stringent than other available tools.
Homepage: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169260703001299
Related Software: TopHat; RNAmute; SOAPdenovo; Oases; VARNA; KEGG; Mfold; ARB; EMBOSS; Minimus; EMIRGE; ViennaRNA; TagCleaner; OligoWalk; ASTALAVISTA; PredGPI; SPEPlip; BaCelLo; PolyA_DB; ASPicDB
Cited in: 1 Document

Cited by 1 Author

1 Picardi, Ernesto

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