

swMATH ID: 13461
Software Authors: Chandy, K. Mani; Misra, Jayadev
Description: Simulation model development and analysis in UNITY. We evaluate UNITY – a computational model, specification language and proof system defined by Chandy and Misra [5] for the development of parallel and distributed programs – as a platform for simulation model specification and analysis. We describe a UNITY-based methodology for the construction, analysis and execution of simulation models. The methodology starts with a simulation model specification in the form of a set of coupled state transition systems. Mechanical methods for mapping the transition systems first into a set of formal assertions, permitting formal verification of the transition systems, and second into an executable program are described. The methodology provides a means to independently verify the correctness of the transition systems: one can specify properties formally that the model should obey and prove them as theorems using the formal specification. The methodology is illustrated through generation of a simulation program solving the machine interference problem using the Time Warp protocol on a distributed memory parallel architecture.
Homepage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNITY_%28programming_language%29
Keywords: simulation specification; simulation verification; parallel simulation protocols; UNITY
Related Software: NQTHM; HOL; PVS; SPIN; LARCH; Isabelle/HOL; Coq; OBJ3; Maude; CafeOBJ; Rodin; CESAR; Z; ML; HOL-UNITY; Eiffel; PRISM; Uppaal; Nuprl; Reo
Cited in: 188 Documents
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Cited by 277 Authors

14 Hesselink, Wim H.
6 Meseguer Guaita, José
6 Misra, Jayadev
4 Futatsugi, Kokichi
4 Singh, Ambuj K.
3 Anderson, James H.
3 Attie, Paul C.
3 Chandy, Kanianthra Mani
3 Dijkstra, Rutger M.
3 Filali, Mamoun
3 Fix, Limor
3 Francez, Nissim
3 Groote, Jan Friso
3 Grumberg, Orna
3 Halpern, Joseph Yehuda
3 Kindler, Ekkart
3 Liu, Zhiming
3 McIver, Annabelle K.
3 Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
3 Prasetya, I. S. W. B.
3 Sanders, Beverly A.
3 Sifakis, Joseph
3 Swierstra, S. Doaitse
2 Aravind, Alex A.
2 Bensalem, Saddek
2 Bozga, Marius
2 Brandt, Jens
2 Collette, Pierre
2 Crégut, Pierre
2 Dederichs, Frank
2 Dongol, Brijesh
2 Gouda, Mohamed G.
2 Graf, Susanne
2 Heyd, Barbara
2 Hoang, Thai Son
2 Jonsson, Bengt
2 Joseph, Mathai
2 Li, Xiaozhou
2 Loiseaux, Claire
2 Méry, Dominique
2 Montanari, Ugo G.
2 Morgan, Carroll C.
2 Nesterenko, Mikhail V.
2 Ogata, Kazuhiro
2 Plaxton, C. Greg
2 Schneider, Klaus
2 Stomp, Frank
2 van de Snepscheut, Jan L. A.
2 Wang, Shengyuan
2 Weber, Rainer
2 Yuan, Chongyi
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1 Agha, Gul A.
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