
Reversible circuit synthesis by genetic programming using dynamic gate libraries. (English) Zbl 1373.81131

Summary: We have defined a new method for automatic construction of reversible logic circuits by using the genetic programming approach. The choice of the gate library is 100% dynamic. The algorithm is capable of accepting all possible combinations of the following gate types: NOT TOFFOLI, NOT PERES, NOT CNOT TOFFOLI, NOT CNOT SWAP FREDKIN, NOT CNOT TOFFOLI SWAP FREDKIN, NOT CNOT PERES, NOT CNOT SWAP FREDKIN PERES, NOT CNOT TOFFOLI PERES and NOT CNOT TOFFOLI SWAP FREDKIN PERES. Our method produced near optimum circuits in some cases when a particular subset of gate types was used in the library. Meanwhile, in some cases, optimal circuits were produced due to the heuristic nature of the algorithm. We compared the outcomes of our method with several existing synthesis methods, and it was shown that our algorithm performed relatively well compared to the previous synthesis methods in terms of the output efficiency of the algorithm and execution time as well.


81P68 Quantum computation
68Q12 Quantum algorithms and complexity in the theory of computing
94C05 Analytic circuit theory


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