
Hopf bifurcations in the full SKT model and where to find them. (English) Zbl 1498.35037

Summary: In this paper, we consider the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto (SKT) model, which presents cross-diffusion terms describing competition pressure effects. Even though the reaction part does not present the activator-inhibitor structure, cross-diffusion can destabilise the homogeneous equilibrium. However, in the full cross-diffusion system and weak competition regime, the cross-diffusion terms have an opposite effect and the bifurcation structure of the system modifies as the interspecific competition pressure increases. The major changes in the bifurcation structure, the type of pitchfork bifurcations on the homogeneous branch, as well as the presence of Hopf bifurcation points are here investigated. Through weakly nonlinear analysis, we can predict the type of pitchfork bifurcation. Increasing the additional cross-diffusion coefficients, the first two pitchfork bifurcation points from super-critical become sub-critical, leading to the appearance of a multi-stability region. The interspecific competition pressure also influences the possible appearance of stable time-period spatial patterns appearing through a Hopf bifurcation point.


35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35K51 Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic systems
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
65P30 Numerical bifurcation problems
92D25 Population dynamics (general)


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