
The finite type of modules of bounded projective dimension and Serre’s conditions. (English) Zbl 07902269

Summary: Let \(R\) be a commutative Noetherian ring. For a natural number \(k\), we prove that the class of modules of projective dimension bounded by \(k\) is of finite type if and only if \(R\) satisfies Serre’s condition \((S_k)\). In particular, this answers positively a question of Bazzoni and Herbera in the specific setting of a Gorenstein ring. Applying similar techniques, we also show that the \(k\)-dimensional version of the Govorov-Lazard theorem holds if and only if \(R\) satisfies the ‘almost’ Serre condition \((C_{k+1})\).
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13C05 Structure, classification theorems for modules and ideals in commutative rings
13D07 Homological functors on modules of commutative rings (Tor, Ext, etc.)
13C60 Module categories and commutative rings
16E65 Homological conditions on associative rings (generalizations of regular, Gorenstein, Cohen-Macaulay rings, etc.)


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