
Mathematical logic: proof theory, constructive mathematics. Abstracts from the workshop held November 5–11, 2017. (English) Zbl 1409.00077

Summary: The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics” was centered around proof-theoretic aspects of core mathematics and theoretical computer science as well as homotopy type theory and logical aspects of computational complexity.


00B05 Collections of abstracts of lectures
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
03Fxx Proof theory and constructive mathematics
03-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations
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[1] L. A. S. Kirby and J. B. Paris, Initial segments of models of Peano’s axioms, Set theory and hierarchy theory, V (Proc. Third Conf., Bierutowice, 1976), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 619, Springer, Berlin, 1977, pp. 211-226. · Zbl 0364.02032
[2] Richard Kaye, Models of Peano Arithmetic, Oxford University Press, 1991. · Zbl 0744.03037
[3] Richard Kaye, Generic cuts in models of arithmetic, Math. Log. Quart. 54, No. 2, 2008, pp. 129-144. · Zbl 1138.03031
[4] Andrey Bovykin and Andreas Weiermann, The strength of infinitary Ramseyan principles can be accessed by their densities, accepted for publication in Annals of Pure Appllied Logic, available at http://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/ andrey/research.html, 2005. · Zbl 1422.03127
[5] Ludovic Patey and Keita Yokoyama, The proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey’s theorem for pairs and two colors, available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.00050. 3128Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Functional interpretations with imperative features Thomas Powell G¨odel’s functional interpretation has played a central role in proof theory ever since its conception back in the 1930s. In particular, numerous adaptations of the interpretation have been developed, ranging from the sophisticated monotone variants essential to the proof mining program [5], to the more abstract categorical formulations which focus on the interpretation’s underlying semantics [3, 4]. Typically, terms extracted by the functional interpretation belong to some typed lambda calculus (originally G¨odel’s system T of primitive recursive functionals in all finite types), and when viewed as programs it is natural to envisage these terms being written in a functional language. I report on some current research which aims to instead formulate and understand the functional interpretation using ideas from imperative programming, incorporating notions such as a global state into the underlying machinery of the interpretation. There are two main motivating factors for this, which at first glance might seem somewhat orthogonal: (1) Applications of proof theory in computer science, for instance the synthesis of verified programs, should be oriented towards programming paradigms which are used in practice. (2) The way in which the functional interpretation gives a computational meaning to classical principles can be elegantly understood and expressed in terms of actions such as backtracking and updating. This way of thinking about proof interpretations is certainly not new. The operational behaviour of extracted programs is studied in [2,6], and more implicitly in [1], to name just a few sources. It has also been a topic of my own research over the last couple of years [7]. However, there is still a great deal of potential in this direction, not just for developing new applications of proof interpretations, but for understanding the mathematical subtleties which underlie them. I present some work in progress along these lines, which pertains to G¨odel’s original functional interpretation. Firstly, an extension of the interpretation with a global state which collects information that has been ’learned’ through the interpretation of contraction. This leads naturally to a more general question of whether we can construct a uniform monadic interpretation, which extracts not just a program but some additional information about how that program was evaluated. Finally, I discuss how suitable extensions of Hoare logic could be used to verify extracted terms, in a manner which is particularly concise and perspicuous when it comes to complex classical principles such as countable choice. References
[6] F. Aschieri and S. Berardi. Interactive learning-based realizability for Heyting arithmetic with EM1 Logical Methods in Computer Science, 6(3):1-22, 2010. · Zbl 1201.03052
[7] U. Berger, M. Seisenberger and G. Woods. Extracting imperative programs from proofs: Inplace quicksort. In Proceedings of TYPES 2013, volume 26 of LIPIcs, pages 84-106, 2014. · Zbl 1359.68042
[8] V. de Paiva. The Dialectica Categories. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1991. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3129 · Zbl 0675.03039
[9] J. M. E. Hyland Proof theory in the abstract. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 114:43-78, 2002. · Zbl 1007.03056
[10] U. Kohlenbach. Applied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and their Use in Mathematics. Monographs in Mathematic. Springer, 2008. · Zbl 1158.03002
[11] P-M. Pedrot A Materialist Dialectica PhD thesis, Universit´e Paris Diderot, 2015.
[12] T. Powell G¨odel’s functional interpretation and the concept of learning. In Proceedings of Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2016), pages 136-145. IEEE Computer Society, 2016. Proof Length and the Paris-Harrington Principle Anton Freund I present a recent result [1], stating that certain combinatorial statements (1) have short proofs if arbitrary inductions over the natural numbers are allowed, but (2) only have extremely long proofs if induction is restricted in a certain way. The combinatorial statements considered are instances of the strengthened finite Ramsey theorem: Writing [N ]nfor the n-element subsets of N = {0, . . . , N − 1}, consider the relation “for any function (colouring) f : [N ]n→ k there is a set PH(k, n, N ) :≡a ⊆ N with n < card(a) and min a ≤ card(a) such that the restriction of f to [a]nis constant.” By the famous result of Paris and Harrington [7] the statement ∀k,n∃NPH(k, n, N ) is true but unprovable in Peano arithmetic (PA). At the same time, the instances ∃NPH(k, n, N ) for fixed numbers k and n have trivial proofs in very weak theories: Simply “guess” the correct number N and verify that the finitely many functions f : [N ]n→ k all have the desired property (Σ1-completeness). However, as the minimal witnesses N for the strengthened finite Ramsey theorem are extremely large, these naive proofs will be very long. Much shorter (and mathematically meaningful) proofs can be given via the infinite Ramsey theorem. In view of these observations I want to ask the following question: What is the minimal theory needed to formalize such short proofs? Recall that IΣnis the fragment of PA which restricts induction to formulas with n unbounded quantifiers. According to [4, Section II.2(c)] proofs of ∃NPH(k, n, N ) in the fragment IΣn−1can be constructed by primitive recursion. I show that this is best possible: Theorem([1]). There is no primitive recursive construction which maps each number n to a proof of ∃NPH(1035(n−2)2, n, N ) in the theory IΣn−2. In fact, the result established in [1] is considerably stronger: It states that any proof of ∃NPH(1035(n−2)2, n, N ) in IΣn−2has code at least Fε0(n − 3), for sufficiently large n. Here Fε0is the function at stage ε0of the fast-growing hierarchy. It eventually dominates any provably total function of Peano arithmetic, and in particular any primitive recursive function. It is somewhat unsatisfactory that the theorem relies on the large number 1035(n−2)2of colours. This can be avoided if one is prepared to forsake the optimal fragment IΣn−2: 3130Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Theorem([1]). There is no primitive recursive construction which maps each number n to a proof of ∃NPH(8, n, N ) in the theory IΣn−3. It is open whether one can keep the optimal fragment IΣn−2and make the number of colours constant. One of the main challenges in proving the above theorems is to control the interplay between the lenght of a proof and the amount of induction that it uses. It turns out that this interplay is encapsulated in S.-D. Friedman, Rathjen and Weiermann’s [3] notion of slow consistency, which is defined as Con∗(PA) :≡ ∀x(∃yFε0(x) = y → Con(IΣx)). As Fε0dominates all provably total functions of Peano arithmetic, the statement ∀x∃yFε0(x) = y is unprovable in PA. Indeed, it is shown in [3] that the usual consistency statement Con(PA) is unprovable in PA + Con∗(PA), while Con∗(PA) is still unprovable in PA. The literature now contains several results on the consistency strength (Π1-consequences) of slow consistency [2, 5, 8]. For the present application the computational content (Π2-consequences) is crucial: Define a slow proof of ϕ as a pair hq, M i such that • q is a (usual) proof of ϕ in the fragment IΣm, for some m, and • we have M = Fε0(m). Thus a slow proof may use any amount of induction. However, complicated induction axioms make the slow proof extremely long (because the component M becomes very large). We write Pr∗PA(ϕ) to express that ϕ has a slow proof. It is easy to see that we indeed have Con∗(PA) ≡ ¬ Pr∗PA(0 = 1). Given the notion of slow proof, we may now consider the corresponding uniform Π2-reflection principle, i.e. the collection of statements ∀x(Pr∗PA(ϕ( ˙x)) → ϕ(x)), where ϕ ≡ ϕ(x) ranges over Π2-statements. It is well-known that the usual Π2-reflection principle over PA is equivalent to the statement ∀x∃yFε0(x) = y. Similarly, we show in [1] that the Π2-reflection principle for slow provability is equivalent to the totality of a certain function Fε∗0: N → N. The crucial step in the proof of the above theorems is a computational analysis of this function: On the one hand, Fε∗0still dominates any provably total function of Peano arithmetic. On the other hand, any provably total function of PA + ∀x∃yFε∗0(x) = y is dominated by the usual function Fε0(see [1, Theorem 3.10]). Recall from [6] that the existential witnesses N in the strengthened finite Ramsey theorem are closely related to the values of the function Fε0. As a result of our computational analysis we learn that any slow proof of the statement ∃NPH(k, n, N ) (for appropriate values of k) must be very large relative to n. There are two possible explanations for the size of such a slow proof hq, M i: Either the component M is large, which means that q uses strong induction principles. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3131 Or the proof q itself is very large, as required for the above theorems. We refer to
[13] for full details of the argument. References
[14] A. Freund, Proof lengths for instances of the Paris-Harrington principle, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168(7), 2017, pp. 1361-1382. · Zbl 1380.03069
[15] A. Freund, Slow reflection, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168(12), 2017, pp. 2103-2128. · Zbl 1381.03040
[16] S.-D. Friedman, M. Rathjen and A. Weiermann, Slow consistency, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164(3), 2013, pp. 382-393. · Zbl 1263.03055
[17] P. H´ajek and P. Pudl´ak, Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic, Perspectives in Mathematical Logic 3, Springer, 1993. · Zbl 0781.03047
[18] P. Henk and F. Pakhomov, Slow and Ordinary Provability for Peano Arithmetic, arXiv:1602.01822, 2016.
[19] J. Ketonen and R. Solovay, Rapidly growing Ramsey functions, Annals of Mathematics 113, 1981, pp. 267-314. · Zbl 0494.03027
[20] J. Paris and L. Harrington, A mathematical incompleteness in Peano Arithmetic, in: J. Barwise (ed.), Handbook of Mathematical Logic, 1977, pp. 1133-1142.
[21] M. Rathjen, Long Sequences of Descending Theories and other Miscellanea on Slow Consistency, Journal of Logics and their Applications 4(4), Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Grigori Mints, 2017, pp. 1411-1426. Proof mining and the proximal point algorithm Andrei Sipos¸ (joint work with Laurent¸iu Leu¸stean and Adriana Nicolae) Proof mining is a research program introduced by U. Kohlenbach in the 1990s ([2] is a comprehensive reference, while [3] is a survey of recent results), which aims to obtain explicit quantitative information (witnesses and bounds) from proofs of an apparently ineffective nature. This offshoot of interpretative proof theory has successfully led so far to obtaining some previously unknown effective bounds, primarily in nonlinear analysis and ergodic theory. A large number of these are guaranteed to exist by a series of logical metatheorems which cover general classes of bounded or unbounded metric structures. For the first time, this paradigm is applied to the field of convex optimization (for an introduction, see [1]). We focus our efforts on one of its central results, the proximal point algorithm. This algorithm, or more properly said this class of algorithms, consists, roughly, of an iterative procedure that converges (weakly or strongly) to a fixed point of a mapping, a zero of a maximally monotone operator or a minimizer of a convex function. Similarly to other cases previously considered in nonlinear analysis, we may obtain rates of metastability or rates of asymptotic regularity. What is interesting here, however, is that for a relevant subclass of inputs to the algorithm – “uniform” ones, like uniformly convex functions or uniformly monotone operators – we may obtain an effective rate of convergence. The notion of convergence, being represented by a Π3-sentence, has been usually excluded from the prospect of being quantitatively tractable, unless its proof exhibits a significant isolation of the use of reductio ad absurdum (see 3132Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 [4, 5]). Here, however, a peculiarity of the input, namely its uniformity, translates into a logical form that makes possible this sort of extraction. References
[22] H. Bauschke, P. Combettes, Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces, Springer-Verlag, 2010. · Zbl 1218.47001
[23] U. Kohlenbach, Applied proof theory: Proof interpretations and their use in mathematics, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2008. · Zbl 1158.03002
[24] U. Kohlenbach, Recent progress in proof mining in nonlinear analysis, to appear in forthcoming special issue of IFCoLog Journal of Logic and its Applications with invited articles by recipients of a G¨odel Centenary Research Prize Fellowship, 2016.
[25] L. Leus¸tean, An application of proof mining to nonlinear iterations, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 165 (2014), pp. 1484-1500. · Zbl 1388.03052
[26] A. Sipos¸, Effective results on a fixed point algorithm for families of nonlinear mappings, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 168 (2017), pp. 112-128. Moduli of regularity and rates of convergence for Fej´er monotone sequences Adriana Nicolae (joint work with Ulrich Kohlenbach and Genaro L´opez-Acedo) Various problems in applied mathematics can be brought into the following format: Let (X, d) be a metric space and F : X → R be a function: find a zero of F , where as usual R = R ∪ {−∞, ∞}. This statement covers many equilibrium, fixed point and minimization problems. Numerical methods, e.g. based on suitable iterative techniques, usually yield sequences (xn) in X of approximate zeros, i.e. |F (xn)| < 1/n. Based on extra assumptions (e.g. the compactness of X, the Fej´er monotonicity of (xn) and the continuity of F ) one then shows that (xn) converges to an actual zero z of F. An obvious question then concerns the speed of the convergence of (xn) towards z and whether there is an effective rate of convergence. In the case of unique zeros, it is in general possible to give an effective rate of convergence due to the existence of a so-called modulus of uniqueness (see [3, 4]). Let (X, d) be a metric space, F : X → R with zer F = {z} and r > 0. Definition.We say that φ : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is a modulus of uniqueness for F w.r.t. zer F and B(z, r) if for all ε > 0 and x ∈ B(z, r) we have the following implication |F (x)| < φ(ε) ⇒ d(x, z) < ε. Suppose now that (xn) is a sequence of (1/n)-approximate zeros contained in B(z, r). If φ is a modulus of uniqueness for F w.r.t. zer F and B(z, r), then ∀k ≥ ⌈1/φ(ε)⌉ (d(xk, z) < ε). Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3133 In this talk we focused on a generalization of this concept introduced in [5] which is called modulus of regularity and is applicable also in the non-unique case. Let (X, d) be a metric space, F : X → R with zer F 6= ∅, z ∈ zer F and r > 0. Definition.We say that φ : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is a modulus of regularity for F w.r.t. zer F and B(z, r) if for all ε > 0 and x ∈ B(z, r) we have the following implication |F (x)| < φ(ε) ⇒ dist(x, zer F ) < ε, where dist(x, zer F ) = inf{d(x, z′) : z′∈ zer F }. Note that this concept coincides with that of a modulus of uniqueness if zer F is a singleton. Again, whenever (xn) is a sequence of (1/n)-approximate zeros of F in B(z, r), xkis ε-close to some zero zk∈ zer F for all k ≥ ⌈1/φ(ε)⌉. A condition which converts this into a rate of convergence is that (xn) is Fej´er monotone w.r.t. zer F, i.e. for all z′∈ zer F and n ∈ N d(xn+1, z′) ≤ d(xn, z′). In this case we can infer that for all k, m ≥ ⌈1/φ(ε)⌉ d(xk, xm) < 2ε. So if X is complete and zer F is closed, then (xk) converges with rate ⌈1/φ(ε/2)⌉ to a zero of F . The concept of a modulus of regularity is thus a tool to analyze the speed of convergence, including the finite termination, for classes of Fej´er monotone sequences which appear in fixed point theory, monotone operator theory, and convex optimization. Moreover, it allows for a unified approach to a number of notions from these fields such as metric subregularity (see [6]), H¨older regularity (see [1]), or weak sharp minima (see [2]), as well as to obtain effective rates of convergence for several algorithms. References
[27] J. M. Borwein, G. Li, M. K. Tam, Convergence rate analysis for averaged fixed point iterations in common fixed point problems, SIAM J. Optim. 27 (2017), 1-33. · Zbl 1361.90045
[28] J. V. Burke, M. C. Ferris, Weak sharp minima in mathematical programming, SIAM J. Control Optim. 31 (1993), 1340-1359. · Zbl 0791.90040
[29] U. Kohlenbach, Effective moduli from ineffective uniqueness proofs. An unwinding of de La Vall´ee Poussin’s proof for Chebycheff approximation, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 64 (1993), 27-94. · Zbl 0795.03086
[30] U. Kohlenbach, Applied proof theory: Proof interpretations and their use in mathematics, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg, 2008. · Zbl 1158.03002
[31] U. Kohlenbach, G. L´opez-Acedo, A. Nicolae, Moduli of regularity and rates of convergence for Fej´er monotone sequences, arXiv:1711.02130 [math.OC], 2017.
[32] A. L. Dontchev, R. T. Rockafellar, Implicit functions and solution mappings. A view from variational analysis, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, Dordrecht, 2009. 3134Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Syntactic Forcing Models for Coherent Logic Ulrik Buchholtz (joint work with Marc Bezem and Thierry Coquand) We present three syntactic forcing models for coherent logic, all of which are complete for geometric implications in the language without equality. As an application we give a coherent theory T and a T -redundant sentence (i.e., one which does not yield any new geometric implications when added to T ) that is nevertheless false in the generic model of T , answering in the negative a question by Wraith. We also describe the models in terms of classifying toposes of specific extensions of T . These extensions can be seen as axiomatizing in a precise way what the forcing models mean for equality. The forcing models are given in terms of categories of forcing conditions together with coverages generating Grothendieck topologies. Fix a first-order signature Σ. We then define three categories, all of which on the same collection of objects, namely pairs (X; A) where X is a finite set of variables, and A a finite set of atoms in the language defined by Σ, using only variables from X. The category Ctshas morphisms f : (Y ; B) → (X; A), where f : X → Tm(Y ) is a term substitution such that Af ⊆ B. Here and below, Af denotes the application of the substitution f to A. The category Cvsis restricted such that the morphisms f : (Y ; B) → (X; A) are required to be variable substitutions. These are simply functions X → Y thought of as functions X → Tm(Y ). Finally, the category Crn is further restricted such that the morphisms are required to be renamings, i.e., injective variable substitutions. To describe the coverages, recall that a coherent theory T has an axiomatization in which every axiom is of the form_n (1)∀ x. ϕ0→∃z1, . . . , zmi.ϕi, i=1 where the ϕiare conjunctions of atoms. We define for each such coherent theory T an inductively generated covering relation ⊳Tfor the categories Crn. Since Crn is a subcategory of Ctsand Cvscontaining all isomorphisms, we have then also defined coverages ⊳Tfor Ctsand Cvs. The clauses are: n f isomorphism with codomain (X; A)(X, z1, . . . , zmi; A, ϕi) ⊳TUii=1 (X; A) ⊳T{f }(X; A) ⊳TS1≤i≤n(eiUi)(∗) Here (∗) is the set of conditions sanctioning the application of the rule: the existence of an instance ϕ0→Wni=1∃ z1, . . . , zmi.ϕ1of an axiom in T with all free variables in X and ϕ0⊆ A. We tacitly assume that name conflicts are avoided, either by using de Bruijn indices, or by renaming the bound variables zjso that they are disjoint from X. The morphisms ei: (X, z1, . . . , zmi; A, ϕi) → (X; A) restrict to identities on X, and eiUidenotes the collection of morphisms eif with f ∈ Ui. The resulting coverages ⊳Thave nice saturation properties. In each of the corresponding sheaf toposes, Sh(Crn, ⊳T), Sh(Cvs, ⊳T), and Sh(Cts, ⊳T), we find a model of T , and in fact we have the following diagram Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3135 of geometric morphisms into the classifying topos of T : Sh(Crn, ⊳T) → Sh(Cvs, ⊳T) → Sh(Cts, ⊳T) → Set[T ] Using the Beth-Kripke-Joyal semantics for these models of T , we obtain purely syntactic forcing models that we denote rn, vs, and ts, and these are sound for (infinitary) intuitionistic logic. We prove completeness in the language without equality for the fragment of generalized geometric implications, which is generated by the following grammar:_ ϕ ::= α | (ϕ1∧ ϕ2) |ϕi| (∃x.ϕ) | (∀x.ϕ) | (α → ϕ) i∈I where I ranges over small index sets and α denotes an atomic formula. Using these forcing models we can answer the following question of Wraith: The problem of characterising all the non-geometric properties of a generic model appears to be difficult. If the generic model of a geometric theory T satisfies a sentence α then any geometric consequence of T +(α) has to be a consequence of T . We might call α T -redundant. Does the generic T -model satisfy all T -redundant sentences?[3, p. 336] Indeed, let T be the theory with one axiom ∀x, z. P (x) → (Q(x, z) ∨ R(x, z)) over the minimal relational signature in which this axiom can be expressed, and consider: ϕ := ∃x, y. (P (x) ∧ P (y) ∧ ¬∀z. (Q(x, z) ∨ R(y, z))). Then vs¬ϕ, and rn¬¬ϕ. Then α := ¬¬ϕ is T -redundant, because if ψ is a geometric consequence of T + (α), then rnα → ψ by soundness, which implies rnψ, so by completeness, T ⊢ ψ. However, in this case we see from [2] that the generic T -model is the one in Sh(Cvs, ⊳T), so α is false there. A slight technical wrinkle is that the completeness theorem stated above concerns the language without equality, but we need T -redundancy for the full language. In order to overcome this difficulty, we deduce for our forcing models a completeness theorem for the (non-generalized) geometric fragment with equality with respect to a theory T+, which is the same as T in the case of a relational signature. More precisely, let T+denote T in the signature expanded with an equality symbol, together with the following (coherent) constructor axioms ensuring all function symbols behave like constructors: (I) distinct function symbols f, g have disjoint values: f ( x) = g( y) → ⊥. (II) function symbols are injective: f ( x) = f ( y) →  x =  y. (III) there are no proper cycles: x = f ( s) → ⊥ whenever x occurs anywhere in the sequence of terms  s. This concludes our treatment of Wraith’s question, and all of the above can be done in a predicative, constructive metatheory. The enhanced completeness theorem and the theory T+naturally led us to wonder whether we could describe the toposes Sh(Cx, ⊳T) as classifying toposes for certain theories Txrelated to T , where x = ts, vs, rn. Using the theory of classifying 3136Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 toposes for infinitary geometric theories, which on currently existing accounts relies on impredicativity or on the axiom of choice, we get such a description.1 In fact, Sh(Cts, ⊳T) is the classifying topos of the theory Tts:= T+. In the cases x = vs, rn with the presence of non-constant function symbols, our theories Txare geometric, i.e., they contain infinite disjunctions. To handle the restriction to variable substitutions in Cvs, let Tvsdenote the following variation of Ttsover the signature expanded with a fresh unary relation symbol V together with the following variable axioms: (IV) for a non-variable term t: V (t) → ⊥. (V) ∀x.Wt∃y1, . . . , yn.x = t ∧Vni=1V (yi)where the disjunction ranges over all terms t in free variables y1, . . . , yn, taking one representative in each α-equivalence class. The variation for Tvsconsists in replacing each axiom (1) of T with the axiom, nmi_^(2)∀ x. ϕ0→∃z1, . . . , zmi. ϕi∧V (zj). i=1j=1 For a purely relational signature, Tvsis a definitional extension of Ttssince then (V) reads ∀x∃y. x = y ∧ V (y), which is equivalent to ∀x.V (x). Finally, to handle the restriction to renamings in Crn, let Trndenote the following variation of Tvsover the signature further expanded with a fresh binary relation symbol 6= together with the following inequality axioms: (VI) x 6= x → ⊥,(VII) x = y ∨ x 6= y. For Trnwe replace each axiom (1) of T with the collection of axioms: nmimmi (3) ∀ y. ϕ0→∃z1· · · zmi. ϕi∧^V (zj)∧^^yj6= zk∧^zj6= zk, i=1j=1j=1k=1j<k where  y = y1, . . . , ymis any list of variables extending  x. The upshot is that Sh(Cx, ⊳T) is the classifying topos of Tx, for x = ts, vs, rn. Finally, although we have settled Wraith’s question in the negative in the general case, there remains the possibility of a positive answer in the case of algebraic theories. We leave this as an open problem. References
[33] M. Bezem, U. Buchholtz, and Th. Coquand. Syntactic Forcing Models for Coherent Logic. In: D. van Dalen, J.W. Klop, J. van Mill, G. Jongbloed (Eds.), L.E.J. Brouwer, 50 years later. Indagationes Mathematicae special issue, to appear. · Zbl 1437.03188
[34] M.-F. Coste and M. Coste. Th´eories coh´erentes et topos coh´erents. S´eminaire de th´eorie des cat´egories digig´e par Jean B´enabou, Paris, 1975.
[35] G.C. Wraith. Intuitionistic algebra: some recent developments in topos theory. In: O. Lehto (Ed.), Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians (Helsinki, 1978 ), pages 331-337, 1980. 1 We conjecture that it would be possible to give a predicative, constructive account of these topos-theoretic results using ideas from homotopy type theory. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3137 A Framework for a Core Conceptual Foundations of Mathematics Peter Aczel My talk was aimed at giving motivations, and informally describing ideas, for a core Conceptual Foundations of Mathematics (In brief a core CFOM). I consider that today the standard idea for a Foundations of Mathematics is a Formal Foundations of Mathematics (FFOM); i.e. it is a search for the simplest and most coherent formal systems for the representation of modern pure mathematics and the development of metamathematical results about such formal systems. For example the standard classical FFOM uses the formal system of ZFC set theory for its basic mathematical ontology and classical first order logic for its basic logic that gets a formal semantics using the set theory. During the last 100-150 years of thought on the philosophy of mathematics many conflicting philosophical isms, such as versions of platonism, constructivism, logicism, nominalism, etc., have been considered by a variety of philosophers and mathematicians. In contrast to FFOM, I consider that a Conceptual FOM should be concerned with a presentation of the fundamental concepts and their properties needed to understand the nature of modern mathematics from the perspective of one or more philosophical isms. My idea for a core CFOM is that it should involve a framework of concepts that might be agreed on by several of the mainstream philosophical isms in their discussions with each other, thereby avoiding some of the excessive talk at cross purposes that is often a feature of philosophical discussion. Can there be such a core CFOM? I am not sure. It would require some flexibility on the part of the core concepts and some adaptability on the part of a philosopher willing to adapt their ideas to the core concepts. My approach to a core CFOM has been heavily influenced by ideas of Per Martin-L¨of. In particular I take over his notion of judgement as being fundamental. He has introduced the possibility of having many forms of judgement, particularly in his dependent type theory, and I will follow his lead. It is important to be clear about the distinction between a judgement and a proposition. A proposition may be true, but can be used without intending it to be true. The usual intention in making a judgement is that it be correct, even though the judgement may be mistaken. I wish to view the fundamental notions of mathematics as belonging to a combination of Logic for mathematics and Ontology for mathematics, both using the notion of judgement. I try to avoid considering issues outside the realm of pure mathematics. So my Ontology will be an ontology of (mathematical) objects. But among the entities that I will need to work with will be things like (mathematical) propositions and (mathematical) types that I do not wish to assume are (mathematical) objects, although they may certainly be assumed to be (mathematical) objects, or some of them may be re-presented as (mathematical) objects, in some approaches to the philosophy of mathematics. So I drop the word ‘mathematical’ from ‘mathematical object’ and just write ‘judgement, ‘proposition’, ‘type’, etc. 3138Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 for mathematical entities such as these that I do not wish to assume are objects in my CFOM. My talk was intended to initiate a project to develop a core CFOM; i.e. a core conceptual foundations for mathematics. I did this by presenting, fairly informally, some of the fundamental concepts that I think may be needed by a variety of philosophical approaches to mathematics. The most fundamental are the notions of judgement, proposition, true proposition, type and objects of a type. At the end of my talk I discussed the important distinctions between the collection-like notions of type, class and set. In the modern history of the philosophy of mathematics these notions have often been confused. Please contact Peter Aczel at petera@cs.man.ac.uk if you would like to receive a pdf copy of the slides of my talk. The following two papers, together with further references in those papers, are relevent to my talk. References
[36] N. Gambino, P. Aczel, The Generalised Type-theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Set Theory, JSL, 71 (2006), 67-103, · Zbl 1100.03052
[37] P.Martin-L¨of. On the meanings of the logical constants and the justifications of the logical laws. Written version of lectures given in 1983 in Sienna. Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic, 1(1):11-60, 1996. Proof-theoretical methods for counterfactual reasoning Sara Negri (joint work with Marianna Girlando and Nicola Olivetti) The problem of developing a general proof theory for counterfactual reasoning is addressed. Starting from the known failure of the truth-functional or even Kripkean interpretation of counterfactuals, as well as the limitations of the selection function semantics of Stalnaker, we propose a semantics based on neighbourhood models, an extension and formalization of the semantics of sphere models originally proposed by David Lewis in [2]. The Lewis’ counterfactual A € B is neither a material (A → B) nor a strict conditional (2(A → B)) but a variably strict conditionals, with the following truth condition: A € B true (at the actual world / at w) iff either: 1 A is impossible or 2 there is a set of possible worlds similar to the actual world/to w, that contains a world where A is true and where whenever A is true, B is also true. Although Lewis based the explanation of the counterfactual on the intuition provided by his sphere semantics, in order to develop a formal analysis he adopted a Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3139 reformulation of the semantics based on a primitive notion of comparative similarity, in effect a ternary accessibility relation, also known as preferential semantics, that allows a framing of conditionals closer to standard relational semantics [6]. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the intuition of sphere semantics and the formal level needed to define well-behaved and general proof systems. Sequent calculi are particularly useful to the purpose as they give the most general logical framework for reasoning with counterfactual scenarios, i.e. in the presence of counterfactual hypotheses, nested counterfactuals, etc. This aim is fulfilled through an extension of the formalism of labelled sequent calculi ([3, 5]) now featuring both worlds and neighbourhood labels to internalize neighbourhood semantics, a generalization of possible worlds semantics (for its history, extensive coverage, and plenty of examples and applications see [10]). A neighbourhood frame is a pair F ≡ (W, I), where W is a set of worlds (states), and I is a neighbourhood function I : W −→ P(PW ) that assigns a collection of sets of worlds to each world in W . The intuition in neighbourhood semantics varies with the target logic; however, for the semantics of conditionals, membership in a neighbourhood of the actual world x corresponds to Lewis’ intuition of similarity to x, where an increased degree of similarity correspond to a smaller neighbourhood. The conditional of PCL [7] has the following truth condition (here we use for the conditional a notation more compact than the original one) x A > B iff ∀α ∈ I(x)(α ∩ JAK 6= ∅ → ∃β ∈ I(x)(β ⊆ α & β ∩ JAK 6= ∅ & β ⊆ JA ⊃ BK)). A good sequent calculus is then obtained through the following stages (cf. [4]): (1) Turn the semantic explanation into introduction rules of natural deduction; (2) Through inversion principles find the corresponding elimination rules and obtain a system of natural deduction with general elimination rules; (3) Translate the natural deduction system thus obtained into a sequent calculus with independent contexts; (4) Refine the calculus into a G3-style sequent calculus: rules that are not already invertible are made so; initial sequents have only atomic formulas as principal and have arbitrary contexts; all rules have shared contexts. With the BHK explanation of logical constants the recipe gives the standard G3 sequent calculi (see ch. 1 of [9]); with relational semantics, basic labelled sequent systems in the style of the calculus G3K of [3]. To obtain specific systems a final step is needed: (5) Add the rules for the accessibility relation following the method of “axioms as rules” [8] and of “geometrization of first-order logic” [1] for arbitrary first-order conditions. 3140Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 The procedure for neighbourhood semantics requires the addition of new primitives, local forcing relations (∃and ∀) and a forcing for a local conditional (aA|B), with the following resulting rules: x∈ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, a ∃A, x: Ax∈ a, x : A, Γ ⇒ ∆ R∃L∃(x fresh) x∈ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, a ∃Aa∃A,Γ ⇒ ∆ x∈ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, x : Ax∈ a, x : A, a ∀A,Γ ⇒ ∆ R∀(x fresh)L∀ Γ ⇒ ∆, a ∀Ax∈ a, a ∀A,Γ ⇒ ∆ c∈ I(x), c ⊆ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, x aA|B, c ∃Ac∈ I(x), c ⊆ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, x aA|B, c ∀A⊃ B RC c∈ I(x), c ⊆ a, Γ ⇒ ∆, x aA|B c∈ I(x), c ⊆ a, c ∃A, c∀A⊃ B, Γ ⇒ ∆ LC(c fresh) xaA|B, Γ ⇒ ∆ a∈ I(x), a ∃A,Γ ⇒ ∆, x aA|B R >(a fresh) Γ ⇒ ∆, x : A > B a∈ I(x), x : A > B, Γ ⇒ ∆, a ∃AxaA|B, a ∈ I(x), x : A > B, Γ ⇒ ∆ L > a∈ I(x), x : A > B, Γ ⇒ ∆ Sequent calculi for extensions of the basic systems are obtained by translating into rules the following frame properties: (N) Normality: ∀x ∈ W.∃α ∈ I(x).α 6= ∅ (T) Total reflexivity ∀x ∈ W.∃α ∈ I(x).x ∈ α (W) Weak centering: ∀x ∈ W ∃α ∈ I(x) and ∀x ∈ W.∀α ∈ I(x). x ∈ α (C) (Strong) centering: ∀x ∈ W.∀α ∈ I(x)({x} ∈ I(x) & x ∈ α) (U) Uniformity : ∀x, y, z ∈ W.∀α ∈ I(x)(∃β ∈ I(x).z ∈ β → ∃γ ∈ I(y).z ∈ γ) (A) Absoluteness: ∀x, y ∈ W.I(x) = I(y) (Nes) Nesting: ∀α, β ∈ Ii(x)(α ⊆ β ∨ β ⊆ α) Simplifications of the calculus are possible in the presence of nesting and absoluteness and the following results are proved: - Structural properties established uniformly for all systems: invertibility of all the rules, admissibility of weakening and contraction (heightpreserving) and of cut; - Equivalence of preferential semantics with neighbourhood semantics for PCL; - Indirect completeness using known completeness results for preferential semantics; - Tait-Sch¨utte-Takeuti-style completeness result: for any given sequent rootfirst application of the rules of the calculus gives either a derivation or a countermodel which is automatically in the appropriate class for each extension; Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3141 - Through a suitable modification of the left rule for the conditional and a prescribed order of application of rules in proof search (strategy), decidability and the finite model property is established in a constructive way for all systems. References
[38] R. Dyckhoff and S. Negri, Geometrization of first-order logic, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 21 (2015), pp. 123-163. · Zbl 1368.03013
[39] D. Lewis, Counterfactuals, Blackwell (1973).
[40] S. Negri, Proof analysis in modal logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic vol. 34 (2005), pp. 507-544. · Zbl 1086.03045
[41] S. Negri, Non-normal modal logics: a challenge to proof theory, The Logica Yearbook 2016 (P. Arazim and T. Laviˇcka, editors), College Publications (2017), pp. 125-140. · Zbl 1418.03097
[42] S. Negri, Proof theory for non-normal modal logics: The neighbourhood formalism and basic results, IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, vol. 4 (2017), pp. 1241-1286.
[43] S. Negri and G. Sbardolini, Proof analysis for Lewis counterfactuals, The Review of Symbolic Logic, vol. 9 (2016), no. 1, pp. 44-75. · Zbl 1386.03028
[44] S. Negri and N. Olivetti, A sequent calculus for preferential conditional logic based on neighbourhood semantics, Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (H. De Nivelle, editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9323, Springer (2015), pp. 115-134. · Zbl 1471.03059
[45] S. Negri and J. von Plato, Cut elimination in the presence of axioms, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 4 (1998), pp. 418-435. · Zbl 0934.03072
[46] S. Negri and J. von Plato, Structural Proof Theory (2001), Cambridge University Press. · Zbl 1113.03051
[47] E. Pacuit, Neighborhood Semantics for Modal Logic (2017), Springer An unprovability result for Jeˇr´abek’s theory of approximate counting Leszek Ko lodziejczyk (joint work with Neil Thapen) Relativized bounded arithmetic is a family of arithmetic theories formulated in a language that extends the traditional language of ordered rings +, ·, 0, 1, ≤ by the symbols ⌊x/2y⌋, |x|, x#y, and α. Here |x| stands roughly for the integer part of log2x, while x#y stands for 2|x|·|y|. The symbol α is an additional unary predicate intended to represent an arbitrary oracle (which may be used to code a larger number of oracle predicates and/or predicates of higher arities). The most important theories of relativized bounded arithmetic are obtained by restricting the induction scheme to certain classes of bounded formulas. Let the class Σbn(α) consist of formulas with at most n alternating blocks of bounded quantifiers (beginning with an existential block), followed by a matrix that contains only quantifiers bounded by terms of the form |t| (so-called sharply bounded quantifiers). The theory T2n(α) is axiomatized by a finite list of purely universal axioms fixing the meaning of the non-logical symbols (except α) and the induction scheme for Σbn(α) formulas. Theories of this sort are studied largely because of their connections to computational complexity and the complexity of proofs in propositional logic. For instance, the theory T21(α) is very closely connected to polytime computations with access to an oracle which is in NP relative to α: on 3142Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 the one hand, T21(α) proves that each PNP(α)computation terminates, and on the other hand, whenever a ∀Σb2(α) sentence is provable in T21(α), the first block of existential quantifiers can be witnessed by a function computable in PNP(α). It has been known since the early 1990’s that for each n, T2n+1(α) is strictly stronger than T2n(α). However, the quantifier complexity of the separating sentences grows with n. The question whether T2n+1(α) can be separated from T2n(α) by a ∀Σbk(α) sentence for some fixed k is a major open problem. A particularly difficult subcase of the problem is whether there is a ∀Σb1(α) sentence provable in some T2n(α) but not in T22(α). On the other hand, techniques for separating T21(α) from somewhat stronger theories by means of ∀Σb1(α) sentences are well-known. One such technique relies on a propositional translation into narrow resolution. The idea is that for a Σb1(α) formula σ(x) and a given natural number m, the statement ¬σ(m) can be translated into a propositional CNF with clauses of size polylog(m). If T21(α) proves ∀x σ(x), then for each m such a CNF can be refuted in resolution using only polylog-size clauses. Intuitively, if somebody claims to have an oracle satisfying ¬σ(m), one can force him into a contradiction by querying bits of the oracle α but only keeping track of polylog(m) of them at any given time. This is usually impossible, which leads to the unprovability in T21(α) of such statements as: • the injective weak pigeonhole principle iWPHP: if f is a map from x2into x for x ≥ 2, then there are distinct w1, w2< x2such that f (w1) = f (w2), • the Herbrandized ordering principle HOP: if  is a linear order on x, and h maps x into x, then for some w < x we have w  h(w), • the Ramsey principle RAM: if R is a 2-colouring of [x]2, then there exists a homogeneous subset w of x of sizelog x2. Here in each case a number x is identified with {0, . . . , x − 1}, and the objects f, , h, R are encoded by the oracle α. All of the above statements are known to be provable in either T22(α) or at most T23(α). Around 2010, it was noted that the difficulty of proving unprovability of lowcomplexity statements in T2n(α) for higher n might be due to the fact that most of these theories can formalize some counting arguments. Particular attention was focused on a theory extending T21(α) by the surjective weak pigeonhole principle for PNP(α)functions, sWPHP(PNP(α)): “no PNP(α)function is a surjection from x onto x2”. This theory, later called APC2(α), is contained in T23(α) and possibly incomparable with T22(α). It was introduced by Jeˇr´abek, who showed in [Jeˇr09] that it can define a well-behaved notion of “approximate cardinality” of a bounded Σb1(α)-definable set. Jeˇr´abek also showed that APC2(α) can use this ability to prove each of the statements iWPHP, HOP, and RAM described above. This led to the natural question: is there a ∀Σb1(α) sentence provable in some T2n(α) but not in APC2(α)? The talk surveyed the history of results related to this question. The first results, obtained by Buss et al. in [BKT14], concerned fragments of APC2(α) obtained by restricting either the induction scheme or the weak pigeonhole principle. Buss et al. showed that the principle HOP is unprovable in T21(α) + iWPHP(P(α)) and in T20(α) + sWPHP(PNP(α)). They also showed that Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3143 proofs of ∀Σb1(α) sentences in T21(α) + sWPHP(P(α)) translate into a randomized version of narrow resolution. Despite this, [BKT14] did not prove any unprovability result for T21(α) + sWPHP(P(α)), not to mention the full theory APC2(α). The case of T21(α) + sWPHP(P(α)) was settled slightly later by Atserias and Thapen [AT14]: that theory is also unable to prove HOP. Interestingly, the unprovability proof did not use the translation into randomized narrow resolution, but took advantage of some specific features of sWPHP for polytime computations. Very roughly, it turned out that for sufficiently large x, it is possible to fix a part of the oracle ordering  and associated Herbrand function h so that on each input u < x a given polytime function f : x → x2is restricted to take one of at most two specific values. Since x2≫ 2x, this means that some v < x2is guaranteed to be outside the range of f , thus revealing a witness to sWPHP. On the other hand, the undetermined part of the oracle is large enough that typical methods for showing unprovability of HOP in T21(α) can still be applied. This is where things stood for a number of years. It was unclear whether the methods of [AT14] could be adapted to obtain a lower bound on refutation size in randomized narrow resolution. It was clear, though, that all methods used up to that point were demonstrably inadequate for the problem of finding a ∀Σb1(α) sentence unprovable in APC2(α). One reason for this was that those methods always yielded the unprovability of HOP, which is provable in APC2(α). Further progress came in the last year or so. Pudl´ak and Thapen [PT17] considered the ∀Σb1(α) principle CPLS (“coloured polynomial local search”), which says the following. If R is a ternary relation on x (intuitively, R(z, y, t) means that element z has colour y at time t), it cannot happen that: • for each z < x, R(z, f0(z), 0), • for each y < x, ¬R(0, y, x − 1), • for each t < x − 1 and z, y < x, if R(ft+1(z), y, t), then R(z, y, t + 1). (The relation R and the Herbrand functions h, ftare encoded by the oracle.) CPLS is a particular herbrandization of the induction axiom for Σb2(α) formulas, and as such is quite easy to prove in T21(α). Pudl´ak and Thapen showed that propositional translations of ¬CPLS cannot be refuted in randomized narrow resolution. Furthermore, they developed a technical tool known as a “fixing lemma”: essentially, there is a probability distribution on partial restrictions ρ of the CPLS oracle hR, {ft}t<xi such that for any NP(R, {ft}t<x) query “ϕ?”, w.h.p. ρ either forces ϕ or forces ¬ϕ (in a finitary version of the usual technical notion of forcing), but also w.h.p., ρ leaves enough of the oracle intact that arguments against narrow resolution can be applied. Recently, Thapen and the speaker [KT17] were able to exploit the fixing lemma and finally give a solution to the problem concerning APC2(α): namely, APC2(α) does not prove CPLS, and is thus separated from T22(α) by a ∀Σb1(α) sentence. The proof is based on some logical witnessing arguments connecting surjective and injective pigenhole principles and on the following idea: given f : x2→ x which is now a PNP(α)function, the fixing lemma can be used to obtain some ρ that determines the value f (v) for most arguments v < x2, in particular for more than 3144Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 x arguments. Showing this required the observation that in many cases, the fixing lemma can be extended to work with conditional probabilities. Some questions remain. Most immediate among them is probably the question whether propositional translations of HOP are provable in randomized narrow resolution. More long-term problems concern the power of fixing lemmas: for instance, can they be used to obtain an unprovability result for T22(α)? References [AT14] A. Atserias and N. Thapen. The ordering principle in a fragment of approximate counting. ACM Trans. Comput. Log., 15(4):Art. 29, 11, 2014. [BKT14] S. R. Buss, L. A. Ko lodziejczyk, and N. Thapen. Fragments of approximate counting. J. Symb. Log., 79(2):496-525, 2014. [Jeˇr09] E. Jeˇr´abek. Approximate counting by hashing in bounded arithmetic. J. Symb. Log., 74(3):829-860, 2009. [KT17] L. A. Ko lodziejczyk, N. Thapen. Approximate counting does not prove CPLS. Preprint, 2017. Available upon request. [PT17] P. Pudl´ak and N. Thapen. Random Resolution Refutations. In 32nd Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2017), pages 1:1-1:10. Schloss Dagstuhl-LeibnizZentrum f¨ur Informatik, 2017. Cut elimination for modal mu-calculus Bahareh Afshari (joint work with Graham E. Leigh) Modal µ-calculus is an important extension of propositional modal logic which captures the essence of inductive and co-inductive reasoning. The first proof system for the modal µ-calculus was a Hilbert-style axiomatisation proposed in 1983 by Kozen [6] which expanded the standard axioms of the modal system K by fixed point and induction rules for the the least (µ) and greatest (ν) fixed point quantifiers: µ-rules:A(µxA(x)) → µxA(x)&A(B) → B ⊢ µxA(x) → B ν-rules:νxA(x) → A(νxA(x))&B → A(B) ⊢ B → νxA(x) Completeness for Kozen’s system was established in 2000 by Walukiewicz [8]. The proof, imitated for the natural sequent formulation of the system, makes essential use of the cut rule and it remains a significant open problem whether Kozen’s system without cut is still complete. To date, cut elimination algorithms have only been established for very weak fragments, such as the one-variable fragment [7] and the system of common knowledge [4], and both these arguments rely on intricate techniques from impredicative proof theory. Putting cut elimination aside, until recently, the only complete cut-free proof system for the modal µ-calculus is the semi-formal (i.e. infinitary) system introduced in [5]. This year, two new complete finitary cut-free sequent calculi for µ-calculus were proposed in [1]. The first of these systems is a natural variant of Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3145 Kozen’s original axiomatisation wherein cut is dropped and the induction rule is strengthened in the following form Γ, A(¯Γ)Γ, νxA(¯Γ ∨ x) inductionstrong induction Γ, νxA(x)Γ, νxA(x) where ¯Γ is the negation ofW Γ written in negation normal form. The new inference rule can be seen as combining the usual induction rule with two general fixed-point principles: νxνyA(x, y) ↔ νxA(x, x)νxA(x ∨ x) ↔ νxA(x) the first of which is an instance of Arnold and Niwinski’s “golden lemma of µcalculus” [3]. The second finitary proof system introduced in [1], discards the induction rule in favour of a generalisation of the ν-regeneration rule. The new inference has the form  Γ, νxA ... Γ, A(νxA) Γ, νxA where the sequent within the brackets is understood as an assumption of the proof which is discharged. Applications of the rule are subject to the condition that there is a thread from the formula A(νxA) in the premise to the formula νxA in the discharged sequent that does not regenerate fixed point variables subsuming x. This restriction is formalised by annotating formulæ: each formula in the proof is labelled by a word from a finite set of names in such a way as to record the regenerations of formulæ induced by the µ and ν inferences; the condition on applications of the inference above is then represented by the local requirement that the premise and discharged assumptions of the rule have identical annotations. The proofs of completeness for the two proof systems above are constructive and rely on finitary methods only, hence they lay the groundwork for a fresh investigation of syntactic cut elimination. Completeness for the system with strong induction reduces the open problem of whether Kozen’s axiomatisation without cut is complete to whether the strong induction rule is admissible in Kozen’s system without cut. This is in turn equivalent to the admissibility of the inference Γ, σyσxA(y ∨ x) σ ∈ {µ, ν} Γ, σxA(x) which permits contracting quantifiers of the same kind in simple contexts. The annotated proof system, on the other hand, is inter-translatable with the infinatry system of [5], and it may prove more viable for the study of effective cut elimination due to its analytic form. 3146Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 References
[48] B. Afshari and G.E. Leigh, Cut-free completeness for modal mu-calculus. In: Proceedings of Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LNCS. Springer (2017), 1-12. · Zbl 1452.03055
[49] B. Afshari and G.E. Leigh, Finitary proof systems for Kozen’s µ, In: Oberwolfach Preprints. OWP 2016-26.
[50] A. Arnold and D. Niwinski, Rudiments of µ-calculus, ser. Studies in Logic. North Holland 146 (2001). · Zbl 0968.03002
[51] K. Br¨unnler and T. Studer. Syntactic cut-elimination for common knowledge, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160.1 (2009), 82-95. · Zbl 1170.03007
[52] G. J¨ager, M. Kretz and T. Studer, Canonical completeness of infinitary µ, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 76.2 (2008), 270-292. · Zbl 1156.68013
[53] D. Kozen, Results on the propositional µ-calculus, Theoretical Computer Science 27 (1983), 333-354. · Zbl 0553.03007
[54] G. Mints and T. Studer, Cut-elimination for the mu-calculus with one variable, In: Fixed points in Computer Science (FICS) (2012), 47-54. · Zbl 1457.03070
[55] I. Walukiewicz, Completeness of Kozen’s axiomatisation of the propositional µ-calculus, Information and Computation 157 (2000), 142-182. The Uniform Computational Content of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem Revisited Vasco Brattka (joint work with St´ephane Le Roux, Joseph S. Miller and Arno Pauly) We present some recent results on the classification of the computational content of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in the Weihrauch lattice [1]. For one we show that the two-dimensional version of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem is strongly Weihrauch equivalent to Weak K˝onig’s Lemma [2]. In contrast to the three and higher dimensional cases for which there is a simple geometric (algebraic) proof of this fact, the only known proof for the two dimensional case requires a comparably involved inverse limit construction. This construction also shows that connected choice is strongly Weihrauch equivalent to Weak K˝onig’s Lemma from dimension two onwards. An open problem that remains is whether this is also true for pathwise connected choice in dimension two (the geometric proof yields this for dimension three and higher). A second line of results that we present is related to the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem for Lipschitz continuous functions [2]. We show that any Lipschitz constant larger than one does not reduce the Weihrauch complexity of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem if it is restricted to functions that obey the respective Lipschitz constant. The case of Lipschitz constant exactly one is a special case of the Brouwder-G¨ohde-Kirk Fixed Point Theorem that was studied by Eike Neumann, who proved that this theorem is equivalent to convex choice of the respective dimension [3]. In this case the complexity strictly increases with the dimension, which follows from results of St´ephane Le Roux and Arno Pauly [4]. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3147 References
[56] V. Brattka, G. Gherardi, A. Pauly, Weihrauch Complexity in Computable Analysis, arXiv 1707.03202 (2017), 49 pages. https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03202 · Zbl 07464650
[57] V. Brattka, S. Le Roux, J.S. Miller, A. Pauly, Connected Choice and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, arXiv 1206.4809 (2016), 36 pages. https://arxiv.org/abs/1206.4809 · Zbl 1484.03130
[58] E. Neumann, Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees, Logical Methods in Computer Science 11 (2015) 4:20,44 · Zbl 1351.03054
[59] S. Le Roux, A. Pauly, Finite choice, convex choice and finding roots, Logical Methods in Computer Science 11:4 (2015) 4:6, 31 Ineffective Theorems and Higher-order Games Paulo Oliva (joint work with Mart´ın Escard´o and Thomas Powell) In any game where a player needs to choose a move from a set X having in mind an outcome (or result) in a set R, we can think of maps from moves to outcomes p : X → R as game continuations. These can also be viewed as “oracles”, determining for each choice of move what the final outcome would be. For instance, in the game of naughts-and-crosses the starting player has nine options X = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)} and the possible results of the game are R = {win, lose, draw}. The game continuations in this case are all maps from X to R, determining for each possible move what the outcome of the game would be. A player does not have access to the actual game continuation, unless both players have fixed their strategies. But the key insight here is that we can describe the goal of the player as a function on game continuations. In the example above, a player who is hoping to win the game, and has a draw as the second-best option, would rank the result set as win > lose > draw. For any given game continuation p : X → R, the player’s best moves would be those which maximise the game outcome. That is precisely the argmax function argmax: (X → R) → P(X) where P(X) denotes the power-set of X. Any move which leads to the player winning the game is equally good. And if no such move exists for that particular game continuation, then any move that leads to a draw is equally good, and so on. We will model player’s goals as such higher-order functions, which we have been calling selection functions. They determine for each game continuation the player’s best moves. In general, in a sequential game with n rounds, the set of alternatives at round i will be some set Xi, and the game continuation at this round are maps Xi→ R. We describe the goal of the player at round i as a selection function εi: (Xi→ R) → P(Xi) 3148Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 A sequence of moves x1, . . . , xn∈ Πni=1Xiis called a play, and the function that maps plays to outcomes is called an outcome function q : Πni=1Xi→ R. The selection functions together with an outcome function define a higher-order game. Note that such games generalise extensive form games as studied in classical Game Theory, where R = Rnis a tuple of payoffs, and q : Πni=1Xi→ Rnare the payoff functions. In this case it is assumed that all players are trying to maximise their own payoff, so the selection function are indeed argmax. A strategy profile in a higher-order game (as in a classical game), is a family of maps ηi: Πij−1=1Xj→ Xi, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, producing the next move given all the previous moves. We will denote by η∗: Πni=1Xithe play that one obtains by following the strategy η, i.e. η1∗= η1η∗i+1= ηi+1(η∗1, . . . , η∗i) We will say that a strategy profile is optimal if, for each i, ηi∗∈ εi(pi) where pi(xi) = q(η1∗, . . . , xi, ηi+1(η∗1, . . . , xi), . . .) is the game continuation obtained by consideration the different outcomes when player i deviates from his/her strategy and plays xiinstaead of η∗i. We have shown (see [2-4, 6]) that • The type construction JRX = (X → R) → X of single-valued selection functions has the structure of a strong monad, and as such admits a product-like operation JRX × JRY → JR(X × Y ). • This product when iterated calculates optimal strategies in higher-order games, and can be seen as a generalisation of the backward induction algorithm from game theory. • Various forms of bar recursion can be understood as different unbounded products of selection functions. • Combining the selection monad with the powerset monad one can give a Herbrand functional interpretation for the double negation shift. In this talk I have focused on applying these higher-order games in order to give a game-theoretic interpretation to the functional interpretation of various nonconstructive theorem. This can be seen as a meta-interpretation. For instance, consider the drinkers paradox ∃xX(P (x) → ∀yYP (x)) This is a theorem of classical logic assuming the type X is inhabited, i.e. a ∈ X for some a. Although it is not straightforward to check the validity of this statement, it is very clear what it say: there exists a person x such that, if that person is drinking P (x) then everybody is drinking ∀yP (y). Its dialectica interpretation, however, becomes ∃ε(X→X)→X∀pX→X(P (εp) → P (p(εp))) which is a higher-order statement that at first sight does not have much meaning. But once we understand that (X → X) → X are single-valued selection function, and as such implement a player’s goal, we can see what the higher-order statement Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3149 above is saying: there exists a player ε : (X → X) → X such that for any game continuation p : X → X, if the move of the player satisfies P then the outcome of the game also satisfies P . In the talk I have used this example considering a particular instance where X is the set of possible inflation rates, and P determines whether an inflation rate is within target. We can think of the desired player ε : (X → X) → X as a central bank which is required to predict next year’s interest rate in such a way that if its prediction is within target then the actual inflation will also be within target. In this way a possible strategy for the central bank is this: ( 0P (p(0)) ε(p) = p(0) ¬P (p(0)) One can check that indeed if P (εp) then P (p(εp)), i.e. if by predicting zero inflation we will have an actual rate of inflation p(0) which is within target, then 0 is a good prediction. If on the other hand p(0) is not within target we can safely use that p(0) as a prediction. I have also briefly discussed two more examples of such game-theoretic (meta) interpretation, namely the infinite pigeon-hole principle and the (classical) axiom of countable choice. The infinite pigeon-hole principle says that if we colour the natural numbers with n colours, then one of the colours i < n will be used infinitely often: ∀n∀cN→n∃i < n∀k∃j(j ≥ k ∧ c(j) = i) The functional interpretation of this statement is ∀n∀cN→n∀ε(·)∃pN→N∃i < n(p(εip) ≥ εip ∧ c(p(εip)) = i) As we did with the drinker’s paradox, we can view ε(·)as a sequence of players, and read this higher-order statement as a theorem on higher-order games: Given n players (εi)i<nand a mapping from natural numbers to these n players, there exists a game continuation p : N → N such that the player i associated with the outcome of the game has played a move xi= εip which is higher than the game outcome r = p(εip). Moreover, we can easily construct such game continuation using the product of selection functions mentioned above. Other application of this game theoretic approach to non-constructive proofs in analysis can be found in [1, 7, 8]. References
[60] S. Berardi, P. Oliva, and S. Steila. A analysis of the Podelski-Rybalchenko termination theorem via bar recursion. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2015. · Zbl 1444.03140
[61] M. H. Escard´o and P. Oliva. Selection functions, bar recursion, and backward induction. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 20(2):127-168, 2010. · Zbl 1207.03072
[62] M. H. Escard´o and P. Oliva. Computational interpretations of analysis via products of selection functions. Submitted for publication, 2011.
[63] M. H. Escard´o and P. Oliva. The Herbrand functional interpretation of the double negation shift. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, to appear.
[64] M. H. Escard´o, P. Oliva, and T. Powell. System T and the product of selection functions. Proceedings of CSL’11, 2011. 3150Oberwolfach Report 53/2017
[65] Mart´ın H. Escard´o and Paulo Oliva. Sequential games and optimal strategies. Royal Society Proceedings A, 467:1519-1545, 2011. · Zbl 1228.91009
[66] P. Oliva and T. Powell. A constructive interpretation of Ramsey’s theorem via the product of selection functions. to appear: Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2013.
[67] P. Oliva and T. Powell. A game-theoretic computational interpretation of proofs in classical analysis Gentzen’s Centenary: The Quest for Consistency, , 501-531, Springer, 2015. Proofs and Justifications in Epistemic Logic Sergei Artemov We discuss three major flaws of modal epistemic logic and outline well-principled ways of resolving them. 1. The dominant Kripke semantics contains a hidden assumption of common knowledge of the model manifested in condition “if a sentence is valid at all possible states then it is known? which significantly narrows the scope of epistemic logic. We define a general class of epistemic models which are free of this constraint and contains Kripke models as its special case, cf. [2]. 2. A common malpractice in epistemic logic and applications is the semantic formalization standard, which covers only complete theories and ignores the rest. Imagine a mathematical logic in which only complete theories defined by a model are considered; this would leave out such theories as Peano Arithmetic, Analysis, all versions of Set Theory, etc. We offer a new standard: the syntactic formalization with the corresponding derivation machinery covering epistemic theories in full generality, including the good old semantic specifications. cf. [1]. 3. Modal language does not represent justifications whereas the latter have been in the focus of epistemology since Plato. Introducing justifications as a designated sort of proof-like objects not reducible to propositions brings new hyperintensional capabilities to formal epistemology and significantly enhances its expressive power. Along with syntactic descriptions from (2), we introduce a natural class of epistemic models which represent justifications, awareness, knowledge and belief, etc. and subsume epistemic models from (1), including Kripke models, as special cases, cf. [3]. These and other modernizations of epistemic logic may open new research avenues with robust connections to applications. References
[68] S. Artemov, Syntactic epistemic logic, In: Book of Abstracts, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science CLMPS (2015), 109-110.
[69] S. Artemov, Knowing the Model, arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.04955 (2016).
[70] S. Artemov, Justification Awareness Models, In International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science 2018, Springer LNCS 10703 (2018), 22-36. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3151 A feasible set theory Neil Thapen (joint work with Arnold Beckmann, Sam Buss, Sy-David Friedman and Moritz M¨uller) The Cobham recursive set functions (CRSF) were introduced in [1] to capture the notion of feasible, polynomial time computation on arbitrary sets. CRSF coincides with the usual polynomial time functions on finite binary strings, if strings in {0, 1}kare identified with the corresponding set-theoretic function ink2. The definition of CRSF uses ∈-recursion as the basic model for computation on sets. The power of ∈-recursion is restricted by allowing new functions to be introduced only if their output is no more complex than the output of a function already known to be in CRSF. Here a set a is no more complex than a set b if a is embeddable in b in a certain sense. To allow a limited, “polynomial” increase in complexity, [1] adapts the smash function # of bounded arithmetic into an operation on sets, namely a kind of cartesian product on Mostowski graphs, and uses this as an initial function. In this talk I describe some alternative characterizations of CRSF in [2] and [3]. The first is similar to [1]. We take some basic initial functions, including the smash function, and close under composition and subset-bounded recursion: if g and h are in the class, then so is the function f defined by the recursion f (¯a, b) = g(¯a, b, {f (¯a, c) : c ∈ b}) ∩ h(¯a, b). We call this “subset-bounded” because it allows defining a function f by recursion provided we have in hand a function h such that f (¯a, b) ⊆ h(¯a, b). It has the advantage of avoiding the rather complicated “embedding-bounded” recursion used in [1]. However, functions constructed this way are limited in what they can output, so we add a weak, “feasible” Mostowski collapse function as an initial function, which allows us to reconstruct sets from suitable descriptions of them. Our second characterization uses a Boolean circuit model of computation. For this, we define (infinite) Boolean circuits, that act on Boolean values (true and false) and use the usual conjunction, disjunction, and negation gates. The inputs and output of a circuit are Boolean values which encode (possibly infinite) sets. To encode a set x using Boolean values, we form the Mostowski graph of the transitive closure of x, and encode this graph in a well-founded set using a bisimularity relation. In this way, the Boolean inputs and output of a circuit can describe arbitrary sets. The CRSF functions can then be precisely characterized as the functions which can be computed by a strongly uniform family of small Boolean circuits. Our third characterization of CRSF is in terms of Jensen’s rudimentary functions. We define the class RS to be the rudimentary functions, plus transitive closure (but not the smash function), closed under subset-bounded recursion. We then give a natural notion of an RS definition of the Mostowski graph of a set x, in a way that lets us code large sets without using smash. Using this, we can show 3152Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 that CRSF functions can be defined in RS in a certain sense and thus that the function classes are essentially the same, except for issues of coding. Lastly we show that CRSF consists of the “provably recursive” functions of a certain weak fragment of Kripke-Platek set theory. Namely, define a Σ41formula to be one of the form ∃y 4 t(x)φ(x, y), where φ is ∆0, 4 is our notion of embedding, and t(x) is a term. Expand the language of set theory by adding symbols for some basic functions, such as transitive closure and smash. Our theory then consists of defining axioms for the new symbols, extensionality, ∆0-separation, ∆0-collection, and set induction for Σ41formulas. We weaken the induction scheme slightly further, by only including it for Σ41formulas in which the witness to the existential quantifier is unique. References
[71] A. Beckmann, S. Buss, S. Friedman, M. M¨uller, N. Thapen, Cobham recursive set functions, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167(3) (2015), 335-369. · Zbl 1383.03050
[72] A. Beckmann, S. Buss, S. Friedman, M. M¨uller, N. Thapen, Cobham recursive set functions and weak set theories, Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore: Volume 33 Sets and Computations (2017), 55-116. · Zbl 1448.03029
[73] A. Beckmann, S. Buss, S. Friedman, M. M¨uller, N. Thapen, Subset-bounded recursion and a circuit model for the Cobham recursive set functions, submitted (2016). G¨odel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem from Scratch Fedor Pakhomov In the talk we have presented a new approach to G¨odel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem that covers some theories that were not covered by earlier approaches. We consider a class of theories T that are able to interpret a minimalistic theory of their own syntax Syn(T). And then prove that G¨odel’s second incompleteness theorem holds for all the theories in the class with respect to any formalization of provability that satisfies Hilbert-Bernays-L¨ob derivability conditions. Usual approach to the second incompleteness theorem that is going back to G¨odel [G¨od31] uses arithmetization of syntax. And in contrast to strong forms of second incompleteness theorem that were formulated using arithmetization of syntax (or relatives) (see for example [Fef60, Pud85, Vis09]), our class of theories contains some theories that doesn’t interpret weak arithmetical theories like Robinson arithmetic Qand even weak Robinson arithmetic R0[TMR53, ˇSve07]. Moreover, our class contains some decidable theories. An alternative to arithmetization of syntax have been developed by S. Feferman [Fef89], where he have introduced system FS0of finitary presented inductive constructions that gave a straightforward formalization of syntax. Although we note that the interpretability strength of system FS0 is quite high: there is an interpretation of IΣ1in FS0. Let us give an outline of a definition of the theory Syn(T) of syntax of some first-order theory T. We fix a variant of inductive definition of first-order language of T. And formulate the theory Syn(T) to reflect this definition. For (one-sorted) theory T the theory Syn(T) is a 3-sorted theory. The intended domain for the first Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3153 sort frm is the set of all formulas of the first-order language of T, the intended domain for the second sort trm is the set of all terms of the first-order language of T, and the intended domain for the third sort var is the set of all first-order variables of the first-order language of T (we limit ourselves to countably many distinct variables). The language of Syn(T) contains a function for each case in the inductive definition of the language of T with the following intended interpretations: the function conj(xfrm, yfrm) that maps formulas F1, F2to the conjunction, the function exists(xvar, yfrm) that maps a variable v and a formula F to the formula ∃v F , family of functions trmf(xtrm1, . . . , xtrmn) that map terms t1, . . . , tnto the terms f (t1, . . . , tn), for all functional symbols f (x1, . . . , xn) of the language of T, etc. This way we have a unique closed Syn(T)-term for each formula, term, and variable of the first-order language of T; for a formula F of the language of T we denote the corresponding term as pF q. The axioms of the theory Syn(T) are: (1) f(x1, . . . , xn) 6= g(y1, . . . , ym), for all different Syn(T)-functions f and g; (2) (x16= x′1∨ . . . ∨ xn6= x′n) → f(x1, . . . , xn) 6= f(x′1, . . . , x′n), for all Syn(T)functions f. For theories T with a fixed interpretation of the theory Syn(T) we could naturally formulate Hilbert-Bernays-L¨ob derivability conditions [L¨ob55] for a given formula Prv(xfrm) (note that here we use an interpreted sort frm within the formula Prv). And we prove the following form of G¨odel’s second incompleteness theorem. Theorem 1.(Second Incompleteness Theorem) Suppose for a first-order theory T we have a fixed interpretation of Syn(T) in T. Then for any formula Prv(xfrm) of the language of T that satisfies Hilbert-Bernays-L¨ob derivability conditions, T 0 ¬Prv(p⊥q), where ⊥ is any T-disprovable formula. In order to prove our version of G¨odel’s second incompleteness theorem we establish the following version of fixed point lemma for our class of theories and then use the standard proof of second incompleteness theorem. Theorem 2.(Fixed Point Lemma) Suppose for a first-order theory T we have a fixed interpretation of Syn(T) in T. Then for any formula F(xfrm) of the language of T there is a formula G such that T ⊢ F(pGq) ↔ G. Note that the usual proof of fixed point lemma doesn’t work in our context. The straightforward adaptation of the standard proof of fixed point lemma to our terminology would require substitution function subst that should work as follows in (F (xfrm), G) 7−→ F (pGq). But this function is not definable in the language of the theory Syn(T). We propose a different method of proving fixed point lemmas. For a first-order formula F, we denote by dp(F) the depth of the syntactical tree of the formula F. We express in the language of Syn(T) the restricted versions of this function: functions substnthat are the restrictions of subst to formulas F with dp(F) ≤ 2n. Moreover, we ensure that the Syn(T)-formulas Substn(xfrm, yfrm, zfrm) that are the definitions of graphs of functions substnare such that dp(Substn) is O(n). Using this restricted versions of substitution function we are able to prove our version of fixed point lemma (Theorem 2) using a modification of the standard proof. 3154Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 We prove that for all T with finite signature, the theory Syn(T) is mutually interpretable with the theory of Cantor’s pairing function on an infinite domain Pair2[Vis08]. Note that the latter theory have complete decidable extensions, in particular there is a decidable elementary theory Th(N, C), here C : N × N → N is the Cantor pairing function C(n, m) = (n + m)(n + m + 1)/2 + m [PSD00]. More well-known example of complete decidable theory T that interpret Syn(T) is the monadic second-order theory of full binary tree MSO(2<ω, S1, S2) [Rab69]. In the case of complete theories T, our version of G¨odel’s second incompleteness theorem simply imply that the only predicates that satisfy Hilbert-Bernays-L¨ob derivability conditions are the inconsistent predicates Prv(x), i.e. predicates such that T ⊢ Prv(pF q), for every formula F of the language of T. The following result is about “reasonable” formalizations of provability. Theorem 3.Suppose for a first-order theory T we have a fixed interpretation of Syn(T) in T. Moreover, suppose that a formula Prv(x) satisfy Hilbert-Bernays-L¨ob derivability conditions and the provability predicate Prv(x) have infinite height, i.e. T 0 Prv(pPrv(p. . . Prv(p⊥q)q)q), |{z} ntimes for any T-disprovable formula ⊥ and number n. Then T is undecidable. References [Fef60] S. Feferman. Arithmetization of metamathematics in a general setting. Fundamenta mathematicae, 49(1):35-92, 1960. [Fef89] S. Feferman. Finitary inductively presented logics. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 127:191-220, 1989. [G¨od31] K. G¨odel. ¨Uber formal unentscheidbare S¨atze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I. Monatsh. Math. Phys., 38(2):173-198, 1931. [L¨ob55] M. H. L¨ob. Solution of a problem of Leon Henkin. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 20(2):115-118, 1955. [PSD00] Cgielski P., Grigorieff S., and Richard D. La thorie lmentaire de la fonction de couplage de Cantor des entiers naturels est dcidable. Comptes Rendus de l’Acadmie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 331(2):107-110, 2000. [Pud85] P. Pudl´ak. Cuts, consistency statements and interpretations. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 50(2):423-441, 1985. [Rab69] M.O. Rabin. Decidability of second-order theories and automata on infinite trees. Transactions of the american Mathematical Society, 141:1-35, 1969. [ˇSve07] V. ˇSvejdar. Weak theories and essential incompleteness. The Logica Yearbook, pages 213-224, 2007. [TMR53] A. Tarski, A. Mostowski, and R.M. Robinson. Undecidable Theories. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. North-Holland, 1953. [Vis08] Albert Visser. Pairs, sets and sequences in first-order theories. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 47(4):299-326, 2008. [Vis09] Albert Visser. Can we make the second incompleteness theorem coordinate free? Journal of Logic and Computation, 21(4):543-560, 2009. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3155 How uniform is provable convergence? Henry Towsner If we know that some kind of sequence always converges, we can ask how quickly and how uniformly it converges. Many convergent sequences converge non-uniformly and, relatedly, have no computable rate of convergence. However proof-theoretic ideas often guarantee the existence of a uniform “meta-stable” rate of convergence. Definition.Let S be a collection of sequences. This collection converges uniformly metastably if for every ǫ > 0 and every F : N → N such that n < F (n) and F (n) ≤ F (n + 1) for all n, there is an MFso that, for each (an)n∈N∈ S there is an m ≤ MFso that, for all n, n′∈ [m, F (m)], d(an, an′) < ǫ. Many natural collections of convergent sequences exhibit a stronger notion of uniformity: bounds on jumps. Definition.Let S be a collection of sequences. This collection has a uniform bound on jumps if for each ǫ > 0 there is a K so that, for each (an)n∈N∈ S and each sequence n1< n2< · · · < nK, there is an i < K with d(ani, ani+1) < ǫ. In fact, this notion represents the first interesting level of a family of notions stratifying uniform metastability (depending on some fixed family of fundamental sequences): Definition.Let F : N → N be a function with F (n) > n and F (n) ≤ F (n + 1) for all n. We define the α-iteration of F by: • F0(n) = n, • when α > 0, Fα(n) = Fα[F (n)](F (n)). Definition.We say S converges concretely α-uniformly if for each ǫ > 0 there is a β < α so that, for every F : N → N such that F (n) > n for all n, for each (an)n∈N∈ S there is an m with F (m) ≤ Fβ(0) so that, for all n, n′∈ [m, F (m)], d(an, an′) < ǫ. Then a uniform bound on jumps is precisely concrete ω-uniformity. We can characterize the situation where a family has uniform bounds on jumps using nonstandard analysis: Theorem.S has uniform bounds on jumps if and only if, in every ultraproduct (an)n∈N∗of the sequences in S, the sequence (an)n∈N∗converges in every cut of N∗. This notion generalizes to Kohlenbach and Safarik’s notion of effective learnability, which we think of as a generalization of bounded jumps to only consider “large enough” jumps. Definition.Let S be a collection of sequences. This collection has a uniform bound on jumps of distance h (where n < h(n) for all n) if for each ǫ > 0 there is a K so that, for each (an)n∈N∈ S and each sequence n1< n2< · · · < nKwith h(ni) ≤ ni+1for all iK, there is an i < K with d(ani, ani+1) < ǫ. 3156Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Theorem.S has uniform bounds on jumps of distance h if and only if, in every ultraproduct (an)n∈N∗of the sequences in S, the sequence (an)n∈N∗converges in every cut of N∗closed under h. A survey of classical realizability Alexandre Miquel Classical realizability [3-7] was introduced by Krivine in the mid-90’s as a complete reformulation of the principles of Kleene realizability to make them compatible with classical reasoning, using the connection between classical reasoning and control operators discovered by Griffin [2]. Classical realizability provides new models for a wide range of impredicative theories (from second-order arithmetic [5] to Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory [3,7]), as well as its own interpretation of the axiom of dependent choices (DC) [4, 5]. In the first part of the talk, I will recall the basics of classical realizability (connection between classical reasoning and control operators, Krivine’s λc-calculus, truth/falsity value semantics), while emphasizing the key ideas underlying the approach. I will discuss the interest of interpreting classical proofs in direct style (rather than passing via a negative translation), before showing the connections between classical realizability and Cohen’s forcing. The second part of the talk will be devoted to the categorical interpretation of classical realizability, following the tradition initiated by Hyland, Johnstone and Pitts [1, 11], and using recent work by Streicher [12]. For that, I will introduce the notion of implicative algebra, a simple algebraic structure generalizing complete Heyting algebras and abstract Krivine algebras, and based on a surprising identification between the notions of a realizer and of a type. Then I will show that this structure naturally induces a family of triposes — the implicative triposes — that encompass Heyting triposes, Boolean triposes, intuitionistic realizability triposes and classical realizability triposes, thus providing a unified framework for expressing forcing and realizability, both in intuitionistic and classical logic. References
[74] J. M. E. Hyland, The effective topos, Proceedings of the L. E. J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium (Noordwijkerhout 1981), North Holland (1982), pp. 165-216. · Zbl 0522.03055
[75] T. Griffin, A formulæ-as-types notion of control, Proceedings of Principles of programming languages, POPL’90 (1990), p. 47-58.
[76] J.-L. Krivine, Typed lambda-calculus in classical Zermelo-Frnkel set theory, Archive for Mathematical Logic 40(3) (2001), p. 189-205. · Zbl 0990.03008
[77] J.-L. Krivine, Dependent choice, ‘quote’ and the clock, Theoretical Computer Science 308(13) (2003), p. 259-276. · Zbl 1169.03328
[78] J.-L. Krivine, Realizability in classical logic. In Interactive models of computation and program behaviour, Panoramas et synth‘eses, Soci´et´e Math´ematique de France, 27 (2009), p. 197-229. · Zbl 1206.03017
[79] J.-L. Krivine, Realizability algebras: a program to well order R. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 7(3:02) (2011), p. 1-47. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3157 · Zbl 1237.03012
[80] J.-L. Krivine, Realizability algebras II : new models of ZF + DC. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 8(1:10) (2012), p. 1-28. · Zbl 1239.03009
[81] A. Miquel, Existential witness extraction in classical realizability and via a negative translation, Logical Methods in Computer Science 7(2) (2011). · Zbl 1218.03016
[82] A. Miquel, Forcing as a program transformation. Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2011, IEEE Computer Society (2011), p. 197-206.
[83] P. Oliva, T. Streicher, On Krivine’s realizability interpretation of classical second-order arithmetic, Fundamenta Informaticæ 84(2) (2008), p. 207-220. · Zbl 1169.03046
[84] J. van Oosten, Realizability. An Introduction to its Categorical Side, Elsevier (2008). · Zbl 1225.03002
[85] T. Streicher, Krivine’s classical realisability from a categorical perspective. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 23(6) (2013), p. 1234-1256. From Hilbert-Bernays’ Grundlagen to second-order arithmetic Sam Sanders (joint work with Dag Normann) Large parts of mathematics are studied indirectly via countable approximations, also called codes. Perhaps the most prominent example is the program Reverse Mathematics, as founded by Harvey Friedman and developed extensively by Simpson (See [14]). Indeed, the framework for Reverse Mathematics is second-order artihmetic, although the original Hilbert-Bernays foundational framework in Grundlagen der Mathematik includes higher-order objects (See e.g. [6, p. 495]). Bishop’s Constructive Analysis ([2]), and constructive mathematics in general, makes similar use of codes. This coding practice is generally deemed unproblematic. Nonetheless, this coding practice fundamentally distort mathematics: we show that the following classical theorems involving type two objects cannot be provedin (any higher-type version of) any fragment Π1k-CA0of second-order arithmetic. They can be proved in full (higher-type) second-order arithmetic Z2. (i) Cousin’s lemma: any open cover of [0, 1] has a finite sub-cover, i.e. full Heine-Borel compactness ([4]); also provable in intuitionistic mathemaitcs. (ii) Lindel¨of ’s lemma: any open cover of R has a countable sub-cover; also provable in recursive and intuitionistic mathematics ([16]). (iii) Besicovitsch and Vitali covering lemmas as in [1, §2]. (iv) Basic properties (e.g. uniqueness) of the gauge integral ; the latter is a generalisation of the Lebesgue and the improper Riemann integral ([15]), and provides a formalisation of Feynman’s path integral. (v) Neighbourhood Function Principle; also provable in intuitionism ([16]). (vi) The existence of Lebesgue numbers for any open cover ([5]). (vii) The Banach-Alaoglu theorem for any open cover ([14, X.2.4], [3, p. 140]). (viii) The Heine-Young and Lusin-Young theorems, the tile theorem [7, 17], and the latter’s generalisation due to Rademacher ([12, p. 190]). These results cast serious doubt on the elegant ‘Big Five picture’ of Reverse Mathematics. In particular, the latter signature characterisation seems to be an artefact 3158Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 of coding. Furthermore, Lindel¨of ’s lemma is in the intersection of (russian) recursive, intuitionistic, and classical mathematics, but much harder to prove than similar ‘semi-constructive’ theorems (like BD-N) in classical mathematics. Finally, the above theorems exhibit surprising behaviour in Kohlenbach’s higherorder Reverse Mathematics ([8]): (1) Cousin’s lemma plus higher-order ACA0implies ATR0. (2) Cousin’s lemma plus higher-order Π11-CA0implies the Π13-theorems of Π12-CA0. (3) Lindel¨of’s theorem for Baire space (given by a realiser) plus higher-order ACA0implies Π11-CA0and Gandy’s superjump. These results are (often) established by connecting higher-order computability and Nonstandard Analysis in hitherto unseen ways ([9, 10, 13]). Finally, we establish the aforementioned results in [11] without the use of Nonstandard Analysis. References
[86] Pascal Auscher and Lashi Bandara, Real Harmonic Analysis, ANU Press, 2010.
[87] Errett Bishop, Foundations of constructive analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1967. · Zbl 0195.30404
[88] Douglas K. Brown, Functional analysis in weak subsystems of second-order arithmetic, PhD Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, ProQuest LLC, 1987.
[89] Pierre Cousin, Sur les fonctions de n variables complexes, Acta Math. 19 (1895), 1-61. · JFM 26.0456.02
[90] Mariagnese Giusto and Alberto Marcone, Lebesgue numbers and Atsuji spaces in subsystems of second-order arithmetic, Arch. Math. Logic 37 (1998), no. 5-6, 343-362. · Zbl 0905.03040
[91] David Hilbert and Paul Bernays, Grundlagen der Mathematik. II, Zweite Auflage. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 50, Springer, 1970. · Zbl 0211.00901
[92] T. H. Hildebrandt, The Borel theorem and its generalizations, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1926), no. 5, 423-474. · JFM 52.0197.04
[93] Ulrich Kohlenbach, Higher order reverse mathematics, Reverse mathematics 2001, Lect. Notes Log., vol. 21, ASL, 2005, pp. 281-295. · Zbl 1097.03053
[94] Dag Normann and Sam Sanders, Nonstandard Analysis, Computability Theory, and their connections, Submitted; arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.06556 (2017). · Zbl 1454.03018
[95] , Metastability, Computability Theory, and Nonstandard Analysis, In preparation (2017).
[96] , On the mathematical and foundational significance of the uncountable, Submitted, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.08939 (2017).
[97] Hans Rademacher, Eineindeutige Abbildungen und Meßbarkeit, Monatsh. Math. Phys. 27 (1916), no. 1, 183-235.
[98] Sam Sanders, To be or not to be constructive, Indagationes Mathematicae and arXiv https: //arxiv.org/abs/1704.00462(2017), pp. 68.
[99] Stephen G. Simpson, Subsystems of second order arithmetic, 2nd ed., Perspectives in Logic, CUP, 2009. · Zbl 1181.03001
[100] Charles Swartz, Introduction to gauge integrals, World Scientific, 2001. · Zbl 0982.26006
[101] Anne Sjerp Troelstra and Dirk van Dalen, Constructivism in mathematics. Vol. I, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, vol. 121, North-Holland, 1988. · Zbl 0661.03047
[102] W. H. Young and G. H. Young, On The Reduction Of Sets Of Intervals, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 14 (1915), 111-130. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3159 Some observations on the logical foundations of inductive theorem proving Stefan Hetzl (joint work with Tin Lok Wong) This talk is about the recent work [3] on the logical foundations of automated inductive theorem proving. In it, we endeavour to connect two areas that have developed rather independently. On the one hand: theories of arithmetic as a part of mathematical logic and on the other hand: (automated) inductive theorem proving in computer science. The aim of our work is to apply methods and results from the former tradition in mathematical logic to the tradition in computer science. The main advantage of this combination is that it is possible to obtain unprovability results (by modeltheoretic means) where previously in the literature on inductive theorem proving only empirical observations could be made based on the failure of a specific algorithm to find a proof. A first obstacle in realizing such an application is that there is a wealth of different approaches to inductive theorem proving. This makes it difficult to provide a common theoretical basis. However, the final result is typically, in one way or another, explicitly or implicitly, a proof of the goal from instances of an induction scheme and basic axioms from a background theory. We take this observation as a guiding principle for the development of a theoretical model of inductive theorem proving. We then use this model to analyze a number of different aspects of methods for inductive theorem proving. In particular, we consider the choice of an induction rule; the question of how an inductive theorem prover should choose the induction rule to be applied to its current goal has received a great deal of attention in the literature, see, e.g., the techniques of “recursion analysis” in [1] or ”induction revision in [2]. The interest in this question comes from the tension between the choice of the induction rule and the choice of the induction formula when proving a goal: the more flexibility we have in choosing the induction rule, the less flexibility we need in choosing the induction formula. In the very extreme case, one can fix an induction formula, e.g., the goal, and search for an induction rule with respect to which this formula is inductive. Thus one can dispose of the difficult task of finding a non-analytic induction formula and simply search for a suitable induction rule. We carry out a comparison of different induction schemes from this point of view: we fix a formula ϕ(x) and ask with respect to which induction schemes it is inductive. We obtain a complete mathematical characterization of the implications between the different resulting notions of inductiveness where previously in the literature, only empirical observations have been made. 3160Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 References
[103] R. S. Boyer and J. Strother Moore. A computational logic. ACM monograph series. Academic Press, 1980.
[104] A. Bundy, D. Basin, D. Hutter, and A. Ireland. Rippling: Meta-Level Guidance for Mathematical Reasoning. Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. Cambridge University Press, 2005. · Zbl 1095.68108
[105] S. Hetzl, T. L. Wong, Some observations on the logical foundations of inductive theorem proving, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 13(4), 2017. Impredicativity in Homotopy Type Theory Steve Awodey We investigate the use of impredicative methods for the construction of inductive types in homotopy type theory. Inductive types have been constructed impredicatively in other systems of type theory in the past, but these generally fail have the correct the rules. Using new methods from homotopy type theory [1] we are able to repair these prior constructions, and extend the impredicative methodology to include also the newly discovered higher inductive types that form the basis of the recent applications in homotopy theory. References · Zbl 1460.03005
[106] Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics, The Univalent Foundations Program, Institute for Advanced Study, 2013. The Modal Logic of Extensions of Models of Peano Arithmetic Albert Visser (joint work with V. Yu. Shavrukov) We study the modal logics of the big Kripke models with as nodes models of Peano Arithmetic and as accessibility relation one of the relations extension, endextension, internal model with parameters, internal model without parameters. The logic of these models is S4, as was proved by Shavrukov in 1998. See [Vis98] We study how expressive the mixed modal language is where we allow arithmetical sentences as modal atoms. First, we illustrate that many familiar notions are modally definable. Then we discuss the complexity of the set of all arithmetical sentences for which it is valid that they are possibly necessary. Their complexity turns out to be complete Π11. We will briefly describe an alternative accessibility relation that gives a notion of necessity that is very close to, and, for some theories equal to, provability. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3161 References [Vis98] A. Visser. An Overview of Interpretability Logic. In M. Kracht, M. de Rijke, H. Wansing, and M. Zakharyaschev, editors, Advances in Modal Logic, volume 1, 87 of CSLI Lecture Notes, pages 307-359. Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, 1998. On the Benefit of Unsound Rules Matthias Baaz (joint work with Juan Pablo Aguilera) The characteristic-variable condition of first-order Gentzen-style proof systems states that whenever a proof contains a strong-quantifier inference of the form Γ, A(a, b) (1)Γ, ∀x A(x, b) the variable a does not appear in Γ, ∀x A(x, b). This condition ensures that quantifier inferences are sound, but is not necessary. By weakening the characteristicvariable condition, one obtains proof systems in which seemingly invalid reasoning, e.g., such as A(a) → A(a) A(a) → ∀y A(y) ∃x (A(x) → ∀y A(y)) is permitted. If π is a proof, write a <πb if a is the characteristic variable of an inference in whose principal formula b appears (e.g., as in equation (1)). The calculus LK+is defined like Gentzen’s proof system for first-order logic, LK, except that the characteristic-variable condition is weakened by the following of a proof π requiring instead: (1) (substitutability) no characteristic variable appears in the conclusion of π. (2) (side-variable condition) the relation <πis acyclic. (3) (weak regularity) every variable is the characteristic variable of at most one inference in π. A feature of proofs in LK+is that subtrees of proofs need not be proofs. Theorem. Every sequent provable in LK+is valid. There is no elementary function bounding the length of the shortest cut-free LK+-proof of a sequent in terms of its shortest cut-free LK-proof. The conditions above are motivated by the rules governing possible inferences in Hilbert’s ε-calculus, whose language contains no quantifiers. In a way, thus, LK+is a first-order proof system that resembles the ε-calculus. 3162Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 References
[107] J.P. Aguilera and M. Baaz, Unsound Inferences Make Proofs Shorter, To Appear. A concurrent interpretation of the law of excluded middle Ulrich Berger (joint work with Hideki Tsuiki) It is well-known that constructive proofs carry computational content. This phenomenon, which is known as the Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation or the Curry-Howard correspondence, is the origin of various methods and implementations of proof systems that automatically extract certified programs from constructive formal proofs. Examples are Nuprl [1], PX [2], Coq [3], Isabelle [4], Agda [5], Minlog [6]. The programs extracted by these systems are usually functional; other programming paradigms, such as non-determinism or concurrency, are hardly covered by this methodology. This may be considered a weakness of program extraction compared with existing program verification techniques which do cover these programming paradigms. Another restriction of program extraction is that it is not able to deal with the law of excluded middle B → A ¬B → A ALEM if the condition B is undecidable. In this talk we propose a way to partly overcome these limitations. We give a computational interpretation of the law of excluded middle as a scheme for the concurrent execution of processes. The interpretation, which takes place within the framework of realizability, involves two new logical operators: Setn(A), allowing for n concurrent processes to realize the formula A, and A||B (’A restricted to B’), a strengthening of the implication B → A, which is realized by a computation that is guaranteed to terminate if B holds and, in case of termination, realizes A. The realizable form of LEM using the new logical operators is A || BA || ¬B Concurrent-LEM S2(A) where B must be a Harrop formula. To compute a realizer of the conclusion of Concurrent-LEM one simple runs the realizers provided by the premises concurrently. The main rule to infer a strict implication is B → (A0∨ A1)¬B → (A0∧ A1) (A0∨ A1) || B where B, A0, A1must be Harrop formulas. We apply our interpretation to two examples of program extraction in computable analysis: Infinite Gray-code, due to Tsuiki [3] and matrix inversion via concurrent Gaussian elimination. An intensional version of infinite Gray-code was Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3163 used in [1] to extract conventional functional programs in the Minlog system. A precursor of our system of concurrent program extraction can be found in [9]. References
[108] R.L. Constable, S.F. Allen, H.M. Bromley, W.R. Cleaveland, J.F. Cremer, R.W. Harper, D.J. Howe, T.B. Knoblock, N.P. Mendler, P. Panangaden, J.T.Sasaki, S.F. Smith, Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System, Prentice-Hall, 1986.
[109] S. Hayashi, H. Nakano, PX: A Computational Logic, MIT Press, 1988.
[110] C. Paulin-Mohring, Inductive definitions in the system Coq; rules and properties, M. Bezem and J.F. Groote, editors, Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, LNCS 664 (1993), 328– 345. · Zbl 0844.68073
[111] S. Berghofer, Program Extraction in simply-typed Higher Order Logic, H. Geuvers and F. Wiedijk, editors, Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES’02), LNCS 2646 (2003), 21-38. · Zbl 1023.68021
[112] C.M. Chuang, Extraction of Programs for Exact Real Number Computation Using Agda, PhD thesis, Swansea University, 2011.
[113] U. Berger, K. Miyamoto, H. Schwichtenberg, M. Seisenberger, Minlog - A Tool for Program Extraction for Supporting Algebra and Coalgebra, CALCO-Tools, LNCS 6859 (2011), 393399. · Zbl 1344.68201
[114] H. Tsuiki, Real Number Computation through Gray Code Embedding, Theoretical Computer Science 284 (2002), 746-485. · Zbl 1042.68071
[115] U. Berger, K. Miyamoto, H. Schwichtenberg, H. Tsuiki, Logic for Gray-code computation, D. Probst, P. Schuster, editors, Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science, de Gruyter, Ontos Mathematical Logic 6, 2016. · Zbl 1433.03120
[116] U. Berger, Extracting Non-Deterministic Concurrent Programs, CSL 2016, LIPIcs 62 (2016), 26:1-26:21. Generalized Goodstein sequences Andreas Weiermann (joint work with Toshiyasu Arai and Stan Wainer) The classical Goodstein sequences provide one of the most elementary principles which although true are unprovable from the axioms of first order arithmetic. In this report we indicate recent progress (partly in joint work with T. Arai and S. Wainer) on extending the classical Goodstein sequences to more complex situations. The resulting principles lead to far reaching independence results for systems of arithmetic. Moreover they may lay the foundation of a new theory of notations systems for natural numbers. 1. The classics Fix a natural number k ≥ 2. Then there exist uniquely determined natural numbers p, q, r such that m = kr· p + q and 0 < p < k and q < kr. We call this representation the k normal form of m and write m =N Fkr· p + q. The k normal form of m is natural in the sense that it produces a representation of m with a minimal syntactical amount when this is measured in terms of a natural norm function. For such an m =N Fkr·p+q we define its base change with respect to k recursively via m[k ← k + 1] := (k + 1)r[k←k+1]· p + q[k ← k + 1] where it is understood that 0[k ← k + 1] := 0. 3164Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Lemma 1.(1) If m < n then m[k ← k + 1] < n[k ← k + 1]. (2) If m =N Fkr· p + q then m[k ← k + 1] =N Fkr[k←k+1]· p + q[k ← k + 1]. Given m > 0 let the Goodstein sequence mlstarting with m be recursively defined as follows: m0:= 0, ml+1:= ml[l + 2 ← l + 3] − 1 if ml> 0. If ml= 0 then ml+1:= 0. Let G be the assertion ∀m∃lml= 0. Define ψk: N → ε0as follows. ψk0 := 0, ψkm := ωψkrp + ψkq if m =N Fkr· p + q. Lemma 2.(1) If m < n then ψkm < ψkn. (2) ψk+1(m[k ← k + 1]) = ψkm. Theorem 1.The assertion G is true. Proof. We tacitly apply Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. Define o : N → ε0via o(l) := ψl+2(ml). Then ll> 0 yields o(l + 1) = ψl+3(ml+1) = ψl+3(ml[l + 2 ← l + 3] − 1) < ψl+3(ml[l + 2 ← l + 3]) = ψl+2(ml) = o(l).2 In fact this proof shows that the assertion G is provable in PA plus the principle that there is no infinite primitive recursive descending chain of ordinals below ε0. (As a word of warning it should be noted that it is not possible to calculate a decimal expansion of the least l such that 100l= 0 in real life.) Theorem 2.The assertion G is not provable in first order Peano arithmetic. 2. Goodstein sequences for the Ackermann function (first version). Our goal is now to replace the base k representation by the Ackermann function which is defined as follows. Definition 1.(1) A0(k, b) = kb. (2) Aa+1(k, 0) = Aa(k, ·)k(1) where the upper index denotes the number of iterations. (3) Aa+1(k, b + 1) = Aa(k, ·)k(Aa+1(k, b). For all c > 0 there exist unique a, b, m, n < ω such that c = Aa(k, b) · m + n, Aa(k, 0) ≤ c < Aa+1(k, 0), Aa(k, b) ≤ c < Aa(k, b + 1), 0 < Aa(k, b) · m < Aa(k, b + 1), and n < Aa(k, b) We write c =N FAa(k, b) · m + n in this case. This means that we have in mind an underlying context fixed by k and that for the number c we have uniquely associated the numbers a, b, m, n. Note that it could be possible that Aa+1(k, 0) = Aa(k, b) so that we have to choose the right representation for the context. For such a c we define its base change with respect to k recursively via 0[k ← k + 1] := 0 and c[k ← k + 1] := Aa[k←k+1](k + 1, b[k ← k + 1]) · m + n[k ← k + 1] if c =N FAa(k, b) · m + n. Lemma 3.(1) If c < d then c[k ← k + 1] < d[k ← k + 1]. (2) If if c =N FAa(k, b) · m + n then c[k ← k + 1] =N FAa[k←k+1](k + 1, b[k ← k + 1]) · m + n[k ← k + 1]. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3165 We define a mapping χk: N → ϕ20 recursively as follows. χk0 := 0 and χkc := ωεχk a+χkb· m + ψkn if c =N FAa(k, b) · m + n. Lemma 4.If c < d < ω then χkc < χkd. Let G′be the assertion ∀c∃lcl= 0. Theorem 3.PA + TI(ϕ20) ⊢ G′. Theorem 4.Let γ < ϕ20. Then PA + TI(γ) 0 G′. 3. Goodstein sequences for the Ackermann function (second version). Our last goal is to define Goodstein sequences which are characteristic for ATR0. For a given m ∈ N we are going to define the k-normal form of m by a sandwiching procedure. If m = 0 then m is its own k normal form. Now assume that m > 0. First determine the unique a such that Aa(0) ≤ m < Aa+1(0) and let a0:= a. Next determine the unique b0such that Aa0(b0) ≤ m < Aa0(b0+ 1). If Aa(b0) = m, then by definition this is the k normal form of m and we abbreviate this by m =k−N FAa0(b0). Assume recursively that we have arrived at a situation Aar(br) ≤ m < Aar(br+ 1). If Aar(br) = m then this we write m =k−N FAar(br). Otherwise we are in the situation that Aar(br) < m < Aar(br+ 1). In the case ar= 0 we have kbr< m < kbr+1. Then we can write m = kbr· p + q in a unique way where q < kbrand p < k and we write m =k−N Fkbr· p + q. Now assume ar> 0. If Aar−1(Aar(br)) ≤ m < Aar(br+ 1) let ar+1:= ar− 1. Then there exists a unique br+1such that Aar+1(br+1) ≤ m < Aar+1(br+1+ 1) such that br+1≥ Aar(br). Here we can iterate. If Aar(br) < m < Aar−1(Aar(br)) then there exists a minimal a∗such that Aar(br) < m < Aa∗(Aar(br)). Assume first that a∗= 0. Then Aar(br) < m < kAar(br)and we can write m = Aar(br) · p + q in a unique way where q < Aar(br) and p < m and we write m =k−N FAar(br) · p + q. Assume therefore that a∗> 0. Then Aa∗−1(Aar(br)) ≤ m < Aa∗(Aar(br)) Let ar+1:= a∗− 1. Then there exists a unique br+1such that Aar+1(br+1) ≤ m < Aar+1(br+1+ 1) such that br+1≥ Aar(br). We can then again iterate. The new Goodstein sequences are now defined as follows. Let us start with a given number m. Let m0:= m and define recursively ml+1:= ml[l + 2 ← l + 3] − 1 if ml> 0. We also put ml+1= 0 if ml= 0. Let G′′:= ∀m∃lml= 0. Theorem 5.(1) PA + TI(Γ0) ⊢ G′′. (2) ATR06⊢ G′′. 3166Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 By extending the hierarchy Aato transfinite labels one can obtain even stronger Goodstein principles. If α ranges over ordinals less than ε0then the resulting principle is characteristic for ID1. We are confident being able to classify the resulting principles of level reaching op to the ordinal of (Π11− TR)0. It is an open problem in as much the different k normal forms introduced here can be used to develop a decent theory of natural notations for natural numbers. One can verify in the considered examples that the base change produces maximal possible values when it is defined with respect to the k-normal forms in question. References
[117] M. De Smet and A. Weiermann. Goodstein sequences for prominent ordinals up to the Bachmann-Howard ordinal. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 163 (2012), no. 6, 669-680. · Zbl 1251.03069
[118] R.L. Goodstein. On the restricted ordinal theorem. J. Symbolic Logic 9, (1944). 33-41. · Zbl 0060.02306
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[120] L. Kirby and J. Paris. Accessible independence results for Peano arithmetic. Bull. London Math. Soc. 14 (1982), no. 4, 285-293. · Zbl 0501.03017
[121] F. Meskens and A. Weiermann. Classifying Phase Transition Thresholds for Goodstein Sequences and Hydra Games. Gentzen’s Centenary. The Quest for Consistency, R. Kahle and M. Rathjen (eds.), Springer 2015. 455-478. · Zbl 1378.03040
[122] Ackermannian Goodstein principles for first order Peano arithmetic. Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore: Volume 33 Sets and Computations, 157-181. · Zbl 1448.03031
[123] A. Weiermann and G. Wilken. Goodstein sequences for prominent ordinals up to the ordinal of Π11− CA0. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 164 (2013), no. 12, 1493-1506. Presheaf and sheaf models of type theory Thierry Coquand I presented some models of univalent type theory, which is dependent type theory with the axiom of univalence and the operation of propositional truncation. Two main applications of these models are the characterisation of the proof theoretic strength of this system and various independence and consistency results, e.g. that countable choice (suitably formulated using in a crucial way propositional trunction) cannot be proved, and consistency with Brouwer’s fan theorem. For this we make use of the bi-interpretability between dependent type theory (including the W type, but without identity types) and a constructive system of set theory (a suitable extension of CZF) which is explained in Peter Aczel’s paper · Zbl 1320.03082
[124] , and we notice that all our model constructions can be carried out in this set theoretic system. The first class of models can be described as “inner” models inside presheaf models of dependent type theory (without identity types). In order to give an interpretation of the identity type, we follow the “identity-as-path” interpretation. A path type will be obtained by exponentiation with an “interval” I, which is a presheaf with two distinct elements 0 and 1 and satisfying some two further properties Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3167 (1) I has a connection structure, i.e. maps (∧), (∨) : I → I → I satisfying x ∧ 1 = x = 1 ∧ x, x ∧ 0 = 0 = 0 ∧ x and x ∨ 1 = 1 = 1 ∨ x, x ∨ 0 = x = 0 ∨ x and (2) representables are closed by cartesian products with I The axiomatic conditions required for getting a model of type theory have been analysed in [5] and a complementary analysis can be found in [4]. Using the segment I we can define a set of “filling structures”, inspired from homotopy theory. An element of this filling structure represents a generalized “path lifting” operation. It expresses that the type of all path liftings is a singleton up to homotopy (for a given path in the base and starting point). One can then check that presheaves together with a filling structure form a model of univalent type theory. This has been done in the joint paper [2] In order for this model to work, the only hypotheses on the base category C is that we can find an “interval” I, i.e. a presheaf satisfying the conditions above. In particular, given another category D we can build a new model on C ×D by defining a new interval ID(X, Y ) = I(X). We get in this way a presheaf model MDof univalent type theory. If we furthermore assume that we have a notion of covering on D, represented by a family Cov, F in MDwe can define internaly a notion of sheaf/stack A as a presheaf A such that all canonical maps A 7→ AF(c), c : Cov are equivalences. As soon as all maps X 7→ XF(c)are idempotent monads, for instance if we have Π(x y : F (c))Path (F (c)) x y, these maps define left exact modalities for MDin the sense of [3]. Using this, we can check that these sheaves/stacks form new models of univalent type theory. By appropriate choices of D and covering relations, we can get various consistency and independence results, generalizing to univalent type theory the use of sheaf models for higher order logic. References
[125] P. Aczel On relating type theories and set theories, proceedings of TYPES 1998, pp. 1-18 · Zbl 0944.03056
[126] C. Cohen, Th. Coquand, S. Huber, A. M¨orberg, Cubical type theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom, proceedings of TYPES 2015.
[127] M. Shulman, E. Rijke and B. Spitters, Modalities in homotopy type theory, submitted 2017. · Zbl 1489.03005
[128] N. Gambino and Ch. Sattler, The Frobenius condition, right properness, and uniform fibrations, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221 (12), 2017, pp. 3027-3068. · Zbl 1378.18002
[129] I. Orton and A. Pitts Axioms for Modelling Cubical Type Theory in a Topos, CSL 2016. The Simply Typed System N and Extendable Recursion Stefano Berardi (joint work with Ugo de’ Liguoro) We define a simply typed λ-calculus ([3]), the system N , from a set Data of data types using product and arrow types. Any D ∈ Data is defined from a list (D0, . . . , Dn−1) of previously defined data types, a definition inspired by MartinLof nested data types [2]. The data type D denotes the smallest set of trees we may defined with finitely many constructors c0, . . . , cn−1. The constructor ci 3168Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 has argument a family of elements of D indexed on Di, represented by some map f : Di→ D. ci(f ) denotes the trees whose immediate sub-trees are f (e) for any e : Di. For instance, D0= () denotes the empty set, D1= (D0) denotes a singleton, D2= (D0, D1) denotes the set of natural number, and D3= (D0, D1, D2) the set of well-founded trees, whose nodes have no children, or one child, or ω children. Maps of system N are defined by primitive recursion on trees. A recursive definition of a map h : D → A includes a special clause r : A → A we call the polymorphic clause, to be used when the domain D of the recursive map h is extended by adding some new constructor cn. For sake of simplicity we use no variables in N , but this is but an arbitrary choice. Our results include termination of computations in N and that fact that all trees denoted by terms of N are well-founded. Termination is proved by combining the notion of totality introduced by Tait [4] with the notion of candidate introduced by Girard. These proofs may be found in [1]. Our long-term goal is defining a system as expressive as Girard’s system F , but using no explicit quantification on types. In particular we plan to prove that all maps : D → E between data types definable in F are definable in N , and all well-founded trees definable in F are definable in N . We consider system N as a good candidate for writing a denotational system for the provably well-orders of second order arithmetic. References
[130] S. Berardi, U. de’ Liguoro, The Simply Typed System N and Extendable Recursion, Torino University, Technical Report, November 2017. www.di.unito.it/∼ stefano/SistemaNdefinizioni-14-Luglio-2017.pdf · Zbl 1374.68541
[131] P. Martin-Lof, Intuitionistic Type Theory, June 1980, Bibliopolis. · Zbl 0571.03030
[132] H. Barendregt, Lambda Calculus with Types. Cambridge University Press, 2013. · Zbl 1347.03001
[133] William W. Tait: Intensional Interpretations of Functionals of Finite Type I. J. Symb. Log. 32(2): 198-212 (1967) Recent advances in homotopy type theory Nicola Gambino (joint work with Christian Sattler) Many of the connections between type theory and homotopy theory considered in Homotopy Type Theory Univalent Foundations of Mathematics involve the notions of a groupoid and of an ∞-groupoid (i.e. Kan complex). Recall that a groupoid is a category in which every morphism is invertible. Examples of groupoids abound: a group is essentially the same thing as a groupoid with a single object (with the morphisms of the groupoid being the elements of the group) and every set X with an equivalence relation R determines a groupoid having X as its set of objects and a unique morphism from x to y if and only if (x, y) ∈ R. Groupoids arise naturally in mathematics whenever there are equivalence relations for which taking a quotient in the most naive way is not suitable (cf. the development of the theory of stacks and higher stacks in algebraic geometry). Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3169 The connection between groupoids and type theory arose with the following fundamental result [4]. Theorem 1(Hoffmann and Streicher, 1995). Martin-L¨of type theory admits a model in the the category Gpd of groupoids and functors. Furthermore, the principle of Uniqueness of Identity Proofs is not valid in this model. In the groupoid model, types are interpreted as groupoids and dependent types as isofibrations, i.e. functors that satisfy a suitable version of the path-lifting property that defines fibrations of topological spaces. In their paper, Hofmann and Streicher showed also that a form of the Univalence Axiom was valid and suggested the possibility of using ∞-groupoids to obtain an even more informative model of type theory. This suggestion was not taken up until Voevodsky showed how one could use the notion an ∞-groupoid studied in algebraic topology under the name of Kan complex to obtain a model of Martin-L¨of type theory [5]. Kan complexes are defined as particular simplicial sets, which are familes of sets X = (Xn)n∈Nequipped with suitable maps that allow us to think of X as a space and of elements x ∈ Xn as n-dimensional simplices making up the space. Theorem 2(Voevodsky, 2008). Martin-L¨of type theory admits a model in the the category SSet of simplicial sets. Furthermore, the univalence axiom is valid in this model. In the simplicial model, types are interpreted as Kan complexes and dependent types are interpreted as Kan fibrations, which are a simplicial counterpart of topological fibrations. The validity of all the rules of type theory in the simplicial model combines a series of well-known facts from homotopy theory and some new concepts, such as that of a univalent fibration. In its original version, the proof of Theorem 2 was obtained working in ZFC extended with two inaccessible cardinals. Because of this, researchers began to investigate whether a constructive version of that result could be established. This turned out to be impossible, as the following result in [2] shows. Theorem 3(Bezem, Coquand and Parmann, 2014). It is not possible to show constructively that if X and Y are Kan complexes, then their exponential YXin SSetis again a Kan complex. In order to overcome this obstacle, Bezem, Coquand and Huber developed a model of Martin-L¨of type theory using a variant of simplicial sets called cubical sets, obtaining the following result working in a constructive metatheory [1]. Theorem 4(Bezem, Coquand, Huber, 2015). Martin-L¨of type theory admits a model in the the category CSet of cubical sets. Furthermore, the univalence axiom is valid in this model. In the cubical model, dependent types are interpreted as uniform Kan fibrations, which are not just morphisms of cubical sets satisfying a lifting property, 3170Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 like the standard Kan fibrations used in Voevodsky’s simplicial model, but rather morphisms of cubical sets that come equipped with additional structure (which provides explicit solutions for the lifting problems, subject to a further naturality condition). There is then a question of whether it was the switch from simplicial to cubical sets or the switch from standard to uniform fibrations that is essential to overcome the constructive obstruction of Theorem 3. As shown in joint work with Christian Sattler, that specific issue can be overcome remaining in the category of simplicial sets, but working with uniform fibrations. More precisely, the following result is proved in [3]. Theorem 5(Gambino and Sattler, 2017). It is possible to show constructively that if X and Y are uniform Kan complexes, then their exponential YXin SSet is again a uniform Kan complex. While Theorem 5 provides a constructive version of a fragment of the simplicial model of type theory, it does not address the validity of the rules concerning universes, for which there are further constructivity issues. These issues remain to be explored; one promising direction, currently being investigated in joint work with Christian Sattler, is that of prismatic sets. References
[134] M. Bezem, T. Coquand, S. Huber, A Model of Type Theory in Cubical Sets. In 19th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2013), volume 26 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 107-128, 2014. · Zbl 1359.03009
[135] M. Bezem, T. Coquand, E. Parmann, Non-Constructivity in Kan Simplicial Sets. In 13th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2015), volume 38 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 92-106, 2015. · Zbl 1433.03154
[136] N. Gambino and C. Sattler, The Frobenius condition, right properness, and uniform fibrations Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221 (12), 2017, pp. 3027-3068. · Zbl 1378.18002
[137] M. Hofmann and T. Streicher, The groupoid model of type theory, In Twenty-five years of Constructive Type Theory, Oxford University Press, 1995. · Zbl 0930.03089
[138] C. Kapulkin and P. Lumsdaine, The simplicial model of univalent foundations (after Voevodsky), arXiv:1211.2851v4, 2016. Geometric theories for constructive algebra Henri Lombardi Introduction.We discuss the use of geometric theories in a constructive framework (Bishop style constructive mathematics, i.e. mathematics with intuitionistic logic [3-5, 12, 13, 16]). In a classical framework, a good reference for geometric theories is [11, Chapter D1], see also [2] and [6]. Here we shall use constructive logic not only as the internal language of toposes, but also for the investigation of the whole mathematical world. E.g. the usual model theory is not valid anymore and its results have to be deciphered in a constructive way. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3171 Our aim is to investigate whether geometric theories are sufficient for fully developing constructive algebra as e.g. in [12, 13, 16]. Our motivation is twofold. First, the deduction rules in geometric theories are extremely simple when used in dynamical proofs as explained in [9]. So geometric theories can be seen as purely computational, without logic. As a consequence, there is no conflict between classical and constructive mathematics about valid dynamical rules (“geometric theorems”). So using in a systematic way geometric theories is part of the general program of rereading constructively classical proofs and theorems in order to make their hidden constructive content explicit ([1, 7-9, 12, 15, 16]). Another important goal is to describe as completely as possible the algebraic properties of R (including the usual o-minimal structures). Note that the real number field is not a discrete real closed field since there is no sign test for constructive real numbers. So the main algorithms of discrete real closed fields do not work constructively for real numbers. On this subject see (in French) http://hlombardi.free.fr/Reels-geometriques.pdf. 1. Hilbert’s program revisited References: [7, 9, 10, 12, 14]. Seminal papers are [10, 14]. The aim is to give a general method for deciphering the computational content of theorems in classical mathematic whose proof use nonconstructive principles as LEM and ZFC. Examples. Consider some important classical nonconstructive theorems. E.g. (1) Any field can be embedded in an algebraically closed field. (2) Any real field can be ordered. (3) If K ⊆ L are fields and V ⊆ K is a valuation ring of K, there exists a valuation ring W of L such that W ∩ K = V. (4) Let A be a commutative ring. Consider a linear system AX = C over A. If it has a solution in any localisation Ap, then it has a solution in A (elementary local-global principle). (5) Galois theory of a separable polynomial . . . Possible constructive rereadings are e.g. (1) [10] Let K be a commutative ring. Consider K as giving a dynamic algebraic structure of algebraically closed field. This works! More precisely, if 1 = 0 in the dynamic structure, then 1 = 0 in K. (2) [9] Let K be a real field. Consider K as giving a dynamic algebraic structure of ordered field. This works! More precisely, don’t assume K to be real, if 1 = 0 in the dynamic structure, then −1 is a sum of squares in K. (3) [9] If K ⊆ L are fields and V ⊆ K is a valuation ring of K, consider L as a dynamical valued field with a valuation ring W such that W ∩ K = V. This works! More precisely, if 1 = 0 in the dynamic structure, then 1 = 0 in K. (4) [12] Elementary constructive local-global principle. Either 3172Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 • consider A as giving a dynamic algebraic structure of local ring, if you find a solution of the linear system, you can also obtain solution in A; or • consider A as giving a dynamic algebraic structure of local ring with a discrete residue field, if you find a solution of the linear system, you can also obtain solution in A; or • replace localisation at any prime by localisation at finitely many comaximal elements. (5) [12] Dynamical Galois theory of a separable polynomial . . . 2. First-order geometric theories Main reference: [9]. Dynamical theories and dynamical algebraic structures give a constructive understanding, without logic, of coherent theories, i.e. of first-order geometric theories. First we insist on the following strong conservation result [9, Theorem 1.1]. Theorem 1.Let T be a dynamical theory, (G; R) a presentation of a dynamical algebraic structure A and B(t) a fact of A. There is a construction associating to every proof of R ⊢ B(t) in the classical first-order theory corresponding to T a dynamical proof of B(t). In other words, the extension of the purely computational theory T by means of connectors, quantifiers and classical logic, is conservative. Note that this important result is not sufficient for deciphering all concrete results obtained via model theory in classical mathematics. In fact, classical mathematics may use very “strong” properties of ZFC in order to prove some facts about models of a first-order theory, and deduce in a nonconstructive way the existence of a proof of a theorem in the formal theory. Theorem 1 allows us only to transform this hypothetic proof in a dynamical one. 3. Infinitary geometric theories Infinitary geometric theories have a much greater expressive power than first-order geometric theories. E.g. it becomes possible to speak “geometrically” of the non-first-order crucial notions of flatness, Krull dimension, coherence, depth, Krull and Dedekind domains, Galois algebras, and so on. An analogue of Theorem 1 for infinitary geometric theories is a theorem due to Barr. Unfortunately the proof of this theorem cannot be made constructive, so that it serves only as heuristic. But this heuristic works in practice. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3173 References
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[144] Olivia Caramello. Theories, Sites, Toposes. Oxford University Press, 2017. · Zbl 1461.03002
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[147] Michel Coste, Henri Lombardi, and Marie-Fran¸coise Roy. Dynamical method in algebra: effective Nullstellens¨atze. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 111(3):203-256, 2001. · Zbl 0992.03076
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Turning one of these semantic extension theorems “upside down”—in logical terms, as completeness rather than satisfiability—often prompts not only a proof [8] rather by Open Induction [7], but even a reformulation as a syntactical conservation theorem that has a constructive proof [1, 4, 5, 9, 10]. To represent ideal objects in algebra syntactically, entailment relations have proved utmost versatile [1]. This abstract form of sequent calculus goes back to Hertz, Carnap and Tarski for the single-conclusion case, and to Gentzen, Lorenzen and Scott for the multi-conclusion case. Here we focus on cut elimination for entailment relations, by which we can compare entailment relations systematically. 1. Cut elimination for entailment relations Let S be an arbitrary set; its elements a, b, . . . are seen as abstract sentences. Uppercase letters A, B, . . . denote elements of Fin(S), i.e. finite subsets of S. Definition 1([11]). An entailment relation on S is a relation ⊢ ⊆ Fin(S)×Fin(S) satisfying, for all c ∈ S and finite subsets A, A′, B, B′of S, the three basic rules:2 A ≬ BA ⊢ BA ⊢ B, cA′, c ⊢ B′ A ⊢ B(R)A, A′⊢ B, B′(M )A, A′⊢ B, B′(T ) Notice that the definition of ⊢ is symmetric. Both in antecedent and succedent, comma stands for union, etc.; for instance, A, c is shorthand for A ∪ {c}. While abstract sentences need not be formulas [11], the intended reading is as for Gentzen sequents: conjunctively on the left, disjunctively on the right. So the empty set or empty space means truth on the left and falsity on the right. Also, a ∈ S may be viewed as P (a) where P is the relevant predicate on the given set S. Entailment relations arising from mathematical practice can typically be defined by imposing the conditions Cj⊢ Dj, called axioms, they are expected to satisfy. The entailment relation ⊢ generated by axioms (Cj⊢ Dj)j∈Jsatisfies 1. Cj⊢ Djfor all j ∈ J; 2. if an entailment relation ⊢′satisfies Cj⊢′Djfor all j ∈ J, then ⊢⊆⊢′. Every entailment relation ⊢ on S is trivially generated by {(A, B) : A ⊢ B}. But normally finitely many axioms—or rather axiom schemes—will do. So inductive generation is possible: just close the axioms under the basic rules. Lemma 2.The entailment relation generated by the axioms (Cj⊢ Dj)j∈Jequals the entailment relation ⊢ generated by the corresponding axiom rules A, dj1⊢ B. . .A, djmj⊢ B (Axj) A, Cj⊢ B on top of the basic rules where Dj= {dj1, . . . , djmj} for every j ∈ J. 2 When we write and speak of rules we mean provability or validity rather than admissibility. Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics3175 Of course this is not altogether new, nor is the consequence that A ⊢ B if and only if one can grow a proof tree π with root A ⊢ B by the rules (R), (M ), (T ) and (Axj). Let π be a proof tree for A ⊢ B. Notice that 1. at the leaves there can only be instances of (R), or of (Axj) with empty premise corresponding to axioms Cj⊢ Djwith empty conclusion; 2. every application of (M ) can be lifted along each branch such that it will eventually be absorbed by (R); whence (M ) can be eliminated. Theorem 3.Let ⊢ be an entailment relation generated by axioms (Cj⊢ Dj)j∈J. For every proof tree π for ⊢ there is a proof tree π′for ⊢ that is free from (T ). The main idea is the same as for cut elimination in the presence of axioms [6]. Corollary 4.The entailment relation ⊢ generated by axioms (Cj⊢ Dj)j∈Jequals the relation (!) generated by the rule (R) and all axiom rules (Axj) with j ∈ J. This can equally be achieved by the hyperresolution rule [3]. 2. Comparing entailment relations systematically Let entailment relations ⊢ and ⊢′on a set S be generated as follows: 1. ⊢ by the axioms (Cj⊢ Dj)j∈Jwhere Dj= {dj1, . . . , djm}; j 2. ⊢′by the axioms (Ck′⊢′D′k)k∈Kwhere D′k= {d′k1, . . . , d′km′}. k Let B ∈ Fin(S); we say that ⊢ and ⊢′prove B simultaneously if A ⊢ B⇐⇒A ⊢′B for all A ∈ Fin(S). In particular, we say that ⊢ and ⊢′ 1. prove the same facts if they prove {c} simultaneously for all c ∈ S; 2. collapse simultaneously if they prove ∅ simultaneously. The names of these concepts are translations from dynamical algebra [4], where already a wealth of algebraic instances has been settled. Lemma 5.Let B ∈ Fin(S). If ⊢′satisfies the axiom rules for ⊢ relative to B, i.e. A, dj1⊢′B. . .A, djmj⊢′B (PjB) A, Cj⊢′B for all j ∈ J and A ∈ Fin(S), then A ⊢ B implies A ⊢′B. Theorem 6.Let B ∈ Fin(S). The entailment relations ⊢, ⊢′prove B simultaneously if and only if each of them satisfies the axiom rules for the other relative to B, that is, for all j ∈ J, k ∈ K, and A ∈ Fin(S) we have A, dj1⊢′B. . .A, djmj⊢′BA, d′k1⊢ B. . .A, d′k⊢ B (PjB)m′k A, Cj⊢′BA, Ck′⊢ B(Pk′B) Corollary 7.The entailment relations ⊢ and ⊢′prove the same facts if and only if for all j ∈ J, k ∈ K, A ∈ Fin(S) and c ∈ S we have A, dj1⊢′c. . .A, djmj⊢′cA, d′k⊢ c . . .A, d′k⊢ c (Pjc)1m′k(P′c) A, Cj⊢′cA, Ck′⊢ ck 3176Oberwolfach Report 53/2017 Corollary 8.The entailment relations ⊢ and ⊢′collapse simultaneously if and only if for all j ∈ J, k ∈ K and A ∈ Fin(S) we have A, dj1⊢′. . .A, djmj⊢′A, d′k1⊢ . . .A, d′k⊢ A, Cj⊢′(Pj∅)A, Ck′⊢m′k(Pk′∅) References
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