
The quotient/codimension problems. (English) Zbl 1427.46001

This article is concerned with the following two problems for classes of topological vector spaces:
The separable quotient problem: Given a class of topological vector spaces \(\mathfrak{C}\), does every space \(E\) in this class admit a separable quotient?
As a variant, the question of whether every space in \(\mathfrak{C}\) has a properly separable quotient is also considered. A properly separable space (in the sense of Robertson) is a space containing a proper dense \(\aleph_0\)-dimensional subspace.
The finite and countable codimension problem: Given a class \(\mathfrak{C}\) of topological vector spaces and a property \(P_0\), this problem asks whether for every space \(E\) in \(\mathfrak{C}\), having \(P_0\) passes on to all finite/countable codimensional subspaces.
As a variant, the same question is asked for closed or dense hyperplanes instead of finite or countably codimensional subspaces.
These two questions can be linked by considering as property \(P_0\) the property of having a separable quotient.
The famous separable quotient problem of Banach is the first problem in the case where \(\mathfrak{C}\) is the class of all Banach spaces.
The authors investigate these problems for a number of interesting classes of topological vector spaces, including the class of all locally convex spaces, the class of Fréchet spaces, the class of \((LF)\)-spaces and the classes of \(L_p(X)\), \(C_p(X)\) and of \(C_c(X)\) spaces. Answers to these problems for many of the considered classes are provided.
At the end of the article, the available answers for the classes under consideration are collected into a table. In addition, the cases where the question remains open are pointed out.


46A03 General theory of locally convex spaces
46A08 Barrelled spaces, bornological spaces
54C35 Function spaces in general topology
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