
Differentially private generative decomposed adversarial network for vertically partitioned data sharing. (English) Zbl 07834432

Summary: This paper considers the problem of differentially private vertically partitioned data sharing. In particular, with the assistance of a semi-honest curator, the involved parties (i.e., data owners) each holds records regarding different features of the same set of individuals collectively generate a shared dataset while satisfying differential privacy. Motivated by the superiority of the generative adversarial network (GAN) in data synthesizing, we present a differentially private generative decomposed adversarial network (DPGDAN) approach for vertically partitioned data sharing. In DPGDAN, the discriminator in the initial GAN is decomposed into several local discriminators and two relational discriminators, i.e., a real relational discriminator and a fake relational discriminator. Each party is assigned with a local discriminator while the curator holds the generator and the two relational discriminators. By combining the sanitized feedback from the local discriminators and the outputs of the relational discriminators, the curator can update the generator to approximate the distribution of the integrated dataset without compromising each party’s privacy. Moreover, to promote the shared data’s utility, we design a snapshot aggregation method by aggregating the synthetic records produced by the generators acquired during training. Furthermore, we show that DPGDAN satisfies \((\epsilon, \delta)\)- differential privacy. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of DPGDAN.


68-XX Computer science
91-XX Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences
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