
A homogeneous relaxation low Mach number model. (English) Zbl 1490.35312

Summary: In the present paper, we investigate a new homogeneous relaxation model describing the behaviour of a two-phase fluid flow in a low Mach number regime, which can be obtained as a low Mach number approximation of the well-known HRM. For this specific model, we derive an equation of state to describe the thermodynamics of the two-phase fluid. We prove some theoretical properties satisfied by the solutions of the model, and provide a well-balanced scheme. To go further, we investigate the instantaneous relaxation regime, and prove the formal convergence of this model towards the low Mach number approximation of the well-known HEM. An asymptotic-preserving scheme is introduced to allow numerical simulations of the coupling between spatial regions with different relaxation characteristic times.


35Q35 PDEs in connection with fluid mechanics
35Q79 PDEs in connection with classical thermodynamics and heat transfer
76T10 Liquid-gas two-phase flows, bubbly flows
76N10 Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for compressible fluids and gas dynamics
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
35B50 Maximum principles in context of PDEs
35B09 Positive solutions to PDEs
65M25 Numerical aspects of the method of characteristics for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
49M41 PDE constrained optimization (numerical aspects)




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