
Chaos enhancement in large-spin chains. (English) Zbl 07903670

Summary: We study the chaotic properties of a large-spin XXZ chain with onsite disorder and a small number of excitations above the fully polarized state. We show that while the classical limit, which is reached for large spins, is chaotic, enlarging the spin suppresses quantum chaos features. We examine ways to facilitate chaos by introducing additional terms to the Hamiltonian. Interestingly, perturbations that are diagonal in the basis of product states in the \(z\)-direction do not lead to significant enhancement of chaos, while off-diagonal perturbations restore chaoticity for large spins, so that only three excitations are required to achieve strong level repulsion and ergodic eigenstates.


81Qxx General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory
81Vxx Applications of quantum theory to specific physical systems
37Nxx Applications of dynamical systems


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