
Image warp preserving content intensity. (English) Zbl 1499.68376

Summary: An accurate method for warping images is presented. Different from most commonly used techniques, this method guarantees the conservation of the intensity of the transformed image, evaluated as the sum of its pixel values over the whole image or over corresponding transformed subregions of it. Such property is mandatory for quantitative analysis, as, for instance, when deformed images are used to assess radiances, to measure optical fluxes from light sources, or to characterize material optical densities. The proposed method enforces area resampling by decomposing each rectangular pixel into two triangles, and projecting the pixel intensity onto half pixels of the transformed image, with weights proportional to the area of overlap of the triangular half-pixels. The result is quantitatively exact, as long as the original pixel value is assumed to represent a constant image density within the pixel area, and as long as the coordinate transformation is diffeomorphic. Implementation details and possible variations of the method are discussed.


68U10 Computing methodologies for image processing
54H30 Applications of general topology to computer science (e.g., digital topology, image processing)
94A08 Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.) in information and communication theory


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