
Solving inverse problems in stochastic models using deep neural networks and adversarial training. (English) Zbl 1506.65017

Summary: Inverse problems associated with stochastic models constitute a significant portion of scientific and engineering applications. In such cases the unknown quantities are distributions. The applicability of traditional methods is limited because of their demanding assumptions or prohibitive computational consumption; for example, maximum likelihood methods require closed-form density functions, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo needs a large number of simulations. We propose a new method that estimates the unknown distribution by matching the statistical properties between observed and simulated random processes. We leverage the expressive power of neural networks to approximate the unknown distribution and use a discriminative neural network for computing the statistical discrepancies between the observed and simulated random processes. We demonstrated numerically that the proposed methods can estimate both the model parameters and learn complicated unknown distributions.


65C20 Probabilistic models, generic numerical methods in probability and statistics
62M45 Neural nets and related approaches to inference from stochastic processes
68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
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