
An automaton group with PSPACE-complete word problem. (English) Zbl 07680323

Summary: We construct an automaton group with a PSPACE-complete word problem, proving a conjecture due to Steinberg. Additionally, the constructed group has a provably more difficult, namely EXPSPACE-complete, compressed word problem and acts over a binary alphabet. Thus, it is optimal in terms of the alphabet size. Our construction directly simulates the computation of a Turing machine in an automaton group and, therefore, seems to be quite versatile. It combines two ideas: the first one is a construction used by D’Angeli, Rodaro and the first author to obtain an inverse automaton semigroup with a PSPACE-complete word problem and the second one is to utilize a construction used by Barrington to simulate Boolean circuits of bounded degree and logarithmic depth in the group of even permutations over five elements.


68Qxx Theory of computing
20Fxx Special aspects of infinite or finite groups
20Exx Structure and classification of infinite or finite groups


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