Dr Sheela Godbole

Senior scientist and Head of Epidemiology, Indian Council of Medical Research – National AIDS Research Institute ( ICMR-NARI), India


Dr. Sheela Godbole, is a senior scientist and Head of Epidemiology, at the Indian Council of Medical Research – National AIDS Research Institute ( ICMR-NARI), Pune. She obtained her MD in Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Infections from the B.J. Medical College, University of Pune, India in 1992. A clinical-epidemiologist, she brings to this position, her vast experience in working with marginalized populations, HIV Prevention and Treatment Trials, Surveillance, Sexually Transmitted Infections and AMR to N. gonorrhoeae, HIV and HPV, HIV and Cancer, impact evaluation and COVID treatment and vaccine trials; all in a leadership role.

She works closely with India’s National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and has served as an expert in many Technical Resource groups and Working groups established by NACO, Government of India in HIV and STI’s. She recently led the first ‘impact evaluation’ of India’s free antiretroviral treatment program. She was a National Mentor for Regional STI Centres established by NACO and participated in developing guidelines for the elimination of Congenital Syphilis in India. She is currently involved in developing the technical framework and guidelines for ‘Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) with NACO and PI for a national survey on STI’s among key populations.