1Save Wildlife

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a herd of deer standing on top of a lush green field next to mountains in the distance
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Is it possible to raise wild animals like deer, bison, ostrich and alligator on farms in large numbers in a way that is humane and allows the animals to have limited impact on the surrounding environment? We look into wild game farms and their sustainability.
a man holding a small white animal in his hands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees' work on refuges is important -- and cool. https://t.co/jnuKIS4bb8 https://t.co/XW54vbjozo
a cartoon character with a speech bubble saying be very, very gwivet we're stealing your public lands
ACT NOW! Tell Congress you oppose any version of a "Sportsmen's" Bill that weakens the #Wilderness Act: https://t.co/niBJI38koY #OurWild #p2 https://t.co/BlNjdlQmfY
a mountain range with trees and grass in the foreground
U.S. House made it easier to kill baby #bears & #wolves on National #Wildlife Refuges. Now fight moves to Senate: https://t.co/ZsHJO0QshD https://t.co/QWWzPA4szO
two gray wolf puppies sitting on the ground
U.S. House made it easier to kill baby #bears & #wolves on National #Wildlife Refuges. Now fight moves to Senate: https://t.co/ZsHJO0QshD https://t.co/QWWzPA4szO
trees are in the middle of a body of water surrounded by swampy banks and green foliage
Don't drain this swamp! Healthy #wetlands provide #cleanwater, excellent habitat for fish & #wildlife and even help fight #climatechange. https://t.co/GZra857VYp
a man standing on top of a mountain with his arms wide open
TAKE ACTION! Congress has never stripped a designated #Wilderness of protections to build a road: https://t.co/KvObcE5o3t #KeepItWild https://t.co/YGcK8pd7R7
a lake surrounded by wildflowers with a mountain in the background
TAKE ACTION! Congress has never stripped a designated #Wilderness of protections to build a road: https://t.co/KvObcE5o3t #KeepItWild https://t.co/YGcK8pd7R7
an old man sitting on the side of a mountain
Mardy Murie was a fierce protector of #wildlife & #Wilderness. Her legacy is second to none: https://t.co/wCrEzG9CLA #WomensHistoryMonth https://t.co/eg32eQFWyN
a river running through a forest filled with lots of rocks
#WaterIsLife! ACT NOW to protect #cleanwater flowing from our #publiclands and Wilderness areas: https://t.co/niBJI38koY @foodandwater #p2 https://t.co/TtOi07tDv8
the mountains are covered in snow and have pine trees on them as they stand near a river
America is blessed with a 110 million acre #Wilderness Preservation System. Act now to #KeepItWild & #KeepItPublic: https://t.co/niBJI2QJxq https://t.co/YkVed4TnNz
a river surrounded by lush green trees and water
Happy #StPatricksDay! Learn more about the #Irish #Wilderness in #Missouri: https://t.co/AL4gn5j3A7 #KeepItWild #KeepItPublic #OurWild https://t.co/UfdK65ZkSq