On My Third Anniversary at Smart

On My Third Anniversary at Smart

Today is my 3rd anniversary at Smart AdServer.

In a marriage, the traditional third-year anniversary gift is leather. This symbolizes the marriage reaching a stage of both durability and flexibility. Don’t worry Smart HR team, I don’t expect a nice leather attache to appear at my home any time soon (but you do have my address in case you feel inspired).

While my relationship with Smart is not a marriage, this notion of durability and flexibility in reaching year three does seem to apply. It also applies to our company, its people, and its culture.

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Our company is indeed durable and my connection to Smart is too. We’ve maintained growth and profitability in an incredibly dynamic market. We’ve supported fantastic clients and contributed to supporting quality publishing and journalism. I’ve worked with inspiring teams (extra special shout out to the Marketing Team). I’ve made good friends around the world and learned a lot over great meals and fascinating conversations (in full disclosure, wine and beer may have played a role). We’ve met daunting challenges and kept pushing forward. The Smart team has accomplished many great things together.

Yes, we are durable.

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Yes, we’re pretty damn flexible because that’s the only way to succeed in a market that is constantly changing - even in the best of times. That flexibility has served us well, especially in the current crisis. We work together, we push and pull each other, and we get things done. And often we accomplish great things we never expected. I’m privileged to have peers that trust me and provide the flexibility to take risks and try new things. My team members are also truly flexible and trusting when they let me navigate us into another excursion into the unknown. And they are flexible when they take over and deliver on an impossible deadline and respect a tight budget.

Yes, we are flexible.

So what’s next?

Smart continues to get stronger and continues to flex to the needs of our market, our clients, and our employees. For me, Smart continues to provide the durable, flexible, and inspiring environment I love. It’s been three years and I still look forward to work every day.

Happy third anniversary to us!

Mazel Tov - nice cat pics - what camera are you using?

Michael Nevins

CMO | Marketing & Communications expert who builds innovative brands to drive strategic outcomes


Just in case any of you want to see more of the cat: https://m.facebook.com/Quicksilverthecat/

Małgorzata Kmieciak

Managing Director ︳Business & Strategy Development ︳Marketplace Director ︳Adtech Expert


It’s an honour and pleasure to work with you! Happy anniversairy Michael!

Yorick Reyes

Technical Solutions Consultant, Team Lead - Americas at Meta


Happy smartversary!

Eric Shih

Chief Operating Officer at Cedara | Board Member, Advisor & Investor


Happy Anniversary! Russian Blue?

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