From the course: UX Foundations: Style Guides and Design Systems

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Justifying the need

Justifying the need

- Building a design system is a much bigger undertaking than making a style guide, both in the amount of work to create it and the effort it takes for everyone in the organization to adopt it. The first thing to work out is whether there really are advantages to proceeding. Creating change means disruption. If things are working at the moment, is it worth the effort involved to make such a big change? Normally, the answer is yes, because interfaces could be more consistent, development time could be faster, and there are probably gaps in your current processes. The process of creating a design system will uncover all these issues, and you'll need to be ready to help the organization see these issues and then work together to come up with a solution. Because you won't be personally rebuilding every interface in the organization to meet the new design system standards, you need to convince everyone else in the company…
