From the course: UX Design: 3 Creating Personas

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Create a persona

Create a persona

- [Instructor] The process of making personas is quite simple. It's best done as a team, because then every team member feels like they've contributed and so they can buy into the final personas. First, consider the users you observed during site visits. What attributes did they share? What qualities differentiated some from others? You might have these attributes listed in your experience map, or you can get all team members who attended the visit to individually write down the attributes on sticky notes. Now, group the attributes by bringing all the sticky notes together. Once you have some sensible clusters, name each group using a role described by its attributes. You'll probably create between five and 10 roles this way before people run out of energy. Now, you have to make each role personal and believable, taking each cluster of sticky notes in turn. Turn the attribute descriptions into a believable persona. On a large size index card, give the persona a name and an age. It…
