From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Using your home page as a site summary

Using your home page as a site summary

From the course: User Experience for Web Design

Using your home page as a site summary

- Everything on your site rolls up to the homepage. It should say what the site's about, and give launching off points to find what's available. Even if visitors to your site most frequently start deeper within your content pages, because they come from a search result page or a link, they're likely to check out your homepage if they're interested in your site. Your homepage needs to clearly say what the site does. You should phrase this in terms of user need. In other words, how do you support a need that your visitors have? We've already said that it's important to explain what your site is about in a concise way, and use that for the site's tagline that appears on every page. All the content on your homepage should support this tagline statement. The homepage is the place to show off the freshest and most important content on the site. Don't waste space with a welcome message. Instead, make people feel welcome by giving them plenty of content to dive into. That content might be…
