From the course: Troika's ABC Brand Campaign: Start to Finish

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Post-production: Compositing elements together

Post-production: Compositing elements together

From the course: Troika's ABC Brand Campaign: Start to Finish

Post-production: Compositing elements together

Chris Gernon: So at the end of the shoot, we would get the dailies and the dailies were digitized and everything was on green screen. So it was really just a matter of piecing all the different elements together basically and Earl would give me still frames of the storyboards. So we'd take different pieces that he would draw and we would composite them into a rough edit basically, and we had a rough timing pretty much before we even started compositing any of the stuff. We knew exactly kind of how everything was going to go, and whether the technique of the pullback was working properly for us, and we really wanted to test out whether the technique was going to work, how the composites were going to look, what we really needed to accomplish, and what the order was of all the shows. So we needed to lock down a lot of things with the edit, and that's really what we accomplished. And there wasn't much of a toil. It's mostly just technical; managing of elements and trying to figure out…
