From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Final Challenge: A creative arrangement

Final Challenge: A creative arrangement

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Congratulations on making it to the final stretch of our essential training beyond the basics class. From this point forward, we're going to begin what I would consider to be your final challenge. You're going to find a piece of standard repertoire in Sibelius's worksheet creator. And using many of Sibelius's transformation tools and creative composing plug ins, along with new material that we're going to take from Sibelius's ideas panel, as well as ideas from your own musical mind, you'll transform the piece of music into something new. The result is to be determined for everyone, it isn't as much the musical result that matters during this training course as it is the process you'll take getting to the end of this project and the things that you'll learn along the way. You're going to be experimenting with a lot of features in the program very quickly. It will be fun, but because you're still…
