From the course: SEO Foundations

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Using Google Search Console for SEO

Using Google Search Console for SEO - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

Using Google Search Console for SEO

- Most major search engines offer a set of webmaster tools that can help you learn what information search engines have about your website, see how your pages are performing in search results, and allow you to provide them with instructions around how to best crawl and index your pages. Let's take a look at how to use the very basics of Google's Search Console, as an example. We won't hit all the features and reports that are available, but we will hit the highlights, and you should definitely spend some time exploring more on your own. Once you're logged in, the first step is to add your website as a property. In this case, we'll use And because we don't have sub domains or multiple protocols, we'll add it by URL prefix. When you first sign up, Google will need to verify that you actually do own this domain, and that you're authorized to see some critical details of this website. So there are…
