From the course: React Native Essential Training

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Introduction and preview

Introduction and preview

- [Narrator] Over the next few chapters, we're going to build the bake sale app. It's a very simple app that lists what we're going to call deals. Every deal has an image, a title, and a price. We can click on a deal to get more information about this deal. We can swipe left and right here to navigate the images. We can click on this button to go to the deal page on The app also support searching for deals. So let me quickly show you the APIs that we're going to be working with. So they're all hosted a We have /deals. This is list of all the deals in the system. We have /deals slash the ID of the deal. This will give us details about a single deal. We have /deals with a search term, and this will perform the server side search and return the list of deals that match the search term.
