From the course: React Native Essential Training

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Hello React Native with Expo

Hello React Native with Expo

- [Instructor] We are ready to create our first React Native app. And I'll show you how to do that using the ExpoPlatform, which will allow you to follow this course on any operating system including Windows, if that's what you're using. You can actually build simple React Native apps right in your browser using the Expo Snack tool, which gives you an in-browser editor, complete with a file tree and syntax highlighting. And the tool is integrated with other Expo tools like the iOS and Android preview. So, here is how this example is going to look on iOS. Tap to play. And you get the preview right here. This iOS preview is the code that's here. You can test things out by changing the text here, for example, "Hello, Expo Snack." And there you go. You change something, the preview will auto-refresh. And you can even install JavaScript modules from NPM and use them here as well. Also, you can develop your React Native…
