From the course: Motion Graphics for Social Media

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Import a logo

Import a logo

- [Instructor] To get started, we'll focus on the part of the logo that we have the most information about. And that's the icon that we have here. So let's begin by importing the icon into After Effects. I'm going to just double-click in the project panel here. And this brings up the import dialogue so we can then choose our Illustrator file. And we want to say import as composition retain layer sizes. And we can just turn off this create composition button. We'll choose open. And so what we have here now is we have a composition. And we have the icon and some other layers in here. So we can look at those individually just by double-clicking on them and they'll open up in the little footage window that we have here or we could just double-click on the composition and just see what we've got. Now, there's a few things I need to set up in this particular composition here. And so I'm going to press command or control-K. And that…
