From the course: Motion Graphics for Social Media

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Apply transitions

Apply transitions

- [Instructor] Having created several transitions let's just recap how we apply them. So if we play through, let's see what we need to do first. So we're transitioning from machine learning to sustainable partnerships and then into cloud computing. So we're going to use the complex wipe to wipe into the sustainable partnerships section. Let's find that from our transitions. We'll come into the transitions folder and we can apply one of these that we have. Let's just add the mix one on. And I'm going to drag it on top of the sustainable partnerships layer and then just line it up with the layer below. I'm going to select the sustainable partnerships layer. And where it says track matte, we're going to choose Luma matte. And now when we play through, we can see now that is transitioning in. Now, if we wanted to we could swap this for anything else with the complex TD-2U composition selected in the project panel and our…
